His Butler, Tending & His Maid, Well Earned Rest

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Aurora woke to the smell of hot porridge on her bedside table. She hummed weakly and sat up. A pale, shaky hand reached onto the bedside to take the carefully prepared tray, and lifting it felt like a chore on it's own. A bowl of hot soup, some bread, a risotto, some beef, and a small slice of cake sat on her tray. 

Sebastian had given her a variety, options to choose from as usual. She hadn't spoken directly to the demon since she'd asked for space. Not that she wasn't grateful for his listening to her wishes, but she was beginning to miss him. 

Granted the mere idea of him made her think of those poor children. 

Less upset that he had turned her into a being of sin- the action was completely accidental, he hadn't known what would happen- and more so that he'd let at least a hundred children burn to death was what hurt her the most. 

She supposed there was something holy in her after all.

A small card sat on the tray, wishing her well, messily signed by the servants- even the young lord's signature. But her heart sunk when she failed to see the fine calligraphy she'd loved to see scrawled onto the papers in their shared office.

His penmanship had always been elegant, and hers had been a pale imitation at best- the imperfections in her own writing were visible to the immortal eye, a line too short, or a crooked letter. His was always so... 


She tried to shake the demon from her mind, trying to let him be accountable for such actions. He had committed a mass genocide. He'd killed children. She didn't care if Ciel thought there was no hope for them- she believed other wise. 

Even the Earl himself had a fair chance at returning to the lord- had he not summoned a demon. And even if she could break the contract between them- something she wasn't sure she could even do as a half-breed angel, she wasn't cruel enough to disrespect a demon whom she had grown up with.

And  a Demon Prince at that... She reminded herself. She sighed, sitting back against the pillows in her small bed. She'd much prefer her bed in the Silver City, or maybe even to curl up on a comfy cloud in the sun...

But that couldn't happen anymore.

Her wings had probably disintegrated in that fire, the moment she became a creature of hell. She wasn't even willing to try and unfurl them, to save herself from the pain of it all. Her options now were limited. Either become the demon's mate, or flee to hell. She could stay in the Earl's employ, but she wasn't built to be a servant. 

Far too often when she'd done the chores, her hands would cramp and she'd find herself with sore hands every night. Sebastian used to come in then and give the best hand massages...

Don't think about him, she scolded herself. He did this to me. Because of him, I'm a monster.

Tears filled her eyes at the thought. Monster. Am I really a monster now?

She felt sick. Grabbing the bucket at the bedside, she hurled the food she had just eaten into it. The door pushed open when she pulled from the bucket, heaving as Mey-Rin rushed over. "Aurora!" She chirped, "You're awake, you are!"

The blonde coughed, wiping her mouth. "Mey..." She rasped, "Where is Sebastian?" Mey-Rin babbled, "Mister Sebastian and the young master went to bring Lady Elizabeth back home. They left some time ago. But they might stay over for dinner."

Aurora nodded, "That's good..." She coughed. "Mey-Rin? I need you... to help me get dressed. I need to go somewhere." Mey-Rin frowned, "In your state?" The blonde shot her a pleading look, "It's important. And I don't want that damned d-butler trying to stop me."

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