White Maid Oneshot #28

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Summary; Sebastian and Aurora are still in Hell following the mating ceremony, Ciel is left in the care of- Lucia Magne, Stolas Superbior-Desideriis, Amara Landers, Lucian Umbre, and Ilia Desideriis. / Malphas teaches his new mate how to use her Fallen powers and provides entertainment on their honeymoon.

Set; After Ciel departs Hell while Sebastian and Aurora have a short lived honeymoon.

Two Demons, Two Angels, A Fallen and The Young Lord

Ciel Phantomhive woke to a baritone but strangely cheerful voice. His eyes widened when a dark brunette baring a striking resemblance to Sebastian stood over him, "Good morning my lord!" Ciel looked at him confused, wondering briefly if Sebastian had changed his hair, however he noticed the man did not wear gloves and he had a contract seal that was somewhat similar to Sebastian's, but it was quite different. Ciel yelped then, "Wait! Who are you?! Where is Sebastian?!" The brunette chuckled, "Oh. Forgive me, I forgot that humans lose all memories of Hell upon crossing the barrier." He handed the boy a letter marked with Sebastian's contract seal and Aurora's oath seal. Ciel opened the letter and browsed through it.

My Lord,

Terribly sorry my lord, I hope Lukas didn't give you a fright this morning. Now allow me to explain, following mine and Aurora's wedding, we all departed to Hell (you accompanied of course as we could not leave you), the demon before you is my younger brother Lukas Michaelis. He is to serve as your temporary butler in my place. Also in your employ while my beautiful wife and I are away, you have my twin sister Ilia Michaelis. (And upon my lovely wife's insistence, her mother Lucia Laverne-Magne, and her two friends Amara Landers and Lucian Umbre). 

There was a note from Aurora that interjected,

I pray for you're sanity, Ciel! :)

Ciel could almost hear Sebastian's baritone chuckle after that before he read on, 

Anyways, the missus and I will be unavailable for the next few days. We will return by next week, however until then you have what is most likely the best of the best demons and angels in your employ. Please forgive our departure, and we will see you next week.


Sebastian (& Aurora Michaelis)

Ciel groaned, "Oh... The wedding. Yes I remember that..." He frowned, "Pray for my sanity? What on earth do they mean by that-" He was cut off as there was a loud yell and a brown haired woman resembling Aurora entered, glaring at Lukas. "You idiot. You were supposed to wake him an hour ago!" Lukas Michaelis laughed, "Oh please! He is awake isn't he?! Besides- rest is good for the soul." The woman scoffed, "Clearly you know nothing about children." She walked over to Ciel and sat him up with a glare, "I can see that no good husband of my daughter's has raised you to be just like him. Lazy and ridiculous." Ciel made a face, "You're Aurora's mother. Sadly I can't see that family resemblance." Lucia Magne glared and Ciel gulped as her eyes glowed demonically. Ciel stared, "I thought Aurora was an angel?!" Lucia chuckled, "Oh she is. I was already a Fallen when I had her. Her father was an Arch. He is the one she takes after more. Clearly." Lukas shoved her aside, "I can raise a human child! You didn't even raise the lady!" Lucia snarled and left the room.

"Your schedule today is surprisingly open, my lord." Lukas Michaelis said, serving the boy his morning paper and a crepe. Ciel looked a little surprised, "Crepes?" Lukas nodded, "Yes. Lucia made them. They are Aurora's recipe, they should be to your liking." Ciel tasted it and shrugged, "It's alright. Aurora makes them much better though." Lucia Magne scoffed, "I followed her recipe to a tee..." Ciel shrugged, "Aurora has a talent in the kitchen. Even Sebastian eats her cooking. I've even seen him beg her for her to cook." Lukas chuckled, "My brother begging for human food? Surely you jest." The door to the room opened and Ilia came in wearing one of Aurora's maid uniforms. "I don't know how Aurora wears these things- they aren't very comfortable." Lukas snickered, "You just aren't used to wearing a corset, Ilia. You're thin as a rail."  Ilia stuck her tongue out at her brother. Ciel sighed and shook his head. "How am I ever going to survive this?"

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