White Maid One Shot #16

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Summary; It was a little obvious to the Phantomhive staff (especially Mey-Rin) that Sebastian and Aurora were having an affair of sorts. / Mey-Rin feels intimidated by Aurora's presence at first, but slowly befriends the other maid after a series of events.

Set; Season 2 (Before/After Book of Angels )- Book of Atlantic

Isn't It Obvious? / Competition

Finny had seen it one night. He'd gotten up for a glass of water, only to spot Sebastian and Aurora hand in hand on the back porch overlooking the garden. He'd stayed long enough to see them share a quick kiss, and see the loving look on the butler's face. He'd then spun on his heel to return to his own room before being spotted. By morning, he had convinced himself it was a dream. But he was not oblivious to the shared glances between the two during the day. When Aurora came out in her free time to help him in the garden, Sebastian came not long after to retrieve her, and had affectionately mentioned how a flower crown she had made looked lovely on her.

Aurora had giggled and blushed a bright red, a sharp contrast the the white roses. Sebastian had smiled flirtatiously at her before helping her to her feet. Aurora skipped off after him, and Finny glanced at them out of the corner of his eye to spot them link hands and Sebastian smile lovingly at her. Finny turned quickly back to his work, acting as if he hadn't seen anything. Even to him, it was blatantly obvious there was something going on.

Bardroy had noticed it almost immediately. Sebastian had been preparing dinner when Aurora poked her head in, soap covering her from head to toe. "Sebastian!" Sebastian's eyes were on her immediately. When Bardroy saw the blonde in suds, he expected Sebastian to glare at her and scold her like he would Mey-Rin. But instead, he was shocked to see the butler's lips turn upwards in a small smirk. "My. Haven't you gotten into some trouble. What happened this time, Aurora?" Bard's jaw dropped. The butler said it so- so casually! Almost as if he were amused by it! Bard's jaw would have fallen to the floor if it weren't attached to his skull when Aurora blushed a bit, walking into the room and wringing her hair out over the sink- Sebastian stopped what he was doing and moved instantly to help her pluck the suds from her hair.

Bard was even more surprised when he heard the butler chuckle, "Honestly, Aurora- how did you manage to get all this in your hair?" Aurora giggled, silver blue eyes shining with glee, "Mey-Rin might've accidentally used thirty cups of detergent again." Sebastian hummed, "And why didn't you stop her?" Aurora smirked, "Maybe I don't mind having you help me get soap out of my hair, Sebastian. And maybe I just like you doing the laundry more than Mey-Rin and I." Bard stared at them, awestruck. Had they just- forgotten he was right there?! Sebastian returned her smirk, and Bard could have sworn he saw the butler's eyes flash- though, maybe it was a trick of the light. Aurora took Sebastian by the hand with a sweet smile, Bard almost stopped to look at her. Aurora was a good looking lady- he wouldn't lie there, but she was already so close with Sebastian, especially after her amnesia had been mended. Bard sighed, watching them leave and shook his head. "They think we're all blind to the fact they're doin' it behind our backs?" He muttered quietly to himself.

Mey-Rin noticed when the group of them came back from the hospital after Pluto, the demon hound, had been killed. The Phantomhive staff had just returned after the creatures death, and were greeted by the butler practically swooning over the blonde maid.

Mey-Rin had just walked in with Finny and Bardroy, "Young master! Sebastian, Aurora! We're back!" They called. They heard a laugh and followed the sound to the back of the manor where they found Sebastian and Aurora playing with cats and having a picnic. But what was most shocking to them was the closeness of the two. Neither seemed to notice them, and Aurora was giggling like mad. And instead of the pair dressed in their usual butler and maid attire, they were dressed more casually. For low ranked nobles. Finny, Bard and Mey-Rin stared in shock.

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