The Housekeeper, Façade & The Author, Investigating

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Her tears seemed to wet his uniform far more than his own blood did. 

The servants appeared first, Bard and Mey-Rin having heard the initial clatter of the bucket and sweep. The three servants had rushed to the room, finding the distraught housekeeper practically cowering over the butler's body.

Sebastian had seemed invincible. 

His death was the most unexpected. Aurora was sobbing, and the other guests came their way, drawn by the blonde woman's sobbing. She was murmuring frantically, a mix of French, English, and another dialect that none of the servants could make out.

"No... No, no, no... Wake up... Wake up, please.... Please don't leave me here..."

Its was Phelps who came to the door first, followed by Earl Grey. Then Irene and Grimsby. Woodley, and then Doctor Doyle and the young lord.

It was quiet when Earl Phantomhive stepped into the room. Finding his housekeeper cradling his deceased butler in her arms, and sobbing. 

It had confirmed his suspicions.

They'd been having an affair. 

Her fingers, ungloved for once, gliding over the dead man's skin, almost as if by some miracle her touch could resurrect him from death. 

Her normally tied up blonde curls were free and in long tresses, covering her agonized face as she cried, occasionally uttering soft prayers in a language that Ciel was almost certain had to be angelic. 

She hadn't noticed him, though he'd been standing over her for some time. He spared a glance at Mey-Rin, the maid slowly coming forward to help the housekeeper away. 

"Come here, Aurora..."

"No!" The blonde snapped, shoving her away violently. "No one is moving him! No one is taking him again!"

She choked on her tears, furiously wiping some away as she desperately patted Sebastian's cold face. "Wake up. Wake up. You can't be gone..."  She clung to him even more, crying harder as her fingers dug into his wool uniform. 

Ciel narrowed his eyes. So she was making the affair known. This made things easier, though he would have much preferred Earl Grey to not be here. 

Aurora looked at Finny, desperation in her eyes, "Finny- go to the infirmary and get my supplies, maybe there's still something I can do!" She looked back at the body, silver blue eyes wide, almost crazed as she caressed his face, "We'll fix this... We always fix this..."

Before Ciel could demand her to stop pawing at the demon, Bard stepped in, slowly setting a hand on her shoulder.

"Give it a rest..." He murmured, staring at her sympathetically. "It's too late... He's already-"

"No!" She cried, "No, he can't be! He promised, he promised he'd never leave me again! He promised!" 

Her sobs broke into loud, sorrowful wails and Bard shushed her gently, his hand on her shoulder. When her cries became hiccups, she cupped the dead butler's face, gently in her hand. Her body shook with the effort, and tears still ran down her cheeks. 

"You said you'd never let anyone separate us..." she whispered, soft enough so the others didn't hear. "You said you'd come back... You..." She trailed off, wiping the tears from her eyes. 

"You're dead..."

She stared at him for another minute, and Ciel finally spoke. "What happened? Who was here first?" Bard cleared his throat, nodding to the housekeeper. "She found him. I saw her earlier in the kitchen, just before dawn. Sebastian visited all of us last night at some point or another."

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