Deathly Maid, Divorcee Butler

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When Aurora finally stirred, it was mid morning and she could hear Ciel screaming from somewhere in the manor.

"Where is Sebastian?!"

"Why does no one know where my damn butler is?!"

Aurora sighed, rolling over to stare at her uniform on the closet door. A fine, navy blue turtleneck style gown, rather modest, a white frill around the inside of the collar, the Phantomhive crest on a choker style ribbon, and then the pale white apron tied around the waist. In the event of tutoring, she merely removed the apron.

Aurora slide lazily out of bed, stretching before she rid herself of her night gown and snatched the uniform off it's hanger. She stepped behind the changing screen, pulling the uniform on, wincing as she tightened the corset. 

"I need to speak to Sebastian about a redesign for this bloody uniform..." 

She tossed her hair up, putting it in a braided updo before slipping on her shoes, and going to the door. Her hand rested on the door handle, and she glanced at the demon's tailcoat resting on her bed. She hummed, folding it neatly over her arm. 

She finally left her room, humming to herself, picking off the stray cat hairs. "He needs to do a much better job at cleaning this- the amount of times I've had to remove Noire's fur from this..."


The blonde startled, looking up to see Ciel marching towards her. 

Tanaka must have dressed him... I'll have to thank him later...

"Yes, my lord?" She asked, "Did you need something?" 

Ciel seethed, "Where is Sebastian? Why didn't he wake me this morning? And why are you so late?" He noticed the tail coat on her arm. "Why do you have that?" He demanded.

Aurora sighed, "Sebastian had business to attend elsewhere. He left after you went to bed last night. He shouldn't be too much longer, I expect he'll return by the end of the day if not sooner."

Ciel grit his teeth. "Damned demon..." He muttered under his breath. He looked at the blonde, "Why are you so late then?" Aurora tightened her grip on the tail coat. "Sebastian left around one this morning, I finished his duties, and got to bed much later. I overslept." 

Ciel huffed, "Fine." Aurora watched him take a breath, not blind to the slight stutter of his breathing. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Surely all humans breathing does not stutter so?

She silently promised to keep an eye on the boy's breathing, while he rambled about things that needed to be done by the end of the day.

"I assure you I am capable of managing both mine and Sebastian's tasks, young lord, you needn't worry. It will be as if he never left."

Ciel glared, "It better." He stalked off, and the moment he was gone Aurora's face paled. 

How am I going to get everything done without looking suspicious?! It's impossible!

A small chuckle made her turn towards the hall the young lord had disappeared down. "Ho, ho, ho... Seems like you have your hands full, Miss Magne." Aurora smiled at the elderly steward, "Apparently." She sighed, "It can't be undone- I should get to work straight away then."

Tanaka chuckled, "As dedicated as the butler himself... I can see why the two of you are good friends." He smiled kindly, "Please, at least relax a bit this morning. You cannot have things done to perfection without some rest. So please, do make sure you are taking adequate breaks in between. It wouldn't do to have the Phantomhive Housekeeper in distress."

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