White Maid- Story Lore & Timeline

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Updated 11.20.21

White Maid Lore


Aurora was based primarily after- Disney's Princess Aurora, Rapunzel, and Anastasia. Her personality is a blend of each of these three, and surprisingly, Aurora Magné was not named after Princess Aurora. She was actually named after the Aurora Borealis. I had toyed with Borealis being her last name, but then when I created the love story of her parents, I decided to try a French/ Demonesque name. Hence how I eventually came up with Magné. 

Aurora's Character Prof.

Name: Angelica Aurora Laverné-Magné

Age: Unknown (appears mid to early twenties)

Appearance: light blonde hair, blonde highlights, ivory/vanilla/peach coloured skin. Base color Vanilla, with a tan peach, sick/out of sun ivory

Role in Phantomhive Household; Governess/Housemaid aka Head Maid

A/N; Aurora sees Ciel not as Sebastian's dinner, but as a child that could be her own. Aurora adores children, she doesn't necessarily hate Alois in season 2 because she feels Claude heavily manipulated him. She does not agree with Sebastian devouring Ciel's soul, but she does accept it because the terms of the contract are fair and legal in the terms of immortals. 

Aurora's Parents;

Aurora is a unique breed of angel to say the least. Aurora's father is none other than the Arch Angel- Michael Laverne. Taken from the actual, Michael is the head of all of God's angels. Therefore, I decided naming Michael as Aurora's father. Michael Laverne, or otherwise known as- Arch Laverne, became the 'king' or 'leader' of Heaven after the Creator left to assumedly create a new world. 

Angels & Demons;

Most angels are coloured in white, gold, and sometimes silvers and other expensive gem colourings. Colours such as red, orange and some hues of gold, are of course exempt from this. Angels will appear in lightly coloured apparel, whilst demons generally take on the opposite

Clan Desideriis; 

Desideriis is Latin for lust/lusts. Sebastian, whose demon name is Malphas, is the head of Desideriis. Much like how Ciel Phantomhive is Lord Phantomhive and head of house of Phantomhive, Malphas Desideriis is a demon of high ranking. Malphas, a prince of Hell, is second to Lucifer. While the former head, Asmodeous Desideriis, is the ultimate King of the Second Circle of Lust, and also the King of Pride, he stepped aside to allow his first born son- Malphas to become head of Desideriis. Malphas's twin sister, a demoness, according to demonic custom, would not receive such titles unless there was no other son born. 

After Stolas was born, Vulpes Ilia's claim to the throne descended further. Hell is a patriarchy. Females are not often taken seriously or appreciated. Demonesses of high ranking are rare. Demons will only mate with demonesses of high standing to keep the gene pool strong. Stolas Desideriis became Stolas Superbior after he became Lord Of Superbior, a title bestowed upon him by his father, he mated to Vermilla, a high ranking demoness with a distant bloodline to King Lucifer. Vermilla would be able to conceive an heir, however Stolas (despite being of a strong bloodline and third born- second born son), was initially unsure about becoming a father, and put off the idea of children. Vermilla, while she did not like children, assured him she was alright with the decision. Hence why the pair remained childless. 

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