The Fallen, Vampyre & The Demon, Observant

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Aurora was walking silently down the hall. Her heels clicking solemnly, tapping with each step, her pain evident in her movements. Body rigid with fear, the flesh on her hers sparking into gooseflesh, and fists shaking in a somewhat violent fashion. 

He didn't deserve to die.

No matter how much evil he's done in his life, he still didn't deserve to die for it.

The Fallen paused, resting her back against the wall as she composed herself. Her fingers shakily reaching up to the engagement ring, clutching it tightly to her chest, fingers quickly heating the metal . 

Sebastian had died. 

Cold, alone, and in the middle of an empty room that was anything but warm. 

He didn't deserve that end.

He should have been in my room with me... He should've...

Her lungs began to feel tight, constricting even, and she sniffed, sinking down against the wall, ignorant to the rough wood against her spine, and holding back a sob of pain before burying her face in her knees and letting it all out.

It's too much... 

As much as she had hated to admit it, Mister Woodley was right. Sebastian had lied. He hadn't shared his concerns with her. He knew he was going to die, so why not just spend one more night with her? 

Just a little longer... Anything

He had been perfectly content to just leave. To let her find his stone cold corpse in the morning, to cradle his head in her hands while she sobbed over him, her tears splashing onto his face to leave little red marks. 

How could he have let himself die? If he'd known- how could he let her suffer? He knew to well something like this would kill her. She could feel the parts of her that ached growing numb, and she smiled, knowing the heartbreak was finally taking it's full toll on her. "They're all right... He's gone. And... I know nothing about myself, and clearly nothing about him."

She coughed, grimacing as a chunk of blood came onto her hand. "I don't seem to be getting any better, either..." She whispered to herself, wiping the blood away on her skirt. "Only... worse." She winced, tossing her head back against the wall and letting out a short flurry of coughs.  

"Oh Malphas... I may join you sooner than I was planning..." 

She hummed, "I'll need to find someone to care for Noire... I can't let her... be alone..." Aurora shut her eyes, trying to think of whom she could put the cat with. 

Finny would adore her... So would Mey-Rin... But they'll listen to Ciel if he says otherwise...

She coughed, more blood splattering across her suddenly pale lips and running in a slow bead down her chin. She supposed it was the stress. The pain even. She winced. If I die, I die on my own terms. She stifled a small cry, knees tucked into her chest. 

Just hold on a little longer...

She pleaded with herself, not yet.

As she pushed open the door to the kitchen, Aurora's face fell the moment she saw the others sitting around the table. "What on earth are the lot of you doing?" She demanded, "Dinner should be at least halfway done by now!" 

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