Black Butler: Book Of Angels

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"Your mother?"

Sebastian asked slowly, glancing at the Fallen before them. Aurora nodded, "Yes. Mother was already Fallen by the time she met father, hence why I'm being hunted relentlessly." Lucia Magne sighed, "And what happened to your father is absolutely awful my little dove, but I cannot be held responsible for what happened." 

Aurora scoffed, "You left me with him when I was a but a cherub angel. Then you fled to the furthest corners of the Earth to evade the capture of the Heavenly Guard." Lucia waved a hand dismissively,

"My little dove-ling, I am a Fallen. Your dear father Michael, bless his soul, was an Arch Angel.

And Arch Angel and a Fallen Angel being together was unheard of. 

You were left with your father because it was safer for you." 

She sighed and put a hand under her daughter's chin. 

"Angelica, my last name is the very meaning of lust. I am a Fallen Sorceress, I was mated to a rogue demon before I met your father, and those uptight angels up there couldn't accept that their Arch loved someone who wasn't pure." Lucia frowned, "Unfortunately your father too began to believe those ideals."

Aurora looked up at her mother, frown ever present. "That didn't give you reason enough to leave." Lucia narrowed her eyes, "Dear- it was much less my choice. Trust me. Your father was insistent I return to the Hellscape. And so I did."

Lucia smiled, "But enough about me, dove- I'm more interested to know about my sweet little dove who seduced a demon." She narrowed her eyes at Sebastian, "Or was it the other way around, Lord Prince? I know how much you love a good game every now and then. You and Lady Lilli used to be so fond of it." 

Malphas glared, "As you know, Lilli and I are no longer mated. I'd prefer if you refrained from using that vile demoness's name." Lucia shrugged, "Cest la vie." The black winged Fallen approached Ciel and smirked, "Oh this one would have made a lovely demon." She looked at her daughter, "I am quite surprised you didn't allow Hannah to make him one. Then you would never need to fear his death." 

Aurora snarled, "Don't you lay a finger on him." Lucia chuckled, "I wouldn't dream of it my dove. Lord Malphas claimed his soul first. And Lord Malphas's his soul shall remain." Malphas relaxed ever so slightly. Aurora shivered, walking back over to Malphas's side. "What are you doing here mother? Did you just come to mock me?" 

Lucia's eyes flashed red. "Mock you? My dove- never! Only to see if the rumors were true. And true they indeed are." She looked at her them both seriously. "I just hope the two of you are prepared for the consequences of a demon-angel union. And gods forbid you ever have children. Then there will be a definite problem." 

She paused, "That is unless one of you becomes like the other or you both surrender your immortality." The demon and angel shared a look. "What do you mean? Become like the other?" Malphas inquired. 

Lucia smirked, "Malphas, your father is a Fallen- one of the first might I add, your mother a demon. You could very well surrender your life as a demon and reform yourself as an angel. It would take thousands of years, but it could work." She looked to her daughter, "And you my little dove could easily become a Fallen like me."

She frowned, "However your Arch heritage may complicate the process." 

Sebastian looked intrigued, "How so?" Lucia looked down at her daughter's blackened hands. "Sin." She sighed, "Regardless, it is best you both leave now. This isle may not stand for much longer." She glared at the demon. "Hurt my daughter, and I will end you."

Sebastian hummed, "I would never dream of it."

"How much further?" Aurora asked later as she sat in the boat shivering in Sebastian's coat. Sebastian steered the boat back toward the barrier between life and death. "Not much longer, my angel." He said. Aurora nodded and pulled the sleeping Ciel close. 

"It's going to be nightmares for our lord for quite some time." She said, "Removing so many memories will cause him to see them in dreams but think of them only as nightmares as they leave his mind for good." Sebastian sighed, "Meaning we're going to have to play parents to him again. Wonderful." Aurora frowned, "I thought you wanted children?" Sebastian shook his head, "I wouldn't have minded a child. Though after Lilli continuously whined about it, I grew to despise the very thought." 

Aurora sighed, and stroked Ciel's hair. "I don't think it was that bad last time," she confessed. "If I'm being absolutely honest, I rather enjoyed it." Sebastian paused in his rowing, glancing back at her, "Oh? How so?" Aurora smiled, "It just made me feel safer. I felt happy." 

Sebastian cast her a sweet smirk, "Well in that case I'd be more than happy to share the bed with you and the young master until he is well." Aurora smiled up at him before shivering again, pulling the butler's tailcoat tighter around her. "Please tell me we're almost out?" 

As she said those words, the bitter cold began to fade away and she blinked, looking up to find Sebastian mooring the boat beside the Trancy Manor. He held Ciel in one arm, then held out his hand for the angel. 

They walked back towards the front of the manor, Aurora shuddering at the memories they had here. After they prepared a carriage and packed all their things, Sebastian stood outside the manor and removed his glove with his teeth. 

"Sebastian? What are you doing?" Aurora asked. Sebastian gave her a charming smile, "Burning this wretched place. Your more than welcome to join me." Aurora grinned and eagerly joined him. Side by side, they gave a flick of their hands, a hot bluish white flame danced in Aurora's palm while an orange flame tinged with blue danced in Sebastian's. 

With a shared smirk at each other, they threw forward their hands, throwing the flames into the Trancy Manor. Then, they brought the carriage up to the hilltop and watched the flames consume the Trancy Manor. The flames reflected in both celestials' eyes as they glared coldly into the blazing inferno. 

Unbeknownst to them, from a nearby treetop stood three figures with white feathered wings, all three of them glaring down at the demon, arch, and human. "Disgraceful." The leader of the group said, "To think she is the daughter of an Arch Angel." The female of the group scoffed, "She stood by and watched as Ash was murdered. She should be sentenced to eternity in purgatory." The last one chuckled, "Agreed. I'm sure by the fortnights end, the Arch Angel Angelica Aurora Laverne will pay for her crimes."

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