Accused Angel, Defending Demon

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Wrists shackled in chains, Aurora stood near Sebastian and Lucian, her feathered wings quivering with fear. Sebastian reached out, hand gently massaging a feathered wing, "It's alright," he soothed, "I will be with you the entire time."

Lucian sighed, the diary in his hand. "We can only hope this diary allows us an easy victory." He glanced back at the couple, "If you've anything to say to each other, say it now. I cannot guarantee things will be alright."

He walked down the hall, his footsteps echoing with a feeling of foreboding.

Aurora swallowed. "This is it then?" She whispered, "I may not have much time left." Sebastian held her hand, "You're going to be fine. Trust me."

She leaned into him. "Malphas. I don't want to die."

He frowned, "You won't. If anything happens, I will step in."

Her eyes welled with tears as she whispered quietly. "I love you. I want you to know that. Whatever they do, whatever happens." He hummed, leaning towards her, his breath hot against her face. "And I you." 

He placed a chaste kiss to her lips before Lucian called back. "Princess!"

Sebastian cradled her hands in his, eyes on the metal bracelets that bound her wrists together with a chain link. His fingers ran over the metal, and he murmured, "I promise. You'll be fine." 

Aurora nodded, "Right..." She leaned into him, face snuggled into his shoulder, "You'll be here when it's over?" 

Sebastian smiled, arms wrapped around her in a gentle embrace. "Of course, nothing could keep me."

A gavel smacking against it's base made Aurora's blood run cold. She stood before the court, feeling so small compared to the world around her. Gabriel sat on a throne above the court, glaring down at his niece. Near the jury, Ciel sat beside Amara, joined shortly by Sebastian, the demon watching the angel in the center of the court.

In the angel's defense, she had only Lucian. Lucian stepped forward, "As this trial against the princess begins, I have one final piece of evidence for the court, and I implore the judges to read this." 

An angel in long golden robe flew over to him, taking the diary before flying back to the other judges. Her eyes widened as she skimmed through the diary. "Prime Minister Umbra, where did you say you found this?"

Lucian cleared his throat, "With the princess, we gained access to the Hellscape property at long last. This was hidden in the office."

The angel cleared her throat flying to the center of the court, "With the presented evidence, the court voids this trial of the Arch Michael Laverne's daughter, the Princess Angelica Laverne. However, we are not yet finished with the princess. There is still one remaining charge against her."

Lucia called out, "Does it say who killed my daughter's father?! I want to know who killed him!" 

The angel cleared her throat, "From the journal of the Arch, he states great concern that his reign will soon end. He claims here that the princess had a premonition of his death, a murder." She paused, "By the Arch Gabriel." Another angel called out, "That's not proof! That's a cherub's nightmare!" The judge glanced over, "It is hastily scribbled here that Gabriel was responsible for the murders of the other Archs. Eliminating them to claim the throne."

Gabriel stood, wings unfurled, "Tis a lie!" He roared, "My niece is a half breed! It is in her blood! She could not help the sin! She's bedded a demon! That enough says she is capable of cold blooded murder!"

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