White Maid One Shot #10

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Summary; Ciel is sick. Aurora and Sebastian start having problems.

Set; Weston College Arc

Out Sick

Aurora was sitting atop a rooftop in her cat form, utterly bored. The sun was beating down upon her back and there was a soft breeze. Her white feline ears twitched as her enhanced angelic hearing picked up the sound of a cough. She stood and trotted down from the rooftop to the window of the Sapphire Owl dormitories. Ciel was sitting up in his bed, coughing relentlessly as Sebastian stood beside him with a frown. A couple of other students stood behind the butler turned house master. "I'm afraid Phantomhive has a bit of a chill." Sebastian said dejectedly, "I'll send for someone to tend to him while the rest of you go on to class."

 The others ran off and the moment they were gone, Aurora slipped in through the window and shifted back into her human form. She was by Ciel's bedside in seconds. "What is the matter Ciel?" She put a hand to the boy's forehead. Ciel moaned and leaned on her. Aurora frowned and looked up at Sebastian who wore a similar frown. "It appears the young master has fallen ill. I suspect it is from wandering about the halls late at night without a proper coat." Aurora sighed and shook her head, "Honestly Ciel, with your asthma you need to be incredibly careful! You could easily succumb to such sicknesses!" Sebastian put a hand to his chin in deep thought. "I cannot remain here to watch over him..." Aurora jumped up from where she sat with Ciel, bouncing on the balls of her feet.  "Oh! I can! Let me take care of Ciel!" Ciel raised an eyebrow, unsure if he was supposed to dread this or not. Sebastian frowned, "Darling-" Aurora cut him off, "Please, mon amour?! Please? I can do it!" Sebastian sighed, "You are supposed to remain out of sight, Angelica." Aurora sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, her lips ghosting over his earlobe. "If you let me take care of Ciel I can make a few promises for tonight, mon cher..." Her fingers brushed through his silky black hair in a seductive manner. Sebastian hummed a bit, nodding, "You are certain you can take care of the young master?" Aurora nodded and kissed him on the cheek. "But of course." She smirked, "Now go on, I will take care of Ciel, you focus on the case. Oui?"

 Sebastian sighed, "I suppose that could work..." He looked at Ciel, "My lord? You are alright with me leaving you in my mate's care?" Ciel nodded slowly, weakly. "Uh huh..." Sebastian frowned at the reaction and turned to his mate, "Do be sure to take good care of him, my angel." Aurora smirked, "But of course. You said yourself the bedside manner of an angel is impeccable." Sebastian smiled and pulled her close to kiss her. Aurora smiled into his kiss and held him tightly against her. When he pulled away, he granted her a sweet smirk. "Don't forget to meet me in my room later, my love." Aurora smiled, "I wouldn't miss our nights together for the world, Sebastian." He gave her another quick kiss and left. The angel sat down on the bed across from Ciel. "Now, let's see about fixing you up, hmm?" Ciel looked at her, unimpressed. Aurora sighed, "Come now, my lord, at least give me a smile." Ciel huffed, "There is nothing to smile about-" He broke off into a fit of coughs and Aurora frowned. "Wait here, let me get you some soup." Ciel looked over at her, "Wait! But you can't be seen! No women-" Aurora cut him off. "Please let us never speak of this moment again, I absolutely despise doing this spell. I promised myself I would never do it- but I see no choice." Ciel stared at her agape as her body shifted into that of a boy his age. Aurora snapped, "Not a word, Ciel! Now where are your clothes?" Ciel pointed to the closet and watched as the angel quickly changed. Aurora went to the door and pointed an accusing finger at the boy. "You never saw this, this did not happen. If Sebastian comes while I am gone, I have simply gone out to fetch you something. You don't know where I am." Ciel nodded slowly. Aurora sighed and left. 

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