Hurt Maid, Solo Butler Part 2

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Aurora had been serious. 

Sebastian learned that rather quickly. 

She didn't even look at him the rest of the boat ride. 

When it began to rain, he could see the growing concern on the angel's face. When they tied the boat near the next floodgate, Aurora didn't seek his attention but kept to herself. She had given her cloak to Ciel and Elizabeth to share, leaving her in her maid uniform which was soon plastered to her skin from the pouring rain. 

"Elizabeth!" Ciel yelled as Elizabeth marched onwards. "You really ought to wait!" Elizabeth's green eyes were determined, "I just saw it! Over there in the woods." Ciel grabbed her suddenly, earning a soft cry of protest from her. "Even the stag will seek shelter." He sighed, "Lets just go back." Lizzie shook her head, "No! I'm going to find it, Ciel!" 

Ciel attempted to reason with her, "Aren't you being a bit unreasonable?" He smiled sweetly at her and pulled her into a hug, "We can look for the stag whenever we like." Elizabeth gasped and her eyes sparkled. Aurora smiled, he'd clearly been taking lessons in charming a lady from Sebastian. 

"Better yet we can hire people and offer a reward. But for now-" Elizabeth's face fell, and she looked down, speaking in a hushed tone, "Do you know... your a complete..." She shoved him away, screaming. "A complete idiot!" Ciel was shocked. "T-That's what you truly think?" His one eye was wide and fearful. Worry in its depths. Lizzie sniffled, "What does it matter what I think? You wouldn't understand what I'm feeling anyway! Never mind!" 

She took off running. 

"Elizabeth!" Ciel called after her. 

Aurora sighed, "Oh Ciel... Your never going to understand women..." She glared at Sebastian. "Especially if you have a demon as a teacher in the romance department. All they know how to do is seduce and lust for their own personal gain." 

Ciel was shocked at her words. Never had he heard her refer to Sebastian in such a way. Had something happened between them? They seemed so happy earlier. Sebastian scoffed, "Well he certainly shouldn't take lessons from a naïve angel. You've never been with anyone." 

Aurora snarled, getting in his face. "So you forget Paris then?! The night before you abandoned us?! Left us to crawl back to London on our own?!" Sebastian snarled back, "You know I-" Aurora shrieked as he grabbed her wrist. "Get your filthy hands off me!" 

She pulled away. "Maybe Ash was right." She hissed, "Maybe I should have let him kill me or let your demoness take me to be tortured for all eternity. All you have done is make me miserable!" Sebastian chuckled sarcastically, "Is that so?! That isn't what you said the other night!" 

Aurora let out an offended gasp before she began screaming at him. 

"How dare you! You- I loved you!"

"And you believe I harbor no such feelings for you? My dear, I am offended." Sebastian purred.

"I can't believe you!" Aurora had tears rolling down her face. "You always told me you would never lie to me!"

Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "I never did such a thing."

Aurora screamed over the thundering rain, "You told me I had nothing to do with your relationship! It was dying as it was!"

Sebastian hummed, "I was in hopes to spare your feelings."

"Ahh! You fucking-!"

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