His Butler & Maid, Nyctophilia

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(A/N: The one I know Sakia has been waiting for lol, enjoy.)

Malphas had Angelica on his arm the entirety of the soiree. Her left hand was on his arm, proudly showing off the red diamond engagement ring. His newly betrothed was highly interested in the human kind, so he had opted to introduce her to the royal family. He gave her a quick rundown before the introductions.

"The large fellow is the Archduke Maximillian the Second, his heir apparent is Prince Rudolph. This ball is celebrating the completion of the Treaty of Adrianople. The negotiations took over five months before they reached an agreement in February, finally signing a week or so later. It ended the war between the Habsburg Monarchy- ruled by the Archduke, and the Ottoman Empire. The agreement states that the Archduke must pay an annual 'present' of thirty thousand ducats. And he must grant the Ottomans authority in Transylvania, Moldovia, and Wallachia I believe."

 Angelica stared, "Wow. That's a mouthful." Malphas chuckled, "Indeed. Would you like to meet the royalty?" Angelica's eyes widened. "Are you serious?! Are we- can we even do that?!" Malphas kissed her cheek. "You are my fiancée. My soon to be bride, and my mate. You can do whatever you want, ma cherie." 

He brought her up to where Prince Rudolph was and bowed while his other half curtsied. "Ah, Archduke Maximillian, Prince Rudolph, lovely to be in your acquaintance." Rudolph chuckled, "You have no need for formalities, Branwen. You are a loyal soldier." 

His eyes flicked over to the demon's partner. "Who might this be?" Malphas smiled, "My fiancée. Lady Elizabeth Magné. She does not get out much so I figured I would bring her along before our wedding within the next few days." Angelica curtsied, "Lovely to meet you, Prince." Rudolph hummed and took her hand, planting a chaste kiss upon it. 

"The pleasure is mine, Lady Elizabeth." He chuckled and looked at the demon, "I know you two will be quite happy. I hope you'll allow me to send an engagement gift as well as a wedding present?" he hummed, "How does supplies to build a country manor and a small fleet of servants? Will that suit?" Malphas chuckled, "Quite. Thank you." 

They chatted for a while more before the party's end and they climbed back into the carriage, laughing on the way back to the manor. "So might I ask how you became acquainted with the prince?!" Malphas smiled, "My last couple contracts let me cross paths with him and his family. The manor we are en route to is the property of my last master. Now, it belongs to me." 

He eyed his lover lewdly, "Perhaps we might spend the night there?" Angelica shook her head, "Is sex always on your mind?" Malphas smirked, "Until we finally get to at our mating? Yes. I'm a little anxious, I won't lie." Angelica blushed, "We can do that... other thing before heading back to the lake..." Malphas's eyes flashed. "Hmm. I can't wait." He took her hand then and smiled lovingly, "I cannot wait to marry you..." Angelica smiled, "And I you."

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