The Demon, Protector & The Angel, Fallen

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She was rather adorable, Sebastian thought to himself. Sound asleep in his arms as they rode back to the manor, Aurora's face nestled just above his heart, the soft occasional murmur of a sigh escaping her. He'd draped his black overcoat over her shoulders the moment he noticed her falling into sleep, keeping her warm from the cool night air.

Riding astride while she's balanced comfortably in his lap and steadily between his arms, Sebastian glanced up at the moonlit sky, a small smile stretching across his face as the light of the full moon. Gently halting the horse with a light tug of the reins, he shook the angel awake.

Aurora moaned in protest, batting his hand away sleepily while pulling the overcoat around her.

"Lemme sleep..."

Sebastian smirked, "Oh? So you don't wish to see the night sky? Hah...Forgive me, I'd assumed you'd enjoy it." Her blonde head poked up immediately and she smiled widely looking up at the stars.

He watched her eyes reflect the shine of the sky, sparkling with happiness as she counted constellations. Suddenly she turned to him, eyes with a different kind of light to them. "We used to look at the stars... Didn't we?" She asked softly. Sebastian smiled, hands holding her waist as she shifted her position. "Indeed." He replied, "However, not until we passed the young lord's age."

Aurora sigh was solemn, "How did it happen? I can't remember." Her eyes flickered with hurt, and she looked down. "It feels so... awful to not remember so much." Sebastian was quiet for a long moment. "I was on a contract." He began, "You suddenly showed up, throwing stones at the windows of my master's home, begging me to do something with you." He chuckled, "If I recall you cracked a window."

Aurora's face flushed in embarrassment. "Ugh.." Sebastian's lips curled into a smirk, "From there, we went to a cliff near my master's village and started watching the stars. And it became a habit for us when the other couldn't sleep."

Aurora glanced over at him, "How would you even contact me? The Silver City is so heavily guarded!" Sebastian smiled slyly, "As a demon prince, and fortunate enough to have the familiar of a crow, it was easy enough to send messages via courier pigeon." She smiled at that. "Oh... yes I seem to remember a little black bird at my window..." She yawned, "Such a sweet thing..." She rubbed her eyes sleepily and laid back against his chest. "Do you suppose we might continue back?" She murmured, "It's getting cold and I want to sleep in our nice warm bed."

A grin crossed Sebastian's lips. "Our bed?" He said, "I like the sound of that..." Aurora hummed, smiling teasingly, "One day we'll make the phrase permanent..." She glanced up at him with a smile, "Maybe... soon?" Her eyes were wide with hope, searching his for an answer, praying almost that he'd clue her in on when she could expect such a day to come.

Sebastian smiled, a finger coiling a thread of blonde curls. "Perhaps." He teased. Aurora smirked, "You won't even give me an estimate?" Sebastian hummed, "Well you were the one who wanted to wait a bit longer, darling. I'm only respecting your wishes." Aurora scoffed and then turned her head up to kiss him. "I'm sure you are." She sighed, sinking into his arms. "When we do decide to make the commitment," she started, "What happens then? Will we be just as we are now? Or will it be different."

She frowned, "I mean, my parents didn't exactly stay together. And they seem like they were lovely before they became bound. What if... that happens to us?" Sebastian looked down at her, "I promise you it won't. What we have now, darling, I don't plan to let it change for the worse." He caught her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. He could see the faint glimmer of tears in her eyes, as the worry of events that hadn't even happened rushed through her mind.

"Can you promise that?" She whispered, "Can you promise me that when we do take things further, that nothing bad will happen." Her voice cracked and Sebastian frowned. "Angelica..." She looked up at him, eyes slightly desperate. "Promise me! Promise me that nothing bad will happen between us!" There was evident fear in her eyes, and he couldn't even begin to imagine the things that she'd seen.

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