His Butler & Maid, Taking Off

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A few days later at the start of July, the servants were running about the kitchen Aurora nearly colliding with Mey-Rin while holding a stack of plates. Sebastian quickly steadied her and then his gaze fell upon the other servants. Mey-Rin was fumbling with her glasses, Finny's hat was... to bright for his tastes. He glanced at Aurora and nodded for her to follow him. 

"It is time to rise, Ciel." Sebastian said throwing open the curtains in the Earl's room. Ciel moaned and rolled over. Aurora laughed and poured the tea. "Sebastian, don't open the curtains like that! It's too bright for his eyes!" Sebastian pulled her to his side and kissed her before he turned his attention to the tray. "He's grown enough, he can manage." Aurora shook her head. Ciel yawned and gave a sleepy moan, "Today's tea is a blend?" The maid smiled and reached over to comb his hair back a bit. "As sharp as ever, young master." Sebastian handed him the cup of tea, "The tea is from Fortnum and Mason." Aurora looked down at him, "Would you care for milk?" Ciel nodded and leaned back into her comforting embrace. "Yes. And honey as well."

Aurora stood by as Sebastian dressed Ciel for the day, making the bed and cleaning up the morning tea. "There is a stack of documents that require your signature, furthermore the person responsible for the new department at Harrod's that has just recently opened would like you to visit." Ciel nodded, "I see. Then I shall go today." Sebastian hummed in response, "Very good, sir." Aurora joined them with Ciel's eye patch then, "In that case, we have a small request." Ciel looked up, "Hmm?" Aurora smiled tying the eye patch with ease, "We would like to see about purchasing a new pair of glasses for Mey-Rin and a new hat for Finny. As their current are... outdated." Ciel nodded, "Then today we will take them a-" He cut off, eye widening at the sound of angry stomping. Aurora stood and stood beside Sebastian, "I don't believe we have any elephants on the estate, do we?" She grumbled. Her mate chuckled quietly and pulled her close, "If it is such a thing, you know I will do my upmost to protect you." The door was thrown open then and Prince Soma entered the room. 

"Ciiieeelllll!" Aurora sighed as Soma immediately began berating the boy about leaving Weston. Aurora hummed leaning into Sebastian, "Might as well be an elephant..." She murmured quietly so only he could hear. "Do your job Mister Knight-In-Shining-Armor. Protect me." Sebastian pulled his arms around her and smirked, "I highly doubt this 'elephant' you speak of is of any threat to you. But regardless, I shall protect you." Soma exclaimed then, "The coursework was far too easy! I studied all of that when I was a child!" Aurora stared in shock, then leaned over to her mate. "So the elephant has a brain. Huh. Imagine that." Sebastian shook his head and smiled holding her close. "Have I ever told you how much I love you, Aurora, darling?" Aurora smiled, "Every day, Sebastian. Every day." Agni piped up, "The brilliance of my prince was the pride of the court tutors!" Ciel mumbled quietly, growing aggravated at the khan sama's entrance, "So you're here as well..." Agni nodded, "Yes! It has been a while!" Sebastian and Aurora looked confused. "A while?" They repeated, "We just met at Weston College a couple days ago." Agni gasped, "Eh?!"

Aurora narrowed her eyes, "Soon after Prince Soma's enrollment? The elephant incident?" Sebastian nodded, "When Aurora and I went to the Red House to 'deliver' our special  pie..." Aurora nodded in agreement, "Yes. That is what happened then, isn't it?" Soma growled, "Agni... Did you disobey me?!" As the two argued, Aurora walked over to the wardrobe and pulled one of Ciel's coats and handed it to Sebastian who pulled it over the young lord's shoulders. Aurora curtsied before leaving, "We have some errands to run!" Ciel nodded, putting on a bowler hat. "You two will watch the house while we're gone." The three of them quickly gathered the three scatterbrained servants into the carriage and left.

"Whoa! What a big clock!" Finny exclaimed as they made the journey into town. Aurora smiled as the servants spoke amongst themselves. Ciel looked outside, "I wonder when the tower bridge will be complete." Aurora followed his gaze. "The plans were laid around the time you were born, young master. Construction began three years ago," Sebastian mused. Aurora nodded in agreement, "It appears it will require quite a bit more time before it is finished." 

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