White Maid Cut Content- Season 2 & Book Of Angels Bridge

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Summary: Following the events of season 2, Demon! Ciel is a living violation of immortal law. With a target painted on the young Earl's back, Sebastian and Aurora are forced to journey to the last place either of them want to see. The Silver City. Aka, Heaven.

Reason for cut: 1) Focused too much on demon Ciel, not enough on Aurora/Angelica's trial. 2) If it was decided to turn Ciel into a demon it would seem incredibly unlikely for such a thing to happen twice and would disrupt the storyline of White Maid as well as the canon story. 3) Not enough focus on Aurora's story. 4) Aurora came off too eager/childish/annoying and made Sebastian seem a little more manipulative/evil. 5) Deviated too far from the main storyline

Other A/N: The primary reasons for the cut were the fact of lore. Lore ideas for Hell and such had changed. In this cut, Sebastian/Malphas, despite his rank was looked down upon and this would have lead to too many conflicts with lore. The secondary was Sebastian and Aurora's relationship coming off as very dark and manipulative and therefore abusive and not the sweet past forbidden love the story was supposed to demonstrate.


Aurora felt the rain pouring down her back on the isle. Hannah was beside her. They could hear the fighting from Sebastian and Claude in the distance and feel the tremors within the earth. Aurora looked at Hannah. The demoness was holding Ciel like a baby. Aurora felt like she was dying. She couldn't tell who would win this battle. If Sebastian died... She squeezed her eyes shut. She wouldn't be able to bare it. If he died, so did she. There was a crack of lightning then. The isle fell silent. Aurora put a hand over her mouth. She felt sick. She could handle it. Ciel's death, Alois's death, and now Sebastian?! She collapsed, her wings unsheathing and she screamed, madness taking over her. She couldn't do this anymore. She couldn't. She was shaking, and then she noticed a pair of black oxfords in her line of sight. She looked up, whimpering a bit. Sebastian was standing before her, he glanced down at her, then turned his crimson glare to Hannah. "It is done." He said, "Now release my young master." Hannah smirked, Ciel in her arms. Aurora wrapped herself around Sebastian's leg, sobbing. Sebastian paid her no mind. Aurora felt him tense and turned her silver blue eyes to Hannah. Her crying ceased a bit when she noticed the demoness slowly taking a step back. Hannah jumped. Aurora and Sebastian stared in horror. Aurora launched herself over the cliff's edge, white gold wings spread. Sebastian was free falling beside her. They shared a look of horror when Hannah uttered an ancient phrase in Latin. Aurora grabbed Sebastian from his free fall and held them both up in the air. Sebastian grunted as she grabbed him. "Angelica!" He snarled, "Let me go!" Aurora looked horrified, "We can't.... We can't do anything..." Sebastian snarled, "Yes, we can! Let go! I'll get him!" Aurora shook her head, "But..." Sebastian looked at her sympathetically, "Whatever happens, we will figure it out. I promise." Aurora nodded slowly. Her hands slipped from around his body. He began his descent into the water.

Aurora pulled the boat around and was flying above the spot where Sebastian had disappeared with Ciel. She was growing worried and dove down into the ocean's depths. She spotted them immediately and swam over to them. To her horror, Sebastian had punched a fist through the boy. But the look on his face told her the worst had happened. She swam across from him and put her hands over his that were holding Ciel up. She frowned down at the boy and then moved her right hand to turn the demon's gaze towards her. The utter disappointment and anger in his eyes almost frightened her. She leaned close and kissed him, closing her eyes as she felt his lips on hers. She felt him relax and move Ciel into one arm and pull her close with the other. They parted when bubbles escaped Ciel's lips. They looked down at the boy. The once human boy, now had the glowing red eyes of a demon.

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