Butler & Maid, Final Match & Under Lock And Key

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Aurora joined her mate as he hid behind a wall, "He's not here!" Sebastian hissed, Aurora looked surprised. "What?! But I just saw him! As did you!" Sebastian opened his mouth then gaped, grabbed her by the arm, noticing the head master elsewhere. "How did he move over there so fast?!" Aurora whispered as Sebastian pulled her along, now in his usual butler uniform. Aurora stopped, causing him to be pulled back. "What?!" he asked, "What do you-" He stopped following her gaze. Lau had made his move. "Since when was Lau?.." Aurora started only to have Sebastian pull her off, "No time to explain, he's part of the plan. Now come quickly!" 

They chased the head master in doors. "Wait!" Aurora stopped her mate. "What? What is it?" He demanded. Aurora frowned, "I think we're chasing a ghost." Sebastian scoffed, "Since when are you into occult-" Aurora sighed, "I'm not finished." She looked up the stairs, "I mean I think we're being played. Why else would we be chasing this 'head master' all across the college grounds." Sebastian smirked, "Very well. Then we shall stop him at once!" He took off again, this time jumping up a few flights of stairs and grabbing the man, only to gasp in surprise. "Sebastian?!" Aurora called up worriedly, unsheathing her wings and flying up beside him, only to stare in shock. "He.... vanished?"

Sebastian was pacing, "How is this possible?!" Aurora was leaning against the wall, since having sheathed her wings. Then her eyes widened. "Sebastian. The only way the head master could escape us both is if-" He cut her off, "We need to get back to Ciel. Now."

Ciel himself, was currently in the midst of an argument over his most recent bowl. One of the prefects, was now trying to state that he was in fact playing a fair game by holding up his hand and stating it was obvious by looking at the boy's hand how much work and effort was put into him preparing for the big game. Ciel recalled the many afternoons Sebastian had spent tutoring him in the game while Aurora would watch from the sidelines in her feline form, sometimes shifting to her human form to cheer him on, even at one point joining in herself, which had resulted in her tripping over her feet and sending the three of them falling to the grass. Ciel had laughed then, alongside both butler and maid. 

In that moment. 

He had a family again.

Sebastian and Aurora came out of the building just in time to Ciel get hit in the head and sent sprawling the ground after being hit in the head with the cricket bat. Aurora gasped in horror, "Ciel!" She cried starting to run over, only to have Sebastian grab her around the waist. "Wait." He murmured, standing beside her to watch the scene play out. Aurora hissed, "Are you completely foolish?! He just got bludgeoned!" Sebastian smirked, "Precisely." They watched as Ciel reached for the bowl on the ground, and threw it. The current batsman, instead of running, went to check on the boy he had hit. Ciel yelled, "Umpire!" Everyone but Sebastian stared in shock. 

"Out!" The umpire called, "Green house ten outs, time! The match is over!" While the Blue House team threw Ciel up in the air, cheering, Sebastian threw on his robes and made his way over. "Hold it right there!" Aurora followed after him with a cloth of water to put on Ciel's wound. "How could you be so wreckless?" Sebastian asked him. Aurora hummed in agreement, and put the cloth to the boy's forehead, "He's right, Ciel. Getting that gash seen to comes first." Ciel groaned weakly, "But winning alongside everyone has made me so happy that I've forgotten the pain!" Sebastian and Aurora smiled down at him, and Sebastian pulled the boy close to his chest, and began to carry him off the field to get medical assistance. "You really are a most incorrigible boy."

"Ow!" Ciel yelped. Aurora sighed, "Hold still and this won't hurt as much." The angel was dabbing a cloth of rubbing alcohol against his cut in attempts to clean it. "Aurora! Stop! It hurts!" Ciel whined, Aurora chuckled, "Had you not forgotten your pain out of happiness Ciel?" Ciel yelped again, "You must be joking!" Sebastian entered the room at that moment, tossing a ball between his hands. Aurora sighed, "Honestly, I wish your little schemes wouldn't result in you being harmed. Your always such a pain to work with when you become wounded." Ciel grumbled quietly to himself. Aurora narrowed her eyes and dabbed at the sound a little harder making him yelp. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll try and stay still!" Sebastian chuckled and handed him the ball, "I've retrieved the ball as you asked, I doubt Bluewer noticed our trick, after all, the weight of the ball only differs slightly. But thanks to this, we were able to take the championship as according to plan." Sebastian handed his mate a roll of bandages and she began to bandage Ciel's wound while he gave his glorious monologue about how this was the perfect tear jerker of an ending. She sighed, "I suppose it is, Ciel. But please try to refrain from finding yourself harm, hmm?" Ciel nodded and then turned to Sebastian. "The headmaster?" Aurora bit her lip. Oh dear. Happy Ciel was going to be gone soon. "I regret to inform you that while Aurora and I did do our upmost to pursue him, the moment we cornered him this was all there was." Ciel scoffed, "In that case I should have had just had you two make me desserts or something." Sebastian smiled, "Aurora thought you might say that." He nodded to his wife who got up and returned a few moments later with a platter of dessert. Aurora smirked, "But you will have to save this for later..." At that moment the entire of Blue House came rushing in and Ciel quickly pulled on his eye patch. Aurora moved to stand beside her husband who chuckled down at the sight quietly. Aurora glanced at him, and their eyes met. Growing fond of our young master, Sebastian? She inquired through the bond. Sebastian smirked and she heard him chuckle within her mind, perhaps. Aurora's laugh echoed in his own mind. I thought you said something about not growing too attached? That he was just 'dinner'?  Sebastian glanced at the boy who was being praised by his class mates. I suppose my impression on him has changed a bit, he admitted through the bond. Aurora gently nudged him, A little bit? Don't think I haven't noticed how you held onto him in Hell. Even among your most trusted you still didn't release him. And then you kept him right by both our sides the entire time. Sebastian was silent, so she went on. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have seen how fondly you look at him. You adore him just as much as I do. You think of him as our own son. Sebastian's eyes widened a bit at that. Aurora laced her hand with his and gave it a gentle squeeze. I wouldn't be against adopting him. Or making him our test child so to speak. So if we ever decide we would like to- Sebastian cut her off. I wouldn't argue about adopting him. Aurora, when we are ready to have our own- they were both startled as one of the boy's tugged on Sebastian's robe, going on about the boat parade. 

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