His Butler & Maid, The Other Angel

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Sebastian and Aurora were putting their discarded clothing back on at the lakeside. "We should go separately," Sebastian said, "this way no one will notice we snuck off together." Aurora nodded, "Right." She smiled at him, "We will be able to see each other again later, right?" Sebastian smiled and kissed her cheek. "Of course, mon ange."

Aurora smiled lovingly, "Which of us shall go back first?" Sebastian glanced over at her, "You should. Best they think you only left to bathe. I'll return not long after you, we will go to bed with everyone else, and once they are all asleep, we can go into the forest and have our time together."

His eyes flashed that demonic fuchsia, the colour he knew made his angelic lover weak in the knees.

Aurora nodded and moved to where he was sitting, leaning down to kiss him. When she pulled away from the soft kiss, she smiled lovingly, "I'll see you later."

He watched her leave before checking the perimeter of the camp ground, thoughts rushing through his demonic mind.

He pondered greatly on what could have happened to his lover in the time they were apart. He already knew she was still missing memories, despite recalling the more prominent events of their time together. 

What vexed him the most was her failure to remember the engagement. What also plagued his mind, he knew not of what happened to the ring. He shut his eyes, pausing in his footsteps, just remembering the beautiful ring. a red diamond, a few silver blue tiny diamonds on either side, and a golden band engraved with a hidden message, one only for his beloved's eyes to read.

For eternity and evermore, my angel- my heart beats for you and you alone.

He remembered engraving the words himself. The demon let the wind blow over his figure. His raven black hair tousled in the late evening breeze. He would give anything for his angel to remember. He even briefly considered if he would surrender his current prey for her memory's complete restoration.

But then he decided against it. He would be no use to his love if he was weak, having been starved for centuries.

He returned back to the camp, finding Aurora sitting beside Mey-Rin, the two women curled under a blanket and in their night clothes while Bard told a scary story. Sebastian smirked at his lover, lowering his aura so she would not detect him.

"And they say, Jerry never found 'is hand!"

Sebastian put his hand on Aurora's shoulder just as Bard finished the story, making the blonde scream and grab Mey-Rin who also screamed. Sebastian chuckled, "You scare so easily." Aurora looked up and punched him in the arm. "That wasn't funny!" Sebastian chuckled, "Oh, I beg to differ."

He sat on the log behind where the two women sat huddled on the ground, backs against the log. His blonde lover shot him a glare and swatted his leg before leaning back, her hair just brushing against his leg. She leaned further into him as Bard started another story.

As the story went on, Sebastian noticed his blonde beauty moving closer to him. Her arms wrapped around his leg, squeezing only slightly as Bard's horror story continued. Ciel listened intently, snacking on a small bag of sweets. 

Sebastian noticed Aurora moving a little closer to him, her eyes wide. He with held a smirk as he reached down and pulled her up to sit beside him. Aurora smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, looking up at him briefly through lidded silver eyes that flashed briefly with heavenly light.

He smiled and sat back, finding himself zoning out.

When Ciel retired an hour later, and Finny not long after, Bard grinned and reached into his bag pulling out two large bottles of wine. Sebastian frowned, and sat up straighter. "Where ever did you get that Bardroy?" Aurora smiled and looked up at him, "I gave him my share of the reserves, mon ami." 

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