White Maid, Oneshot #1

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Set: Sebastian's contract with Shakespeare.

Love Me For Me

The demon was furiously penning down stories for his current master, and then proceeding to hand them off to the author who sat by the fire reading for inspiration. "Demon." At his master's word, the demon looked up, "Sir?" The master, William Shakespeare, held up a paper. "I'm intrigued, how does thou come up with such tales?" The demon set down his quill and leaned back in the chair. "I am a demon." He said, "I have lived many years, sir. I am thousands of years old, I have seen many things." The author leaned over, a quill and paper at hand. "Would you mind elaborating?" The demon dipped his head, "Is that an order?" Shakespeare nodded vigorously. "I order you, demon. Elaborate." The demon's eyes flashed crimson. "Very well, master. I was a young fledgling, and quite stupid..."

The angel turned to her beloved demon with a bright smile, "Malphas! Come on! It's easy!" The demon watched the beautiful angel flutter over the lake and her wingtip just touch the water, sending water splashing towards him and drenching him from head to toe. He chuckled, "I'll have to pass, Angelica. I am not an angel." Angelica flew over and landed in front of him. "Here," she held out her hand, "Take my hand." The demon looked a little hesitant, but tentatively took her hand. At once, he felt that spark, a spark so often described in fairy tales, between them. He looked up at the angel who seemed to have felt it as well. Her eyes were pulling him close and he unconsciously pulled her into his embrace. She let out a tiny gasp of shock, then his hand came up to caress her cheek. She stared into his eyes as his hand ran along her face, his eyes flicked down to her lips, a silent question to which she responded a moment later by leaning up towards him, her silver blue eyes fluttering shut. His own crimson moved to lock with hers, and he pulled her closer as he kissed her. He could feel his demonic instincts wanting to take over, but he pushed them aside and continued to kiss the beautiful angel in his arms. Her hands came to rest on his shoulders, nails digging into them as she pulled him close. His other hand moved to her hair, fingers threading through the long blonde silky locks. When they finally pulled away, her eyes held nothing put pure adoration for him. He stood there, foolishly in shock. Angelica looked up at him, "Malphas, why did you do that?" The demon opened his jaw to speak, but no words came out. "Malphas?" She spoke again and looked up at him, holding his hands in hers. Malphas spoke at last, "C-Can I kiss you again?" Angelica smiled and nodded. His mouth met hers once more and then after some time he looked at her. "Run away with me." Angelica looked at him, "Do you love me?" Malphas looked confused. "What?" Angelica stepped back, "Do you love me? If this is just a demon thing of lust... or is it more?"

 Malphas stared, "I don't know." He admitted, "I've never... felt this way before." Angelica looked up at him, "How does it feel?" He spoke, "Like- Like I've opened my eyes for the first time, like I'm alive, there's this churning feeling in my gut, like it hurts but it doesn't. I feel like I'm-" Angelica cut him off, "On a cloud? Floating?" Malphas nodded, "How did you-?" Angelica smiled and returned to his arms and kissed him. "That's love, Malphas." Malphas shook his head, "But we're not supposed to! Demons and angels-" Angelica kissed him, "You've said before that rules do not matter. Why should they matter now? Malphas, I am more than willing to run away with you," She laced her fingers with his own, "I would just like to know you love me as much as I love you." Malphas held her for a few moments. "But you can't love a demon," he said. Angelica put a hand to his face, "Why not?" Malphas looked at her, worry shining in his crimson eyes. "You'll be afraid of me once you see my true form. You won't love me anymore. That is why you cannot love me." Angelica smiled up at him kindly, "You could look like the ugliest being in all existence and I would still love you. You are the only one who understands me. Back up there in Heaven I'm a demon among my own kind. My mother is a Fallen, my father an Arch." She pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, "I love you, Malphas. I promise, I would never run from you." 

The demon nodded slowly and pressed his lips to hers in a passionate kiss before pulling away. He looked at her, eyes glowing fuchsia. "Promise me, promise me you'll still love me even after you've seen what I am?" Angelica nodded, "I would love you no matter what, my darling demon."

She remained true to her word. She went up to him, in his demon form, and kissed him. That kiss sealed their fate. 

Angelica was singing to him now, her voice soft and melodic as she toyed with his long hair, making small braids in it, something he often did for her.

"Once a lad, met a lass, you a gentle one said she...."

"What happened then?" William Shakespeare asked, "Where is she now? Why are you not with her?" The demon before him fell silent for a few moments then answered. "I don't know. We had made plans to run away together, she wanted to see the outside world and I took her to a grand ball at the Schon Brohn palace in Vienna. She was going to meet me the next day. When I arrived there, I was met by the Heavenly Guard. They nearly killed me, so I fled back to Hell. I found out after I spent years searching for her that she had been killed after abandoning me." He reached into his shirt and pulled a blue necklace with a pretty blue diamond. "I had been resting by the lake where we stayed after I searched the world for the thousandth time. That was when an angel, her best friend gave me this. She had worn this amulet for as long as I had known her. He told me that she had been killed, her wings ripped off for her sin of coitus with a demon. But the thing was, I had never... penetrated her or done anything of the sort. The most that ever happened was a few shared kisses. They killed her for being in love." He gritted his teeth and his hand shook around the amulet in his hand. "That is my reason for despising angels." He then turned back to his work, and cleared his throat. "Was there anything else you require of me, master?" Shakespeare shook his head. "No. Not at this time."

Years Later...

"Wait," A dying Shakespeare croaked to the demon in his employ. The demon turned, a brow raised in question. "Yes?" Shakespeare reached into a bedside drawer and weakly handed him a book. "Take this. It is a gift. Thank you for everything, demon."

Prince Malphas walked into his bed chambers in Hell, where he sat on his bed and opened the book. Romeo and Juliet. An inscription was scribbled on the bottom in the front. He read it over and smiled, then he walked to the library in the Desideriis Castle and put it aside, to where he would one day read it again.

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