Demon & Angel, Mated

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It was hours later, Angelica rolled over in the bed, bedsheets draped over her waist as she turned to watch Malphas stand and began to pick up their clothes. "Malphas?" She murmured, silver blue eyes fluttering open sleepily, "What are you doing?" Her mate turned with a smirk, "Getting our clothes. We are expected to return to the party, we've already exceeded the amount of time, I just hope no one has noticed our absence." Angelica hummed and rolled back over, "Do we have to?" Malphas chuckled, "Yes, my darling, we have to." Angelica yawned and stretched sitting up as she did. "How much longer must we socialize? I'd much rather spend some time in bed with you." Malphas smirked, "Oh we'll have plenty of time for that my dearest angel, besides, you do need to learn who everyone is, you are the Lady of Desideriis now, when we are here in Hell you'll have to arrange things, soiree's, dinners, galas, and if I'm absent you'll be ruling of the Second Circle." Angelica sighed, "But you won't leave me alone for too long, will you Malphas?" Her mate smirked and walked over, taking her chin between his thumb and index finger, "My darling. I will do my absolute best to ensure I am not far from you for very long." Angelica smiled, batting her silver blue eyes at him, "Promise?" He chuckled and pressed his lips to hers gently. "I promise, love. Now lets get dressed, we're expected down stairs." 

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When they rejoined the party, arm in arm, they were greeted by the sight Ciel speaking to several high class demons

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When they rejoined the party, arm in arm, they were greeted by the sight Ciel speaking to several high class demons. Malphas's eyes widened a bit in surprise, and Stolas chuckled walking over to them, "He's taken to chatting with the other nobility. He's quite entertaining. You've done well raising him, he's got the aspects of both demon and angel." Malphas chuckled, "I hope no ones tried to steal his soul?" Stolas shook his head, "Not a demon's come close. Lady Lust Lucia has been his loyal guard this evening." He smirked spotting the red teeth marks on his brother's neck. "I see you finalized the mating bond? And considering how long it took it went well?" Malphas nodded and pulled Angelica close to his side, "Indeed it did. Apologies for our tardiness, Stolas. We were enjoying ourselves too much." Stolas laughed, "Ah, I can tell. Come, let us join the party." Malphas glanced over at his beloved mate and smirked, "Ready, my angel?" Angelica nodded, "Ready, my beloved demon."

The party went on, the couple rejoined with Ciel, who after discovering from another demon (Stolas), did his best to remain distant from them. It was early morning when Ciel grew tired, and Malphas had him taken to his bed chambers (which had been thoroughly cleaned after he and Angelica left it). Once the young earl was gone, the party picked up a bit, the demons all crowded around the newly mated couple, asking countless questions.

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