White Maid, Oneshot #3

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Set: Ciel has a loose tooth, Sebastian offers to look at it, but after recalling a time when Sebastian pulled one of Ciel's teeth Ciel insists Aurora looks at it instead.

The Little Lord's Loose Tooth

Aurora took the plate of food off the table and frowned, noticing how much food still rested upon the platter. "Are you feeling well, Ciel?" She asked the young earl, who had his head resting upon his proper up elbow. He glanced down, not saying anything. Aurora put the food on a serving tray and then folded her arms across her chest, "Ciel. I made your favorite chocolate fudge lava cake. What ever is the matter?" Ciel mumbled something incoherent. Sebastian walked in then, "Is something wrong?" He asked. Aurora frowned, glancing up at her mate. "Ciel didn't finish his chocolate fudge lava cake. Clearly something is wrong." Sebastian thought for a moment and chuckled, removing his glove, "My young lord, might I examine your-" Ciel yelped, "No! Not again!" He shot up and moved to hide behind Aurora, much to the maid's surprise. "What is going on?!" She asked, Sebastian chuckled, "The young lord must have either a cavity or a loose tooth, my dear." Aurora nodded and bent down to Ciel's level, "Might you allow me to look?" She removed her glove and Ciel clamped a hand over his mouth. "Promise you won't pull it out?" He mumbled. Aurora looked shocked, "Pull it out?! Why on earth would I pull out a loose tooth?! If it's loose we will take you to a dentist who will make a diagnosis! Why on earth would you-" She cut herself off upon noticing Ciel glaring behind her at Sebastian who was chuckling quietly to himself, "What did you do?!" She snapped at her mate. Sebastian regained his composure and cleared his throat. "When our little lord was eleven, he had a wobbly tooth..."

Sebastian frowned noticing his eleven year old charge had not eaten his lunch. "How rare for you to leave behind your favourite food. Is something the matter?" He asked as he bent to remove the plate. The eleven year old boy, Ciel Phantomhive, had a finger in his mouth and mutter quietly. "My tooth feels wobbly..." Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "Your tooth?" Ciel hummed in confirmation. "Which one?" Ciel opened his mouth and pointed to one of his teeth. "'is one." Sebastian hummed, "Oh my, I see it's quite far back isn't it." The butler removed his glove, "May I feel it?" Ciel gave him a small nod and opened his mouth wider. Ciel jumped a bit as the demon butler touched his tooth. "Ah, it is indeed wobbly. This must make it difficult to eat." Ciel flinched a bit as his tooth poked his gums in an uncomfortable way. Sebastian smiled widely, "I will take it out for you now." Ciel's eye widened in alarm and he began to thrash. Sebastian opened the boy's mouth wider and stuck his thumb and index finger inside and tried to get a grip on the tooth. Ciel himself was panicking, "Uh- Ugh!" He smacked the butler's arms to no avail. " 'ait! Wait!" He thrashed some more. " 'm t 'ea'y!" Sebastian ignored the boy and sighed,  "It is difficult to get a good grip on because it's so small..." Ciel whined, " 'ot 'et! Not yet!  'op! Stop!" Ciel suddenly felt the butler grip his tooth and panicked. "Uh Ahh!" The boy let out a blood curdling scream of pain and moved to clamp his hands over his mouth. Sebastian stepped back with the tooth at hand victoriously. 

In the present, Aurora was staring at the demon in disbelief. "I thought I would be doing him a favour, however the grumpy young master threw a fit and he became quite angry with me." Aurora snapped, "I can see why!" She began cooing over Ciel immediately and turned to hiss at Sebastian as he walked over, "Don't you dare try and pull another one of my baby's precious teeth!" Sebastian chuckled and knelt before Ciel and removed a glove, "Allow me to check my lord." Ciel shook his head and buried his face into Aurora's side, clutching her maid uniform. Aurora sighed, "Ciel. What if I checked your tooth?" Ciel thought for a moment and nodded. Aurora smiled and gently opened his mouth and wobbled the loose tooth gently. "Ah, that is indeed loose. It's hanging by a thread." She removed her hand and thought for a moment then stood to grab an apple from the table, "Try eating that." Ciel stared, "But it hurts!" Aurora hummed nodding, "Yes, but it will make your tooth come out." Sebastian sighed, "Just allow me to-" Ciel snapped, "No!" Sebastian sighed, "At least allow me to look at it!" Ciel shook his head, "No!" Sebastian groaned, "I won't take it out! Just let me look at it!" Aurora smiled watching as they went back and forth, then suddenly gasped, "Ciel! Look at that! Outside!" Ciel moved quickly and gave a short little yelp as he felt a strange tug in his mouth. Pop. He looked back and saw Sebastian holding a white string, snickering to himself. Aurora smiled and bent down, where tied to the other end of the string, was Ciel's loose tooth. "I apologize, Ciel- but that tooth was rather loose and I wouldn't want you to accidentally swallow it and choke. And since you refused to try the apple, we could only resort to this." Ciel growled softly to himself, "I hate you both." 

Later that evening, as they were tucking Ciel in, Aurora slipped the tooth under his pillow. Ciel looked confused, "Why are you doing that?" Aurora blinked, "Is it not human customs to leave a tooth for the tooth fairy?" Ciel frowned, and tucked his knees to his chest. "The tooth fairy went away with my parents." He said, "My tooth fell out one night and I put it under my pillow. When I checked the next day, it was still there." Aurora shot Sebastian a look, the demo in turn shrugged, a silent notion to say he didn't know what a tooth fairy was. She smiled and knelt beside the child and brushed his hair back, "Maybe the tooth fairy just got caught up. I'm sure the tooth fairy will come tonight." Ciel shrugged, "Why not? It would be interesting to see." 

Later that night, Sebastian blinked as Aurora got out of bed, "What are you doing, my angel?" He asked sitting up instantly. Aurora jumped a bit and smiled, leaning over to kiss him. "Just going to check on Ciel." Sebastian followed her out of bed and pulled her close, "Allow me to accompany you my darling." Aurora smiled and laced her hand with his before they walked through the darkened hallways to the earl's room. Sebastian watched his mate shift into her cat form and padded over to the bed, shifted back into her human form, pulled a small bag of coin from her pocket, then exchanged it for the tooth under the pillow. Sebastian watched her fondly and shook his head, chuckling to himself. She made her way back to him and kissed his cheek before taking his hand and leading him back to their room where she pulled a small box and set the tooth inside. Sebastian watched intrigued, "Hiding it so he doesn't find it?" Aurora shook her head, "No, a reminder that he's always going to be our boy." Sebastian shrugged and laid back on the bed, she joined him a moment later. They laid there in silence for some time, the angel trailing a hand along her mate's pectorals. 


He looked over as she used his real name.

"Yes, my angel?"

Her silver blue gaze flicked upwards to meet her mate's burgundy crimson gaze, littered with curiosity at whatever she had to say next. She rested her head on his bare chest, her blonde silky locks tickling his chest. 

"You mentioned at Weston you wouldn't be opposed to the idea of having children." He nodded, "Yes, what of it?" Aurora looked up at him curiously, "W-Were you serious?" He sat up a bit and held her chin between his thumb and index finger. "Of course I was, my angel. Why would I not be?" Aurora twiddled her thumbs, "Well, I wasn't sure if you were just saying so to please me or if you were really honest-" Sebastian cut her off suddenly, "Have I ever lied to you, my beloved angel?" Aurora shook her head, "No..." Sebastian nodded, "Then why would I start now? You are mine. My mate, my wife, my angel. Whilst I would do anything for you, I would never force either of us to simply produce a child that would be conceived out of nothing more than simply conceiving a child. If we ever did, or do, I want that child to come from love. Not us simply making it a job. Understand, my love?" Aurora smiled and kissed him, starting the beginning of a very passionate night of love making. By it's end, whilst they hadn't managed to spark the start of their own biological child, their adoptive child had managed to sneak into their room in the early hours of morning to curl up alongside them, slowly beginning to feel the same love he had felt a long time ago from that of his biological parents.

A/N: This was a cute one, supposedly the rest of the mange will be arriving tomorrow or Thursday, and that's the next five. after Volume 20. So here's hoping that they arrive on time so I can finally read on after Volume 20's cliffhanger! Until then, one shots will be here and City of Scars: Blood Betrayal will be updated. At least one of them will. (Odds are one shots will be updated first cause they take less time than 2000+ word chapters.) Hope this one was enjoyable, another one is already in the works! :)

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