His Maid & Butler, Wedding

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The night prior to the wedding was interesting to say the least. Aurora was in her room with the women, Mey-Rin and Lady Elizabeth (even Paula joined them per Lady Elizabeth's request). The women were mostly sat upon the floor, a bottle of champagne split amongst them. Ilia was rambling on about how Sebastian was when they were younger- keeping sure to keep things at a human level as Nammah would surely smack her across the back of the head if she said something out of turn. "Sebastian used to be like that?!" Elizabeth and Mey-Rin exclaimed, after Ilia finished a story on how the demon had at one point been a mischievous prankster. Ilia nodded, "He did! Didn't he mother?" Nammah nodded, "Indeed he did, Ilia. Indeed he did." Elizabeth giggled and looked at Aurora, "What were you like growing up, Aurora?!" Aurora smiled, "Oh I was trouble. Some of the time." Lucia chuckled, "Yes, sneaking out to see Sebastian when you were thirteen and up was quite the shock to your father, I remember he would whine and complain about your going missing in the middle of the night." Elizabeth looked surprised, "Huh? You and Sebastian knew each other? Were you two betrothed?" Aurora, Ilia, and Lucia laughed. "No, we weren't," Aurora said, "We were just... good friends." Ilia snickered, "You had a strict dad didn't you? Overprotective?" Lucia hummed nodding, "Yes, Michael was quite overprotective of her. When he discovered Aurora had been sneaking out, he moved them far, far, away. It was quite the Romeo and Juliet tale if I recall." Aurora nodded, "Yes, but it does have a happy ending." Elizabeth squealed, "Oh that's so cute! I hope when Ciel and I get married we can be as cute like you and Sebastian!" Aurora smiled, "Lady Elizabeth, I'm sure yours and Ciel's wedding will be simply adorable. I know when the time for that comes I'll make sure Sebastian ensures that the wedding goes perfectly." Elizabeth looked surprised, "You mean, you and Sebastian aren't going to leave after your married?" Aurora frowned, "What? No of course not, why ever would we want to?" Elizabeth shrugged, "Well, usually when staff get married they leave service to begin their own lives. That's how it was with mine and Ciel's nanny. That's why Madam Red would watch us." Aurora smiled, "I promise, Lady Elizabeth, Sebastian and I will not be leaving anytime soon." Elizabeth brightened instantly, "I'm glad! I know Ciel and I would miss you both terribly so if you were to leave!" The night went on, the women laughing and talking until they eventually fell asleep around the room.

Sebastian and the men (including Ciel), had started the evening by going to a local bar and then returning to play a few games of pool. Sebastian was surprised to admit he was actually enjoying himself. Lucian, Stolas, Ciel, Bard, Snake, Finny, and even old man Tanaka- were all chatting away, pestering him with questions about the wedding and after. Sebastian himself had initially insisted that a bachelor party, as Bard dubbed it, was not necessary- but the others insisted, and Stolas was absolutely ecstatic, and jumped at every opportunity to make his older brother uncomfortable. "So brother, what will you do after children?" Sebastian shot him a look, "St- Lukas, no." Stolas looked confused, "What? You won't have children?" Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "You know why." Bard and Finny looked confused, "But Aurora loves children," Finny said confused, "Won't she want some of her own at some point?" Sebastian groaned and looked at his brother who wore a small smirk, "Thank you, brother. You've made sure I need to explain things to them." Sebastian sighed, "My ex wife-" 

"EX WIFE?!" Finny and Bard exclaimed shocked, "I didn't even know you were married!" Sebastian cleared his throat, "It was a terrible relationship. She decided because there were no children that one of us had to be infertile. She had an affair, we divorced, she informed me she was pregnant with her affair's child, forcing me to think myself being the one who could not provide. In truth, she was the one who was infertile. I can have children whenever I wish. She just never stopped harping me about the subject and I grew annoyed at the mention of having children." Bard frowned, "That's messed up. Tellin' someone they're unable to have kids cause they themselves can't? Unbelievable." Sebastian sat back in the chair, "Never should have agreed to that marriage, it was a nightmare. And that's saying coming from me." Stolas huffed, "Your telling me..."  

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