His Butler & Maid, In the Fray & In Vain

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Sebastian did not sleep that night. Aurora didn't let him know, but she hadn't slept either. They had both merely laid awake, curled in each other embrace waiting for the dawn. Aurora was terrified what the day would bring, and Sebastian was worried he was going to lose his angel. He'd had the nightmare of Aurora being killed by Gabriel far too often, and he didn't want to risk losing her. Around five, Aurora rolled over to face him, "Malphas." His gaze locked on hers. "Yes?" Aurora looked at him with wide curious eyes. "What would you do if I died?" He held his breath for a moment. "Why ever would you think of such a thing?" He murmured softly. Aurora curled closer, "I just- I don't know what's going to happen today, but whatever it is it's bad. That much I know." Sebastian pulled her onto his chest and held her as close as he could. "If you died," he began, "I would lose all sense of rationality. I would become a mad demon, I would go insane without you." Aurora clung tightly to him. Sebastian kissed the top of her head. "Rest my angel," he whispered. "Your going to need your strength for today."

The day itself was uneventful, it was the night at the party that changed things. 

It began with Lady Elizabeth giving Aurora a pretty blue dress that had been a little too long for her.

Lizzie had stated that Sebastian would simply adore her in it, making the angel (and Paula who was helping) blush

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Lizzie had stated that Sebastian would simply adore her in it, making the angel (and Paula who was helping) blush. Now Aurora was walking into the first class party, her eyes searching around for Ciel and Sebastian. She bit her lip when she didn't see them. Had the Society already begun it's meeting?  Aurora saw the frown on Lizzie's face when the girl didn't see her fiancé. Aurora jumped when she felt an arm curl around her waist, "I do apologize for being late, my lady." Aurora relaxed when she recognized the voice that went with the arm. "Sebastian, where is Ciel?" Aurora asked turning to smile sweetly at him. The butler nodded towards a dessert table where Lizzie had dragged the young lord and was giddily feeding him sweets. Aurora smirked at the sight of Sebastian's face, grimacing as he watched his young master indulge in the sweets eagerly. "Come now Sebastian," Aurora teased, "Let him have his fun. We are meant to be on holiday, are we not?" Sebastian frowned, "Aurora you know how dangerous things are right now, not only do we have this Society to deal with, but we have Gabriel potentially after you." Aurora hummed, "Yes, but why don't we forget about that for now? Wouldn't you just like to dance with me instead? Like Schon Brohn?" The demon smirked, "I'd like nothing more, my angel. but we are working." Aurora had a pout on her face, "Please Sebastian? Just one dance?" Sebastian's eyes widened at the pleading look on her face. Those pretty silver blue eyes... Long lashes... pretty pink lips....  Aurora could easily see the demon trying to fight his desires, but in the end he was blushing like a thirteen year old with a crush. "Very well. One dance." He said, taking her hand and pulling the angel onto the dancefloor. Aurora gave him a happy giggle and quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. Sebastian lead them into a Viennese waltz, much like the one they'd done the other night, only now he was much less focused on his dance partner and more on his young master. He suddenly pulled them off the dancefloor and they met the young master at the base of the stairs to follow after a man who had gone up with an empty glass, a sign the meeting was about to begin. 

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