His Butler, Shaken- His Maid, Helpless

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Aurora came to not long later, Edward was helping Lizzie into a lifeboat, and she was resting against the edge of the ship, Edward going to help her next. Aurora winced and slowly crawled away. Sebastian had knocked her unconscious as he had Lizzie. Aurora thanked whatever god was watching that she was able to wake up before being moved into a lifeboat. Aurora quickly climbed to her feet and made her way back into the sinking ship. She summoned forth the angelic rapier, clutching the white gold blade in her hand before setting off in search of the demon and her master. Her eyes were cold like ice, Sebastian was going to get it when she found him. And she was going to torture him when they returned to the Phantomhive Manor. She finally came to the first class lounge and gasped at the sight. Undertaker. She saw his chartreuse phosphorescent eyes. Eyes that could belong only to, "A grim reaper..." She gasped. Her eyes scanned the room, finally settling on Sebastian and the young master. She used her aura as a shield, preventing her from being scented by the demon or the reapers. She crouched low and watched, waiting for the moment she might need to intervene. Her eyes narrowed, and her hand clutched her sword tightly. She was ready to fight. 

Ciel was staring at the Undertaker in shock. "The Undertaker... is a grim reaper?!" Aurora kept her eyes on the newly discovered reaper, she'd stayed with him for a night, he'd rescued her after she had had her wings severed. He'd been nothing but good to her, and here- he was the enemy all along. A single tear slid down her face, turning to diamond and dropping from her hiding spot. 


It hit the floor. Aurora backed away from the line of sight, worried that she would now be discovered. She noticed the blonde reaper glance in her direction, only to be quickly reprimanded by Grelle. 

"So you're saying that you master minded the Aurora Society's experiments to resurrect the dead?" Ciel asked, gritting his teeth when the reaper remained silent. "Undertaker!" The Undertaker chuckled and put a finger to his lips, a long black painted fingernail just grazing his nostrils. "Shh. That's a secret." he then spoke louder, "Is what I'd like to say, but you have paid for information innumerable times over with that phoenix pose of yours, Earl. So tell you, I shall! Hee, hee." Aurora's eyes narrowed, and her eyes flickered a magenta rimmed by silver. If Sebastian doesn't kill this reaper I wil-  Aurora gasped at her own horrified thought. She shook it aside and her glare on the scene hardened. Undertaker was explaining something now. "grim reapers, going by lists, extract human souls from bodies and bring cinematic records to their ends. Day after day. Indifferently. Matter of factly. However, one day after I'd spent a long time as a grim reaper doing just that, day in and day out, something occurred to me." Undertaker smirked, "What would happen if there was a sequel after those endings?" Grelle looked shocked, and disgusted, the blonde reaper behind him looking shocked altogether. "You're telling me you edited their cinematic records?" Grelle asked. Undertaker giggled, "Well now, why not use your  powers and have a looksee at their records yourself!" Aurora watched from her hiding place and stared in disbelief at the edited records. "now that's just disgraceful..." she muttered quietly as the cinematic record played. Aurora heard a low moaning behind her and began creeping away from the area, circling the lounge filled with undead. She grimaced as Undertaker began dancing with one of his creations and glanced around the room for a new hiding spot. She knew if she was seen things could take a dangerous turn for the worst. As she was surveying the room, her attention was drawn back as a fight broke out between Sebastian and the two reapers. Undertaker was sitting there, watching with a smile. Aurora tensed, ready to fight if Sebastian needed her. "Sebastian darling! What do you think you're doing!" Grelle cried furiously. Sebastian stood tall, crimson eyes cold. "We cannot allow you to haul him away." Ciel confirmed, "We ourselves are tasked with presenting the truth before her majesty, the Queen. We mustn't let him escape!" Sebastian smirked, "And so, we shall take him into our custody." Grell snapped back,

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