His Angel, On Trial & The Butler, Changing

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It was a sunny morning at the Phantomhive Manor, the manor and its surroundings were quiet- a rarity. In the master bedchambers, Ciel Phantomhive lay curled in between the demon butler and angel maid. Ciel was sound asleep, snoring softly as his small body curled into that of Aurora's. 

The angel had her white gold wing draped over the boy, keeping him safe and warm. Sebastian was on the other side, laying awake. Aurora blinked away the sleep, her silver blue eyes resting on Sebastian as he glared down at the boy. "Se..bastian? Is it morning already?" 

Sebastian slowly sat up, "It is. And we've let him sleep in." Aurora reached over and grabbed his wrist as he made to wake Ciel. "No, don't wake him. He needs as much rest as possible." Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "He is not an ordinary child, Angelica. He is a child earl. He has a job like every other human." 

Aurora glared, "He is still a child, Sebastian! He needs his rest! And considering his recent ordeal, he absolutely needs to rest!" Sebastian growled, "He needs  to carry out his schedule as per normal!" Aurora hissed back, "He's just a child! Sebastian, he-" She was cut off as Ciel suddenly began mumbling in his sleep, tossing and turning.

"Mother.... Father... No.... No....."

Tears began leaking through Ciel's lashes, and he began thrashing. Aurora felt a pit of worry growing within her, but when she looked to Sebastian for help, she recoiled at the sadistic smile on his face. It took her a moment of horror to remember that he was indeed a demon, he thrived off of negative emotion. 

And Ciel's fragile state made him all the more a delectable meal for a demon. 

Aurora wrapped her wings around the boy, pulling him into her embrace and shushing him. "Hush Ciel." She soothed, "Everything's alright. Your alright." Ciel was shaking. Aurora glanced up briefly when Sebastian scooted a little closer to them. It was now she first saw his black feathered wings, inherited from his father. 

Her eyes widened. "Since when did you-?!" Sebastian shushed her, "The master is sleeping. Hush." He tightened the cocoon of feathers around them, and Aurora couldn't help but snuggle into his black feathers.

So soft... 

Her finger's ran delicately over the wings.

So light...

So comfy....

Her eyes turned to pinpricks when she heard the demon humming in pleasure. "I'm sorry!" She yelped, jumping back, clamping a hand over her mouth to look at Ciel. Sebastian smiled, "How adorable. You flush so pink when you're embarrassed."

He leaned in, "The same shade of pink when I-"

Aurora shoved him back, palm to his face. "Shut up. Please. Let's not mention this again."

Sometime later, Ciel began to stir, and the couple off to the side playing a game of cards, looked up in surprise. As he sat up, rubbing his head, Aurora smiled sweetly at him while reaching for her medical tools. "Good morning, Ciel. How are you feeling?" Ciel groaned, "I'm... dizzy. Everything hurts, and I don't know why. My head..." 

Aurora sighed and looked at Sebastian. "Sebastian, would you get him some tea? Maybe that will help him." Sebastian nodded and slid out of bed. Aurora took a moment to admire his figure as he quickly changed and then leave the room to fetch the tea. 

"Aurora," Ciel murmured as she helped him sit up, "What's going on? Why do I feel... like something's missing?" 

Aurora shook her head and stroked his hair soothingly, "Ciel, I assure you- nothing aside from your morning tea is missing." Ciel leaned back, and closed his eyes. A moment after, Sebastian entered the room with the tea tray and served Ciel a cup of Earl Grey. Sebastian walked over to Aurora's side of the bed and rested his hands on her shoulders, leaning down to murmur in her ear. 

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