His Butler & Maid, Guiding & Plotting

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Aurora's eyes fluttered open the next morning, woken to the sound of Sebastian slipping out of bed to dress. She rolled over and watched him dress, "Do you have to go?" Sebastian sat on the edge of the bed and nodded, "Unfortunately yes, my mate." Aurora looked up at him, "There's no way I can go with you?" Sebastian hummed, "If you find a way for you to stay beside me at all times, I'm all for it." As he stood to leave, Aurora quickly grabbed his arm. He paused and she sat up, "What if you snuck me around under your robes? I could stay in my cat form and it would be much easier." Sebastian chuckled, "Darling, I'm not sure-" Aurora was already on her feet and throwing on a pretty pink and red dress before she bounced excitedly,

"Please, please, please? I'd much rather be near you!" Sebastian sighed, "Aurora, Angelica, my darling- you know I love you and would love to be near you at all times but-" The door began to open then and Aurora quickly shifted into her cat form a...

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"Please, please, please? I'd much rather be near you!" Sebastian sighed, "Aurora, Angelica, my darling- you know I love you and would love to be near you at all times but-" The door began to open then and Aurora quickly shifted into her cat form and dove under the bed. Ciel opened the door and coughed. "I feel sick, Mister Michaelis. Can I stay back and rest?" Sebastian was completely unamused and Aurora slunk out from under the bed. "Meow." Ciel jumped back, "My allergies!" Sebastian chuckled, "Come now, Phantomhive- I doubt your allergies have much effect. Do they, Aurora?" Aurora mewed in response and purred as he massaged the space between her ears. Ciel stared, "That's-" Sebastian nodded, "How else would she get into the college? They turned her down for the character forum because she was simply too young. And it wasn't liked that we were married." Ciel nodded, "Uh huh." Aurora shifted back into her human form, "Congratulations on getting to hang out with the P4, it must have been quite an experience." Ciel hissed, "Maurice Cole lied! He told me four o'clock and it was really two o'clock!" The boy began rambling and Aurora sighed, "Your both going to be late..." Sebastian hummed, "Yes! Now come along, Phantomhive- let's get going." Aurora gasped, "Your not going to leave me here! Are you?" Sebastian smirked, "I'll see you later, dearest." Aurora gave a child like half whine half groan of annoyance as they left. She hissed, "No more sex for a week. I swear he's never going to..." She trailed off shifting into her cat form and then climbed out the nearby window, preparing to go on for the day. 

Aurora was perched on the window sill outside of Sebastian's classroom. She was growing quite bored listening to him read a few Latin translations which the students were hastily copying down. When he walked by the window, he unlocked it and pushed it open a bit. Aurora leapt to her paws and slipped inside, discreetly creeping over to lay behind his desk where he'd laid out one of his shirts and a ball of yarn. Aurora rolled her eyes at the sight of the yarn, but was more than happy to curl up in her mate's shirt. She'd yell at him later for putting one of his nice shirts on the floor.

When the class dismissed for breakfast, Aurora stretched and crawled out once the students had gone. She looked both ways to ensure it was just her and Sebastian in the room before she shifted out of her cat form. "You do know I'm going to have to give you a Y for throwing your good shirts about, Mister Michaelis." She teased walking over to wrap her arms around his neck. He chuckled, "Oh? What poem shall I write for you my dear?" He began kissing his way along the nape of her neck to her shoulder. "Cattulus? Ovid? Tibullus? Take your pick my love, I shall write whatever poem you wish." Aurora hummed reaching up to wrap an arm around his neck and pull him closer, "You could always write our love story in Latin, one hundred times... I'm interested to see how you would write it." Sebastian chuckled, "I'm sure your version of it would be much better my dear, but as you wish, I shall give it a try." Aurora smiled and kissed him. He groaned and pulled her close, before releasing her when he heard the bell toll signaling the end of the breakfast period. He growled. "I'll have to leave you now my angel, the master will be most unpleasant should I be fired or not carry out my duties." Aurora groaned and rested her head on his shoulder, "Can you not just carry me around for the day?" Sebastian smirked and stroked her hair with a finger, "I'd love nothing more my love, but I am not certain we would be able to get away with it. Also it would be beneficial for you to do your own bit of investigations. And you could always watch over the young master, keep him out of danger. The sooner we figure out what happened to Derrick Arden, the sooner we leave." Aurora kissed his cheek. "Very well, I'll go tend to Ciel." She started to pull away. "However..." She clutched his robes. "You do owe me. I expect some form of payment for my day work tonight, Mister Michaelis." Sebastian smirked, "But of course, my lady."

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