Demon & Angel, Bound For Eternity

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The feast went on, Ciel found himself stunned by every meal and even indulged in conversation with a few of the demons. Malphas and Angelica were side by side, happily chatting away with a few demons. Ciel was pulled close by Angelica and he stood between both angel and demon as they conversed. It wasn't long before Lucia joined them, a bright smile on her face. "Lord Malphas, the ceremony officiators have arrived." They turned and there was a hush over the room as two super natural beings entered. The Arch Angel Uriel entered first, and behind him was William T. Spears. Uriel walked over to Lucifer and smiled, "It has been some time, Samael. I have missed you." Lucifer smiled, "I have missed you as well, my brother. How is life in the Silver City?" Ciel was shocked to see them act so civilly to one another, but his attention was drawn to the reaper who sighed and walked over, "I am not thrilled by the current events, but the higher ups decided that a reaper should officiate the first demon-angel union in over a millennia." Angelica smiled, "I'm glad you could be here, William." The reaper pushed up his glasses, "Yes, it is an... honor." Malphas smirked, "Having trouble finding the words?" William glared, "No. Not at all. It is an honor to be invited to the Lord of Lusts parties. They are known to be legendary." Malphas chuckled darkly, "They are indeed. This shall be the most legendary of all, you should be honored you were on the guest list. It is quite difficult to find one's self on the guest list of my parties." William scoffed, "Either way, the preparations are made. The ceremony may begin whenever-" He suddenly noticed Ciel and stopped, "Why is your master here?" Malphas narrowed his eyes, "Angelica and I could not leave him alone. It is the same circumstances as the Silver City trial, you know that well. Now, are we ready to begin the ceremony or not?"  William sighed, "Yes. We are ready." Lucifer glanced over then, "Oh? We are ready? Very well then, I shall bring the party out to the ceremony room, you and the lady go to your preparation rooms." Angelica gently nudged Ciel over to her mother who took the boy's hand and smiled, "Come along little lord, we'll join the others."

The ceremony room was dark, lit by candles. Malphas was at the altar, dressed in his wedding attire from before, the only difference being his white waistcoat was a dark crimson color and a dark red rose sat in the boutonniere. 

William T

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William T. Spears stood at the altar, dressed in his usual formal suit, his hair slicked back and a bow tie replacing his usual tie. Uriel and Lucifer stood on either side of him, the King of Hell partially in his demon form, shockingly this did not shake Ciel at all. Uriel had his golden wings spread and wore a white gold colored suit as customary of angels. All eyes turned to the doors when they opened.

(Fashion hat as a tiara with a dark red diamond at the center)

(Fashion hat as a tiara with a dark red diamond at the center)

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