White Maid, Oneshot #20

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Summary; a more in depth view of episode 1 of season 2

Set; Prior, during, after S2E1; Clawed Butler

The day Sebastian and Aurora prepared to leave for the Trancy Manor was a day indeed. They woke early in the morning, just before dawn to train. Sebastian was pleased he had managed to instruct his angel on fighting. Currently, they were grappling against each other in the fencing room. The end result was Sebastian pinning his angel underneath him, a victorious smirk on his face. "You have improved, my love-" he began, "however I fear you may not fare well against another demon." Aurora pouted, "I am not staying here, Sebastian. While I may lack in hand to hand combat, mon amour, I excel in swords play." Sebastian sighed, "I do suppose you make an excellent point..." He helped her up and looked outside. The first rays of sunlight were stretching over the horizon, bringing forth the dawn.

Aurora frowned. They would leave soon. Sebastian seemed to sense her nervousness. He kissed her cheek, "Why don't you go finish packing." He suggested, "We will stop by an inn before we go to the Trancy Manor if you need to-" Aurora shook her head and kissed him, "I will be alright, mon cher." She left the room and passed by Ciel's. She paused, stopping in the young boy's bedroom. She sighed and ran a hand through the child's hair, humming as she did. Sebastian joined her in the room a moment later. She looked up and her heart dropped into her stomach as she spotted him holding a rather large suitcase with padding. Aurora winced and pulled Ciel close to her chest, a hurt look in her eyes. "D-Do you have to put him in there?" She whispered. Sebastian frowned, and nodded. Aurora hiccupped a small sob, and pulled the child close to her. Sebastian walked over and set the case on the bed beside Ciel. "Darling..." Aurora looked up at him, with tear filled eyes. "B-But he'll be cold! He'll be alone! Malphas, please don't lock him away in that wretched case!" Sebastian frowned and pulled her to his chest. "Shush. Shush. It's alright." He kissed the top of her head. "I promise, it will be alright."

The rain was pouring. Aurora and Sebastian were in the forest on the outskirts of the Trancy Manor. Sebastian held the large suitcase with the frail body of Ciel Phantomhive laying dormant in the confines of the case. The demon himself held the case in his left hand, while his eyes were trained on the mansion un the distance. Aurora was huddled under a small overhang, shivering despite her cloak. "M-M-Malphas..." She chattered, arms wrapped around her her body and rubbing vigorously to keep herself from catching a chill, "I- It's f-freezing out here! We need to either get in there now or find shelter!" Sebastian frowned and turned to look at her, his eyes glowing a soft fuchsia. "Patience, Angelica." Aurora sat back against the stone overhang, then her eyes caught sight of something. "Malphas." Her tone of voice made the demon turned around. She moved a few branches to reveal a den of sorts. In the den, was a makeshift bed of sorts. Sebastian joined her and they entered the den. Aurora looked at the demon and pulled off her hood, wringing out the ends of her hair. "Strange," she remarked, "It is rather warm in here." Sebastian hummed, nodding in agreement. "Yes, it is almost as if there is a furnace of sorts heating the area." Aurora sighed, "Maybe we could rest here? Or leave Ciel's body here so we can go retrieve his soul?" Sebastian shook his head, "No. For all we know the demon in question is already aware of our presence." Aurora shuddered, "Ugh. Don't remind me." Sebastian frowned and looked at her, "As long as you lower your aura enough, you should be fine." He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I'm sure you can manage, mon cherie." Aurora sighed and settled into the makeshift bed, frowning at her friend. "Malphas. Let's rest for a bit. Please." Sebastian hissed in annoyance and obeyed her request, sitting down beside her. This space, he thought, it smells... strangely familiar.... He noticed then an all to familiar red ribbon off to the side. Lilli. He narrowed his eyes. He hadn't been the only one who had been disloyal. His gaze fell upon the angel beside him. She was resting now, her eyes closed and her breathing laboured in sleep. He looked down at her. So many years.... So many years spent grieving for her. So many years spent longing for her by his side. He had missed her dearly. And now, as he looked upon her sleeping features, he cared not for his mate. Any guilt he felt was gone. His cursed human emotions were reserved only for the angel by his side. His angel.

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