White Maid One Shot #13

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Summary; During a case, Sebastian goes a little too far in being teasing. Aurora gets payback.

Set; During Weston College Arc


It was a relatively short case, one about missing children or whatnot, Aurora wasn't really paying much attention. Her main focus was on Sebastian. The demon butler was on fire. He hadn't ceased his constant teasing of her. If it wasn't a snide remark about how she couldn't keep up with him, it was the ever present smirk on his face that had her weak in the knees. 

They were with Ciel one Saturday morning, stopped by Lau's. And Sebastian Michaelis- was on a roll. He had a small smirk on his face, and a teasing glimmer in his crimson hues. "Darling, perhaps we should get you something like what the ladies here have on, I don't think I would be against seeing you in something so racy." Aurora was blushing and shoved him. "Shut up, you!" Sebastian chuckled, sidling up closer to her, "Oh? Shut up you say? Hmm. I am afraid I'll be doing quite the opposite my darling." He leaned down to murmur in her ear, his breath hot as he spoke, "I most definitely will be unable to make you shut up however." Aurora blushed and her breath hitched as his hand lingered on her waist, giving a suggestive squeeze. Why did he have to be so irritating? 

They were seated in a carriage now, and Ciel was not happy. He had his arms folded across his chest and pouted. Aurora raised an eyebrow, examining the invitation. "I don't understand, Ciel," she said, "It's just a party at Viscount Druitt's. You've attended parties there before, haven't you?" Ciel groaned and sunk down in his seat, pulling the brim of his hat over his face. Sebastian chuckled, "The young lord had to cross dress at the last party. It was about a month before you joined us, darling." Aurora's jaw dropped. "He... what?" Sebastian chuckled, "It was a trafficking ring, my dear. He had no other options. Besides, it was his aunt who insisted he masquerade as a female." Aurora sighed, "Mon Dieu..." 

Sebastian continued, a smirk on his face.. "Oh yes, the young master was wearing a darling pink dress with roses." Aurora sputtered a laugh at that, "C-Ciel?! In... Pink?!" She burst into laughter, "Sebastian please tell me you are joking!" Sebastian's smirk widened  into a wicked grin, "I assure you, my angel, I do not jest." He leaned over to her, "in fact... We will have to pay a visit to a certain tailor for clothing." Aurora blushed a bit, "Oh? Might I ask why you seem so invested in seeing Nina? I was under the impression the two of you hated each other." Sebastian smirked, "It is a rare moment I agree with that woman." His eyes flashed demonically and Aurora realized that she was about to become incredibly embarrassed.

"Ah! Earl Phantomhive! Miss Magné! And... butler." Nina Hopkins greeted them. A tick mark appeared on Sebastian's forehead, and he tugged his mate close to his side. Aurora rolled her eyes playfully at the demon's antics. She moved from his hold to greet the tailor. "Hello, Nina- it's been some time." Nina grinned at the sight of her, "Oh it is amazing to see you, Aurora- now, I've got practically a closet full of things for you." Aurora blinked, "What? But I- I haven't ordered anything. Ciel?" She glanced at the bluenette who looked just as confused as she did. it was then the penny dropped and she looked slowly back at Sebastian who was wearing a devious smirk. "Go on, darling." He said, "Go and try on the things I've ordered for you." Aurora's face reddened. "Sebastian...." Her voice came out a bit as a whine, like a child who's parent was pressuring them into something they didn't want. Sebastian's smirk widened, and Aurora could just see her mate's demonic fangs peeking out from under his lip. She sighed and followed Nina into the back of the shop.

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