His Butler & Maid, Fascinated

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"The world beyond?" Sieglinde murmured. Sebastian nodded, "Indeed." Aurora knelt before her, "Lady, there is much knowledge and experiences that you would be never be able to gain should you stay here in this village await you. What do you say?" Sieglinde stammered, "B- But! I'm the Emerald Witch... and the village rules state..." Ciel turned, his cloak blowing in the night's cool breeze. "I see. That's most unfortunate. I apologize for making an odd suggestion. Then, shut the window as you are and return to your bed. Come morning, we'll be gone, having been no more than a dream." Sebastian and Aurora made to follow the boy when Ciel glanced back, smiling at the younger girl. "Thank you.. friend. Goodbye." The three of them made to leave again and Sieglinde suddenly grabbed Aurora's skirt, stopping them. "There are still so many things I was to know!!" The three smirked. Aurora turned, "Then my lady, allow me to help you into more suitable clothing." Sebastian hummed, "Indeed. A debutante must be in full regalia as she takes her first step into the new world." Ciel held out his hand, "Your hand, my lady." Sieglinde took Ciel and Sebastian's outstretched hands. "We shall escort you into the world unknown."

The four of them descended the many flights of stone stairs. Sieglinde in Aurora's arms.  "Hey... where are we headed? Never mind 'outside' we're only going deeper and deeper 'inside' the Emerald Castle." Ciel was leading them deeper down the winding staircase, a lantern at hand, he glanced back to speak to Sieglinde. "The 'outside world' exists just past here."

He lead the way to where the Wolfman chamber was. Sieglinde gasped at the sight of removed bricks. "Surely you didn't go in th-" Sebastian hushed her, "Shhh. We will be discovered by the Wolfmen if you raise your voice like that." The little girl fell silent and curled a bit closer to Aurora who gently adjusted her hold on the child. The angel's eyes filled with worry as they entered the chamber itself and descended the stairs to the sigil on the floor.  Ciel's eyes widened a bit at the sight of the sigil. "So this is the magic circle... huh?" Sieglinde remained silent. Aurora looked over at Sebastian as he spoke, turning to glance over at the little witch cradled in his wife's arms. "Perfecting this was one of your 'Emerald Witch's duties' was it not?" Sieglinde gasped in shock, "Wha-?! How did you know that!?" Sebastian smiled, "A little snake told me." Sieglinde stared, fascinated. "You can converse with snakes, are you perhaps a warlock?" Sebastian chuckled darkly, "I am no warlock. I am simply--" Aurora cut him off, "One hell of a butler." Sebastian smirked at her. You are in possession of unbelievable talents that are beyond magical!" Sieglinde exclaimed with a happy cry, "Your superior genes- I WANT THEM!" Aurora snickered at that, "I'm afraid I couldn't allow you to turn my husband into a criminal, Lady Sullivan." Ciel groaned, "Enough of your idle talk! So these 'Emerald Witch's duties,' what are they?" Ciel inquired, "Do they have something to do with the reason you're not allowed to leave this place?" Sieglinde was quiet for a moment before she spoke, "I told you that the Wolfman possesses 'evil magical powers that brings harm to humans'- in other words, the 'miasma' in which it is cloaked, right?" She went on to explain the history of the Emerald Witch and spoke, "Generations of Emerald Witches pursued spells to create miasma as the Wolfmen demanded, and this is my offering to the Wolfmen. It is a spell that invokes ultimate magic! If this magic is invoked, a highly concentrated miasma, the likes of which has never before been seen in history, will be produced for all eternity. Humans who come into contact with even a negligible amount of this miasma will immediately perish." Sebastian shared a look with Ciel and Aurora, Sieglinde continued, "The miasma to which you were both exposed to in the forest is all that remains of an ancient spell." Aurora nodded and handed the girl to Sebastian, "I see. So this is the history you have been taught." Sieglinde looked at the blonde confused, watching as Aurora stepped forward to the dial in the center of the circle, "What do you mean?" Sieglinde's eyes widened as the woman began to push the dial, "Don't!" She cried, "If someone other than the Emerald Witch touches that altar-" She gasped as Aurora pushed the altar dial aside to reveal a lever. The angelic maid smirked, "What will happen, Lady?" Sieglinde spoke slowly, "A calamity will... oh..." she trailed off and Aurora gave the lever a tug, frowning as she found it difficult to pull. "Sebastian," she looked over, "A little help if you will?"  Sebastian nodded and set Sieglinde down beside Ciel before moving over to help his wife. He walked over and wrapped his hand over hers and gave a firm tug. Clank. It moved easily and Aurora hissed as her skirt got caught in the gears, causing it to tear. "Dammit, Sebastian! This was new!" Sebastian chuckled and pulled his arm around her waist and leaned in to plant a kiss upon her lips. "I'll buy you a new one darling. Promise." Ciel made a face as they had their hands all over each other. Sieglinde watched intrigued and he huffed, "We can do without the romance thank you!" A hidden doorway opened to reveal an elevator. "Wha-!?" Sieglinde gasped. "What is this?!" Sebastian looked over, Aurora still in his embrace. "Now, Lady Sullivan. The true 'outside world' lies just beyond this door." Aurora looked over, "You may still turn back if you wish." Sieglinde huffed and put in a brave face, No. We go on!" Ciel supported Sieglinde while the butler and maid behind him began murmuring to each other and falling behind. Aurora smiled sweetly at her husband. He smirked back, leaning close to her ear, "Peut-être pourrions-nous nous échapper un instant, ma chèri?" Aurora hummed and paused in her steps, wrapping her arms around his neck, "Sebastian, mon amour, ce n'est clairement pas le-" he cut her off with a passionate kiss and pulled her off to the side, "Nous avons tout le temps du monde ma chérie. Maintenant, laissez-nous-" Ciel snapped, "Hey! Come on you two!" Aurora sighed and pulled away from Sebastian, "Coming Ciel." She kissed the demon butler on the nose before turning to follow their son. "Come along, Sebastian. Our child awaits us." 

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