White Maid Oneshot #30

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Summary; Sebastian dislikes all human food. Except when it's made by his lover.

Set; After Luxury Liner Arc, Sebastian is still recovering.

An Angel's Cooking

Sebastian Michaelis woke to his fiancé absent from their bed. He sat up and winced, his scythe wound still hurting a bit. He groaned glancing around the room. Aurora was not in the room, and he rushed to stand, hissing in pain and grabbing the wall. He let out a small cough, still ill with demon fever alongside his wound. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Still fully dressed in his butler uniform albeit for his vest and tailcoat. He glared at himself, hunched over in pain and biting back groans of pain. He felt weak. Forcing himself to stand up so he was only slightly hunched over, he opened the door and made his way down the hall. It was mid day, the staff was all off doing their chores. Aurora would be in the study now with the young master, teaching him his studies.

The demon walked down the hall, only to pause when he smelled a delectable aroma. He closed his eyes, why did this- scent... smell so appetizing? His usual appetite was only souls that were brimming with despair and hatred. He wandered towards the kitchen, leaning on against the wall. He approached the doorway and heard a soft humming sound.

"Embrasse moi comme tu sais, Ton coeur est tout ce que j'ai. Et dans tes yeux tu tiens le mien..." (T; Kiss me like you know, Your heart is all I own, And in your eyes you're holding mine)

The demon smirked, hearing his angel's voice. He stood in the doorway now, watching her with a fond expression as she baked something.

"Bébé je danse dans le noir, Dans le creux de tes bras, Le coeur rempli d'espoir, Tout en écoutant notre chanson, Tu dis ne pas le mériter, Soudain j'ai le souffle coupé. Oui crois moi, Chéri tu es parfait ce soir...." (T: Baby, I'm dancing in the dark. Deeply in your arms. A heart full of hope While listening to our favourite song, You say you don't deserve it. Suddenly I am out of breathe, Yes, believe me.... Darling you are perfect tonight)

He chuckled watching her dance about in the kitchen and slowly made his way to stand behind her, wrapping his his arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to her neck. "Bonjour ma chérie." (T: Good morning, my darling.) Aurora jumped a bit and then turned back to face him with a gasp. "Mon amour! you are out of bed!" Sebastian chuckled, holding her close, "Yes. It would appear I'm feeling much better." Aurora sighed, "Yes but I'm still worried. Let me help you-" She gasped and turned back to the oven, reaching in to pull out a batch of fresh hot cookies. Sebastian stared, practically drooling over the tray of sweets. Aurora set the tray down and turned back to him, a sweet smile on her face. "Now let us get you back to bed, hmm?" Sebastian smirked and tugged her close, "I'm a little tired of resting, dear." Aurora hummed, "Oh? but you must, mon amour. You are injured. I cannot have my husband to-be impaired for our wedding date." Sebastian chuckled, lacing his hand with hers and keeping his other arm around her waist. "Oh darling, I can assure you that I will be more than able for our wedding." Aurora smiled, pulling her free arm over his shoulder and pulling him close. "And might I inquire when that will be?" She asked. Sebastian smiled leaning close, "Oh my love, I am ready to take the leap whenever you are. We could get married today and I would be more than ready." Aurora hummed, "Yes, but would that be the wedding in Hell or here?" He chuckled, "Why not both?" Aurora smiled lovingly up at him, "As much as I would love to marry you today, right now even- I would rather wait until you are back on your feet- completely." She giggled as he went to protest and kissed him. "Please just humour me, l'amour? I'd like to be certain you are alright before we do anything." She smirked, "Besides, we wouldn't want you collapsing at the altar." Sebastian sighed, "I suppose not." He glanced over at the cookies she had just baked. "Why ever are you making... those?" He asked, "Surely biscuits would be preferable." Aurora shook her head, "Oh- these aren't for Ciel." Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "Pardon? Then whom-" Aurora giggled, "I was going to surprise you, mon amie." Sebastian smiled affectionately at her. She was indeed perfect. He pulled his arms around her waist and tugged her to his chest, "Angelica, have I ever told you how perfect you are?" Aurora smiled up at him, "Quite often actually." Sebastian sighed, holding her close, "I can't wait to marry you." Aurora smiled cuddling into his embrace, "And I can't wait to marry you." Sebastian glanced over at the tray of cookies, "These smell delightful, mon ange." Aurora hummed, "Good. I'd hoped so." She offered a hot cookie to him and he smiled taking it from her. He gave a moan of pleasure. "I've never enjoyed human food... How is this possible?" Aurora giggled, "Maybe because you are going to marry an angel?" She teased. Sebastian flashed her a sweet look before he began feasting on the cookies. He leaned over, "How can I ever thank you, my dear?" Aurora hummed, "I can think of a few ways..." She leaned back to kiss him when Bard walked in, "Aurora, I'm gonna need the oven soo-" He cut himself off when he spotted the couple. "Ah- sorry." Sebastian immediately switched to his butler persona and Aurora sighed and looked at him. "Darling, we are engaged. I don't think public displays of affection are too out of the ordinary." Sebastian cleared his throat, "While that may be, mon cherie, I am still on the clo-" He was cut off as the blonde tugged him down to her level by his tie and kissed him passionately, earning a low moan from him. Bard turned away immediately and set to his own work in preparing dinner. When Aurora pulled away, she smiled lovingly at the demon. "Darling, you aren't working right now. And neither am I." Sebastian raised a brow in question and she reached up to cup his face, "Ciel's asked me to tend to you for the time being." Sebastian nodded slowly.

"I see."

Aurora smiled and kissed him again. The demon relaxed into her embrace and pulled her closer, letting a small moan escape him. Bard coughed drawing their attention. "Think the two of you can do that elsewhere?" He asked, his face red. Aurora nodded, a pink blush dusting her cheeks. "Oui. Of course." She took Sebastian by the hand and went to lead him away only for the demon to hold his ground and reach for the cookies. "I think we could stay and snack." He mumbled through a mouthful of the sweet sugary goodness. Aurora laughed, "You're like a child, mon amie!" Sebastian hummed, "The cooking of an angel is truly divine...." Aurora smiled and leaned over, a hint of lust in her eyes as she gazed at him playfully. "Perhaps if mon cher were to ask me nicely I would cook for him more often." Sebastian pulled her close, "Oh mon ange, I am always nice to you." Aurora giggled, "You are. Quite right mon amour." She went to kiss him again when Bard made his presence known once more. Sebastian quickly put the cookies on a plate and carried them out of the room, snacking on him with his soon to be mate in tow. Aurora ran after him, "Darling! Be careful! You are still recovering!" Sebastian chuckled, "I am fine, my love. I assure you." Aurora sighed and stood on her toes to kiss him, her lips meeting his jawline. "Mon amour, just please be careful." Sebastian smirked, popping another cookie into his mouth, "My. Are you frightened for me, angel?" Aurora sighed, "How can I not be, Malphas?" She walked over and her hand came to the hem of his shirt and gliding upwards against his skin until she reached the healing scythe wound. "You could have died." Sebastian sighed, reaching out to lace his fingers through her hair, "Angelica, my love. I am perfectly fine." Aurora pouted, "What has you so sure of that?" Sebastian smirked and held up one of the cookies, "An angel's cooking is truly divine, and such it can have healing properties." Aurora sighed, "While that might be- it does not cease my worrying." Sebastian chuckled and kissed her cheek. "I'm fine, darling. Relax." He began snacking on another cookie. "Besides, eating this I already feel better." Aurora rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. "I just want to ensure you are alright." A worried look crossed her face. "You really worried me, I was afraid you wouldn't make it." Sebastian frowned and set the cookies aside to pull her into his arms. "If I die I swear to you I will claw my way back to you. Death cannot stop me from coming to you." He smiled and lifted her left hand, showing off the glittering ring.

 "Besides, what kind of mate would I be if I could not spend eternity by your side?"

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