His Butler & Maid, Listening Quietly

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A few days had passed, the Funtom Music Hall was complete, Aurora leaned against a crate backstage with a huff of exhaustion. It had truly been much work, for both her and Sebastian. And on top of that- her being the 'example' for Edward's lessons had not been helpful. While she had indeed enjoyed- thoroughly enjoyed- the aftermath of those lessons, she was not too keen on the idea of her mate sharing demonic seduction tactics with a human boy. Even if that boy was Edward Midford. The Phantom Five- as the boys had now been dubbed, were at the Sphere Music Hall to upstage the Starlight Four. "Is something the matter, my dear?" Aurora turned to see Sebastian walking over, in his usual butler attire. Aurora yawned, "No. Nothing's the matter, just a little tired." Sebastian raised an eyebrow in question. "Tired? Darling, your an angel- you sleep every night even though it isn't needed. How can you be tired?" Aurora hummed, "I think I might've gotten something when the Raphael thing happened last week. Maybe he had some sort of malaise?" Sebastian frowned, "A malaise?" He repeated, "You are ill?" Aurora sighed, "I'm not sure. I feel fine." Sebastian's eyes widened and his eyes flickered down to her abdomen. "Darling, do you suppose-" Aurora cut him off, "If I was pregnant it would be different." Sebastian looked up, meeting her silver blue gaze with his crimson. "Different how?" He demanded. Aurora sighed, "If I were pregnant, I would be a lot more hyper. My wings would have a glow to them, and I would have some of the human symptoms. Bloated, morning sickness, stuff like that. But I'm not having either of those." She chuckled, "Besides- considering the Raphael situation, it would only cause many more problems." Sebastian frowned. "I was under the impression you wanted children?" Aurora nodded, "I do. But I don't want to spend the entire time having to worry about Raphael or some other immortal divine being wanting to kill one of us, and possibly our child. Sebastian, Malphas- our child will be the first of it's kind.  It's a big deal." 

Sebastian sighed, "I suppose you do make an excellent point..." Aurora looked a little confused, "Are you... wanting children?" She asked slowly. Sebastian glanced away, his face reddened a bit in embarrassment. "Perhaps." Aurora grinned, "Malphas..." She stood and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek. "I am more than happy to have children, but only if we can ensure their safety." His hands came to rest upon her waist. "I know. I know. It's a demon thing, Angelica." Aurora looked confused, "Wanting to have children?" Sebastian shook his head, "The desire of lust. All demons have a period of time in which it's a... mating season of sorts." Aurora smiled slyly, "Let me guess, it's yours?" Sebastian said nothing, his face reddening a bit, drawing a laugh from his mate.  Aurora moved to wrap her arms around his neck and pressed a long passionate kiss to his lips. 

He released a small growl like moan of pleasure, his arm around her waist gently tugging her close, her body now pressed firmly against his own. Their lips locked in a passionate kiss and the demon pushed his angel gently to a wall, his hands running all over her body. The Phantom Five and Ciel entered then, all laughing and preparing to start the show, when they all stopped upon noticing the couple in the corner of the room. All their eyes widened in shock. Edward leaned over to Ciel, "Tell me that he's not still demonstrating what he wants me to do." Ciel was blushing and then snapped, "Sebastian! Aurora! Can you do that elsewhere, please?!" Aurora's eyes widened in shock, having not noticed the boys and accidentally bit her mate's tongue. Sebastian made a weird hissing/yelping sound as he pulled away, a hand over his mouth and touching his tongue painfully. Aurora gasped, "I'm so sorry!" Ciel smirked at the sight and chuckled darkly, "Both of you come with me."

Aurora was standing beside Sebastian with a handkerchief, handing it to him as he put it to his tongue with a flinch. Ciel was grinning as he looked out over the Funtom Music Hall. This was the way, this is how he would get Lizzy back, this is how he would finally get to the bottom the Sphere Music Hall.

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