White Maid One Shot #8

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Summary: Aurora convinces Sebastian to ask Ciel to give them a night to themselves. 

Set: After Weston College Arc.

Date Night

She had been following him around the manor all day. Sebastian couldn't say he was unhappy with her presence, but Aurora was beginning to vex him. "Please?" She whined. Sebastian was dusting and he glanced back at her, his back straighter than a line, and one hand behind his back as he dusted, and his walk a steady stride. "I said no, Aurora. The young master would not allow it." Aurora pouted and folded her arms across her chest. "But Malphas!" Sebastian turned on his heel to look at her with cold eyes. "Angelica. The answer is no." Aurora sighed, walking over to block his path. "But Malphas! You promised you would take me out for dinner!" Sebastian sighed, "And I will, darling. I will." Aurora sighed, "But when? Today? Tomorrow? Two weeks from now?" She looked at him hopefully. "Please won't you take me to dinner and dancing? Please?" Sebastian groaned and ignored her, continuing his chores. Eventually they made it to the main hall where Aurora had begun rambling in French. 

"Chérie s'il te plait! Tu m'as promis à Weston que tu m'emmènerais dîner et danser! Malphas! Est-ce que tu m'écoutes?" Sebastian set his hands down and sighed, "Of course I am listening to you, Aurora. How could I not?" Aurora frowned. "Sebastian. You promised me that we would go out to dinner and dancing. We've been back from that dreadful school for long enough. Why don't you just get Ciel to give us a day off. He'll listen to you surely." Sebastian frowned, "Angel, the last time I asked for a day off he told me it was never happening again due to the lateness of his supper. I doubt it will happen." Aurora whined, "But Sebastian!" Sebastian cut her off, "No. The answer is no, Aurora. Now please, let me work in peace." Aurora gaped at him. She tensed, "So that's it, huh? You marry me, and then almost immediately after it's back to work? You never come to bed anymore, Malphas! You're gone when I go to sleep, and you're gone when I wake! Why can't you at least show me you love me?" Sebastian turned to stare at her in disbelief. "Show you I love you?" He repeated narrowing his eyes, "Darling, when do I not show you that I love you?" Aurora hummed, counting the times off her fingers. "Well, the past week we've been back from Weston I've rarely seen you, and then there's the fact you don't even go to sleep anymore, or at least remain in the bed with me. And then there's also the fact you don't even greet me half the time I walk into a room, oh! And then you've failed to satisfy me-" Sebastian cut her off. "Failed to satisfy you? How ever is that possible? Every time I have you your practically begging for more." Aurora shrugged, "While it may be mind blowing as per usual, it lacks emotion. Satisfying me is another chore to you." Her face saddened and her silver blue hues softened to a dull grey. "It's just... I need that reassurance that you still.... still..." She trailed off and Sebastian noticed the welling tears in her eyes. He stepped forward and wiped them away, his glove brushing against her skin, catching the diamondesque tear as it fell. "You truly need reassurance that my feelings for you have not changed?" He asked, brushing his hand through her blonde curled locks. Aurora bit her lip and nodded slowly. 

Sebastian gave a low chuckle. "Oh my darling, if you needed attention you need just say so. I will gladly offer it." Aurora sighed, "But that's just it. I shouldn't have to ask you for attention. I don't want to ask you for attention. Just a couple nice gestures here and there would be enough. I don't ask for much, Sebastian. I know there are far worse situations. You could send me back home to Hell, or lock me up somewhere only you can find me..." Sebastian's frowned and she looked up. "I'm not stupid. I know the stories of demons and their mates. Most of a regular status lock their mates away in desolate lands in Hell." She wrapped her arms around her lover's neck and leaned into his chest, listening to the soft but steady heartbeat. "I know your risking things by letting me stay with you, but please, mon amour? Just a short date? Dinner and dancing? Or just dinner. Please?" Sebastian sighed, succumbing to the beautiful silver blue eyes of his angelic mate. "My goodness, aren't you incorrigible." Aurora looked up confused, "Is that such a bad thing?" She asked, "All I wish for is one, undisturbed evening with my devilishly handsome husband. Is it so bad I long for such a thing?" Sebastian chuckled, "Oh mon cheri, I am not saying a night with you is a bad thing. On the contrary, it is quite the opposite." He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers before pulling away, his hand cupping her chin and the side of her face in one hand. "I will speak to the young lord, and we will go from there. Alright?" Aurora smiled brightly and nodded, standing on her toes to give him a quick kiss before rushing off. Undoubtedly to go and get ready. Sebastian sighed and shook his head, for her sake, he hoped Ciel agreed to allow them a night to themselves.

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