His Butler & Maid, A Thief & Soloing

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Aurora was in the kitchen one morning, humming as she mixed batter for crepes. She squeaked suddenly when she felt arms wrap around her waist. "Relax, angel. It's just me." Sebastian kissed her cheek before stepping away. Aurora sighed, setting the bowl of batter down. "Are you trying to scare me?!" Sebastian chuckled, "Darling, I would never." Aurora narrowed her eyes. "Are you certain? I seem to remember you had a knack for causing me such grief when we were younger." Sebastian chuckled, "My beloved angel, why would I ever want to-" She cut him off, "Because you find it funny. I know you. You love your pranks almost as much as your charm." Sebastian chuckled again, "True, true." He leaned over, trapping his wife by the counter, his arms on either side of her. "But I love you much more, my angel." He leaned in to capture her lips with his own, their mouths remaining locked for a good few minutes until Bardroy walked in with Mey-Rin. Both of them sweat dropped and slowly backed away. Sebastian pulled away from his wife for a brief moment, "Did you two need something? Bard? Mey-Rin?" The two other servants yelped in surprise. "Uh the young master was wonderin' where his breakfast was and asked us to come check on things." Bardroy rambled. Sebastian hummed in disappointment, looking back at his mate. "My apologies, darling, it appears we'll have to cut this short." Aurora pecked him on the lips. "We can always continue later." Sebastian smirked, pulling away, "I'll be waiting." Aurora blushed as he left the three of them in the kitchen, Bard and Mey-Rin stared at her in shock and disbelief. 

"I've never seen Mister Sebastian like that! I haven't!" Mey Rin exclaimed. Bard shrugged, "Neither 'ave I." Aurora looked confused, "You mean he's never been with anyone like that?" They both shook their heads. "Before you came he was always cold and kinda cruelish. Wasn't the nicest guy." Bardroy said. Mey-Rin nodded, "But after you got here he seemed a bit happier." Aurora smiled and poured the crepe batter into a pan. "Yes, I suppose he has." She caught a glimpse of her beloved demon in the doorway, and handed the cooking off to Mey-Rin. "Finish this would you? I just remembered Ciel needed me in the study." Mey-Rin nodded and Aurora walked quickly out of the room and into the arms of her mate, going to kiss him when he put a finger up, "We have a case. It appears Lady Elizabeth has run away from home."

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