One Maid, Zero Butler

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Aurora sighed as her feet touched upon the grass. "I've never been so happy to be outside." Sebastian smiled, "And with me no less." Aurora giggled, jumping into his arms, arms wrapped tightly around his neck. She planted a firm kiss on his lips, smiling, "Thank you for rescuing me, love."

Sebastian tilted her chin up, "Of course, darling."

He kissed her again.

"Breaking the rules already, are we?" They pulled apart, and glared as Claude came over to them. Aurora pulled her rapier, "Any closer and I swear I will cut out your heart!" Sebastian's lip quirked up in a small smirk, seeing her ready to kill was invigorating. 

His eyes moved from his lover to the opposing demon. "We're staying out of sight, Claude. So you needn't worry. We'll behave, won't we darling?" Aurora scoffed, sheathing her blade and turning around to push into the woods. 

Claude grit his teeth, and Sebastian smiled victoriously. "You can rest easy, we won't be gone long." He paused, "Besides, you can always spend your free time with Lilli."

"He's trying to convince Ciel to break his contract with you," Aurora said as she and Sebastian walked, "Ciel's refused so far, but I think he just says he won't for my sake." Sebastian hummed, "For your sake? Doubtful. The young master is not merciful. He never is." Aurora shook her head, "He's been a bit different since you left, more afraid." 

Sebastian smirked, "I think you've made him go soft." Aurora scoffed, "Hardly. If anything you've made him hard as stone." Sebastian smirked, "It has been one the highlight's of my life as a demon, raising him." 

Aurora frowned when she saw the sad look in his eyes. "Apparently I cannot have children. Before I left hell to come back, Lilli told me she was with child. Obviously, it isn't mine." Aurora leaned over and turned his face to meet her gaze. "And the fact hurts you." Sebastian frowned, "No. It bothers me because I can never give you what you want most." He looked down at her, "I remember how you used to look at the families we saw. You look at all children with a motherly affection. I know how you've longed for the two of us to one day have that."

Aurora sighed, "We don't have to have children to be happy, mon amoure. Yes, a child would be nice- a new adventure, but I have you. And you are always going to be enough for me." She kissed his cheek, "I won't lie that I do desire children, but there's always other options." She giggled, "We could even adopt Ciel if you like!" 

Sebastian grimaced, and gently pushed her away, "Now you've gone and ruined it." Aurora sighed, "It was worth a shot, was it not?"

Sebastian smirked, "A nice try, but a failed one at that." He squeezed her hand. "Come. Let's go." They carried on walking, and Sebastian spoke up again. "Claude has not hurt you? Has he? He seemed rather vexed when you and I left." 

Aurora shook her head, "No. He threatens to but I've been around Ciel. He can't touch me because Ciel won't allow it." Sebastian nodded, "You should return to our young lord's side. I fear for what Claude might do to him in your absence." 

Aurora narrowed her eyes, "And miss my time with you? Surely you jest. Being here with you is better than anything. Ciel can manage fine on his own. All Claude seems to do is annoy him to pieces." Sebastian chuckled, "is that so? I'll need to keep a closer watch on things then." 

Aurora sighed, head resting on his shoulder. "I don't want to go back there." Sebastian smirked, "You needn't worry, I'll come break you out of your tower for nightly romantic escapades." 

His lover stopped, "Malphas. That isn't enough!" She held his hands tightly, "What if Claude decides to try something? He has Ciel's ear now, I can only protect him so much. Even with the oath." 

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