His Butler & Maid, In A Rage

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"A-All this time... What I was creating was no more than... toxic gas?" Tears streaked down Sieglinde's face and she began to sob, "All this time I wasn't making a spell to protect the villagers, I was only making a weapon to hurt and kill people?! Was everyone deceiving me all this time?!" She screamed, "Say it's not true! WISEWOMAN!!!" 

Aurora flinched at the child's cries and moved to stand behind both Sieglinde and Ciel. Sebastian watched her from the corner of his eye.

"Do not cry, Sieglinde, my daughter..."

Sieglinde choked at the crone's words. "D-Daughter?!"

The crone went on to explain how she had been a part of a research team and how her superior- of whom she was having an affair, was killed in one of the experiments. She had given birth to Sieglinde who, the crone believed in her madness, had the brain of her lover. Sieglinde had mastered the alphabet by the age of three, and even understood the synthesis of mustard gas. Each new revealed truth felt like a punch to the young child.


Wolfram came running in at the sound of Sieglinde's scream, "My Lady?!" Aurora stepped in front, blocking him and glaring at him coldly. Sebastian stood alongside her, the same devilish look as always on his face. He growled, "Bastard. Bitch." Sieglinde snarled then, "You! You were deceiving me too! LIAR!!!" Wolfram stood there, hurt by the little girl's words. Aurora snapped at him, "You crushed your own child's legs, and continued to threaten her for the sake of new weapons... How dare you even fathom to call yourself a parent?!" Her eyes had a soft, but burning silver violet glow to them, Sebastian watched as she made to unsheathe her wings and quickly lunged forward to grab her in his arms, pulling her back to his chest and holding her as she continued to spit curses at the man. Ciel in the meantime moved to gently hug Sieglinde and hiss at the crone, "Children are not tools for their parents to use!" He whipped out his gun and raised it to the sky and fired. 


Ciel grabbed Sieglinde and ran, Sebastian following with Aurora. Aurora snapped at her mate, "Let me give him a piece of my mind, Sebastian!" Sebastian said nothing just pushed her after the children as Wolfram shot at them. "Sebastian!" Ciel said pulling Sieglinde out of the room, "Take care of the rest! Aurora, come with us!" Sebastian pushed his mate after them and nodded, "Yes, my lord."

Aurora had Sieglinde in her arms and held Ciel's arm tightly as she pulled him along. "Move faster!" Aurora snapped at Ciel, her feet picking up the pace as they rushed from the area. Ciel snapped, "I'm trying!" Aurora tucked Sieglinde's face to her chest and then pulled Ciel closer, "Hold on tightly. Do not let go." Before Ciel could respond, the maid had spread her white wings and flew them to a small clearing where she landed and sheathed her wings before setting both children down. She was breathing heavily and sat down on a nearby boulder to catch her breath. Sieglinde was on the ground, distraught from the bitter truth she had just learned. Ciel spoke darkly, making Aurora look up to watch the scene. "The outside world is full of those who would take advantage of you," he began, "You may yet experience more hardships than you did today. So choose." Aurora watched as he dropped the flare gun in his hand, her eyes widening as he instead reached into his coat and withdrew his pistol, cocking it and loading it as he spoke. "Will you still venture beyond this forest? Or-" Aurora gasped as he placed the gun to the younger girl's head. "Will you take the easy way out instead?"

Aurora stared at him in horror. Ciel's stance didn't falter for even a second. He cocked the pistol in his hand, "Well?" Sieglinde stared up at him silently for a few moments before she finally spoke, "I- I'm horrified I created SuLIN...  Everyone has lied to me... I'm worth nothing..." Ciel tensed, and reaffirmed his grip on the gun, preparing to shoot only to find Aurora looking at him in horror. 

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