His Butler & Maid, Confabulating & Giving A Concert

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It was the night of June third, Sebastian was in the main hall alongside the other professors and was glancing around the room. "Looking for your lady wife, Michaelis?" Vice Headmaster Johann Agares asked. Sebastian smiled, "Perhaps." Agares chuckled, "She must be missing you terribly." Suddenly, Sebastian's ears pricked. Heels. There was a tap on his shoulder and he turned, smiling to see the silver blue eyes of his wife. 

(not off shoulder, Hat absent, hair= light blonde, eyes= silvery blue)

(not off shoulder, Hat absent, hair= light blonde, eyes= silvery blue)

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"Ah, I've been waiting for you to arrive my darling." Aurora Michaelis smiled happily and took his outstretched arm. "I've been anxious to arrive, Sebastian." Agares smiled, "You must be Michaelis's wife. I am Johann Agares, the vice head master of the college." The coupled indulged in conversation until it was time to begin the drawing for the tournament. After the drawing, they went about the party, keeping an eye out for any information. "I cannot wait to return to the manor...." Aurora murmured to her husband, "I'm finding I dislike this college." Sebastian looked over, "How so?" Aurora sighed, "Something... Something just makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Something isn't right. Like... we shouldn't be here." Sebastian hummed, "Perhaps we'll be out of here soon. I believe this may very well be our last night here." Aurora nodded and then turned to smile at him, "We should take advantage of the night's festivities. A dance perhaps?" Sebastian gave her a charming smirk, "I couldn't possibly deny my lovely wife a dance." Aurora grinned and walked hand in hand with him to the dance floor. His arm wrapped around her waist as he pulled her into a waltz. Aurora smiled widely as he spun her around. "You know, we should see about asking Ciel to allow us a night out every so often." Sebastian raised an eyebrow but smirked, "Oh? Whatever for?" Aurora hummed, "A night where you take me out dancing, we go to dinner..." Sebastian chuckled twirling her into his arms, "So you wish for me to take you out to dinner and dancing?" Aurora smiled, "Yes, please." Sebastian smirked and spun her again, "Very well, I shall speak with the young master about it." Aurora squeaked as she started to trip over her own dress, only to be stopped from falling backwards by Sebastian who was now teasingly at her. "Though, perhaps we should practice your dancing skills in the ball room beforehand." Aurora rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh shush." Sebastian pulled her back up into his arms, "What? You seem offended, my darling." Aurora laughed, "If you are implying I'm clumsy I'm going to have to divorce you." Sebastian's burgundy crimson eyes flashed with amusement, "You wouldn't. You love me too much." Aurora sighed, "I suppose there is that." He chuckled, "And I simply adore you, my clumsy angel." Aurora smacked his arm playfully, "I'm not clumsy, Sebastian." Sebastian leaned in close, "Shall I remind you of your little competition with Mey-Rin? Who slips up the most?" Aurora blushed and he laughed quietly pulling her back up before they left the dance floor, "My clumsy angel..." 

"Butler. Maid." Sebastian and Aurora turned, Francis Midford's cold gaze pierced through them. "Marchioness Midford." They greeted as she approached them, only to grab Sebastian's bangs and snap at him, "Even after your married you still persist with this indecent hair! What kind of house master in his right mind would go around in so dissipated a guise as this?!" Aurora giggled at his uncomfortable look as the Marchioness gripped his hair. "No matter," Marchioness Midford grumbled, releasing his hair. She frowned at the pair of them, "If you're both here, then that means Ciel's enrollment at Weston..." Sebastian and Aurora nodded, "As you suspect, my lady." Lizzie spotted them then and came over, "Oh? If it isn't Sebas-" Aurora put a finger to her lips and shook her head. The two other Midford men approached with Ciel, both looking over. "Aurora? And who is this chap?" Lizzie huffed, "Oh really you two!" She walked over to murmur in their ears, then their eyes widened. Sebastian chuckled darkly, "It has been quite a while, gentlemen." Alexis and Edward began going on about how they simply hadn't noticed, leading to Ciel looking annoyed and shocked exclaiming he didn't know how they hadn't noticed. "Does your work have anything to do with tomorrows matches?" Edward asked. Ciel shrugged, "Can't say it doesn't, but you can have at it without worrying about that." Edward huffed in response, "Then that's just what I'll do." Edward smirked, "It isn't like Blue House has much hope of winning." Alexis chuckled, "But it does. Blue House has had one victory in the past." Mcmillan suddenly came running up, "Are you talking about the 'Miracle of Sapphires'?!" He quickly introduced himself as Phantomhive's best friend. Aurora and Sebastian listened intently as the Marquess told the story. Aurora noticed Ciel's eye tear up during the story, but the tear quickly disappeared upon the story's end, replaced with a shocked expression. Alexis knelt down beside the boy then, "You have the blood of a champion in your veins," he told him, "I've no doubt you'll do well." 

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