White Maid, Dissolution Part 3

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Sunlight peeked through the window of the hotel. Under the sheets in Sebastian Michaelis's room, the demon was carefully leaving the bed. Aurora was still beside him, cuddled close and holding his arm in sleep. A small smile graced her face, and the demon stared at her. She didn't remember him. It was a fact he couldn't shake.

And leaving her here, alone after he had...

He couldn't. 

But he had no choice. 

His hand gently brushed a few strands of hair from her eyes, staring at her sleeping face. She was sound asleep, she would not notice his departure. But him leaving now did not mean he would never see her again.

He sighed, "If only you remembered us, my angel... If only I could tell you that I would never leave you after laying beside you, that I would much prefer to hold you close, until the moment you open those gorgeous eyes for me, darling..." 

Aurora hummed in her sleep then, snuggling closer. The demon sighed again, deeper this time. 

"Unfortunately, my love- I must leave you here. For now." 

He leaned in, cupping her face between his thumb and forefinger, then pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. She hummed happily in sleep, smile growing. For a brief moment, the demon wondered if she had been awake, but listening to her breathing proved otherwise. He slipped slowly out of the bed, giving his attention to a small pad of paper on the bedside table. 

Glancing at the angel in his bed, he grabbed a nearby pen, scribbling a short note to her, and then setting it on the small table before dressing. When he pulled his tailcoat on, he stopped to look back at the angel. 

"I'll come see you soon, I promise." He murmured softly, before leaving the room, and not once turning back.

Behind him, the blonde tossed in bed at his departure, face contorting in pain and soft mutters escaping her before the only audible word escaped, with not a soul to listen.


Aurora was woken by the distant yelling of Ciel. She hummed sleepily, rolling over to face the butler. "Mhmm... Sebastian-" She cut herself off, realizing the butler wasn't there. Frowning, she sat up, glancing around the room. Her eyes fell upon the small note on the bedside table written in fine calligraphy. 

Reaching for it, she settled into the bed to read.

'My dearest angel,

By now you have no doubt noticed my absence. For that, I profusely apologize. 

However, as we spoke last night prior to our activities, I am sure you know to where I have gone. A demon's prey loses it's drive, and so I have had to take temporary leave. 

Know that it was not my desire to leave you before you woke, and upon my return, should you desire, I would like to continue our relations. Know this my dear- until my return, I shall keep a watchful eye.

Until we meet again, my darling angel.

                                                                                                Love, Sebastian'

Aurora stared at the letter. So he'd left. Despite his promises of continuing whatever relations they now had, tears ran down her face. He hadn't the decency to wake her at least and tell her this? 

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