White Maid, Dissolution Part 1

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"Paris? Are you serious?"

Aurora had nearly dropped a plate when Sebastian had informed her that they would be journeying to Paris with their young master for an exposition. Aurora had packed rather quickly, and Sebastian couldn't help the small smirk and chuckle at her when she ran up to him by the carriage, her bag already packed.

"You are certainly eager, my lady." Sebastian commented. Aurora giggled, "I've never been to Paris! Its beautiful, isn't it Sebastian? Oh please tell me it is as beautiful as I've heard?" Sebastian felt a small pang in his little black heart. He knew somehow the angel had lost her memory, he just wasn't sure how. And not knowing was what irked him. He could remember clear as day when they were both young, young and incredibly stupid.

Many Years Ago....

Angelica Aurora Laverné, only a couple centuries old, had snuck out of Heaven one day, she landed on the grass below. A grin spread across the young angel's face, so this is what grass felt like? She slipped out of her white gold slippers and laughed at the feel of the earth under her bare feet. She hadn't noticed the glowing red eyes in front of her. "Who are you?" Angelica jumped a foot in the air, white wings beating rapidly keeping her aflight. "I- I- um..." Angelica stammered, "I'm sorry... I didn't know this was your land... Please forgive me, I just wanted to feel the grass under my feet!"

The young angel watched as a young demon stepped out of the brush, his red eyes glaring at her, a hint of fuchsia glowing behind the red. Angelica stared, "You're a demon." The demon scoffed, "So?" Angelica shrugged, landing beside him, then proceeding to walk around him as though she were examining him. "I've never seen a demon before, much less anything outside the Silver City." The demon boy stood tall, slightly nervous. "So?" Angelica frowned, "Is that all you know how to say? So? If so, that is indeed disappointing. I was hoping to have a conversation with an intelligent being." The demons eyes flashed, "Hey! I'm plenty intelligent, you winged pest!" Angelica gasped, before laughing, "So you do speak!" She grinned holding out her hand, 

"I'm Angelica."

"Sebastian? Sebastian? Oi! Sebastian!" Sebastian was drawn back to reality by the young master yelling at him. "Yes my lord?" He inquired. Ciel furrowed his brow, "What has you so distracted today, Sebastian?" Sebastian smiled, "Nothing at all, my lord." Ciel narrowed his eyes and spoke again, "As I was saying, her majesty has asked me to attend an exposition in Paris..."

As they later got out of the carriage to the port, Aurora's eyes widened at the sight of the boat. "How does such a thing manage to float?" She asked the demon. "How can it if it is made of metal?" Sebastian hummed, "Human technology of some sort. The air inside of it is denser than the water, in such, it has the ability to float." Aurora hummed, eyeing the giant metal boat. "Humans are beyond curious. How far have they come in the last century?"

Sebastian chuckled, "A fair amount, my lady." 

"Oi! We can do without the chatter, thank you!" Ciel snapped back at them before striding towards the ramp. Sebastian offered his arm to the blonde, "My lady?" Aurora looked at him curiously, "Is it proper to do so? We are not nobility." Sebastian sighed, "Well, we've no luggage to carry, so we might as well have some use." Aurora smiled, catching his hand in hers instead. 

"Very well then! Let's go!" 

It was later that night on the ship. The trip to France would be overnight. Sebastian had just put the young master to bed before he made his way down to the third class bunk room he would be sharing with Aurora. When he got there, the maid was brushing her long blonde hair, glancing up at him through those sparkling silver blue eyes. "Ciel is asleep?" She asked. Sebastian nodded, shutting the door behind him. "He is." Aurora hummed, brushing her hair, only to pause and frown when she came to a knot. Sebastian walked over, "Here. Let me." Aurora shrugged and handed him the brush, allowing him to brush out the knot in her blonde hair. Aurora hummed, closing her eyes as Sebastian ran the brush through her blonde hair. For some reason the sensation felt familiar, familiar in a way Aurora wasn't completely sure of.

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