White Maid Oneshot #4

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Video Link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edzt82nC45k

Title: Fairytale

Summary: After a visit from Elizabeth, Ciel begins to feel strange and asks Sebastian (quite awkwardly) what it is. Sebastian is all to familiar and becomes lost in the past. Aurora has not yet come to the manor.

"Bye Ciel!!!!" Elizabeth yelled, hanging out of the carriage to wave goodbye to her betrothed. Ciel, who was twelve at the time, waved back, a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. Sebastian shut the front door and checked his pocket watch. "That took longer than expected," he remarked before looking at Ciel. "My lord, it is time for-" Ciel cut him off, "Sebastian. I think I'm sick." The butler frowned, and eyed the boy up and down, failing to see anything that could atone to the boy's claim he was ill. "Sick?" He repeated, raising an eyebrow in question. "You do not appear to be unwell, my lord." He bowed down to the boys level, "Would you care to explain what makes you so sure you've contracted something, young master?" Ciel shifted uncomfortably. "I- I just don't feel well." He said, "Like I'm about to be sick but at the same time I just feel... strange." Sebastian frowned, standing up to his full height and turning away from his master for a moment. "Sebastian?" Ciel looked at him, confusion sparkling in his cerulean blue eyes. For a moment, the demon saw her. He blinked away the image and sighed, "You aren't necessarily ill, young master. But I would highly advise against giving into these feelings you've now acquired." He cleared his throat, "Now, let us get you to bed, hmm?"

Sebastian was tucking the boy in when Ciel suddenly asked. "Sebastian. What did you mean earlier. These... feelings I have about Lizzie. Why advise against them? If I'm going to eventually marry her, why not let them loose?" Sebastian paused and frowned, his eyes glazing over as he clearly heard laughter that was centuries old. "Because for one, you may not live that long, young master." Ciel was quiet for a moment. "Sebastian? What feeling is this? I remember... when I was young, my mother and father described it, but I'm unsure." Sebastian stopped again and sighed. "Do you want me to be brutally honest with you, young master?" Ciel nodded, "You're not to ever lie to me, Sebastian." Sebastian sat on the edge of the bed and was quiet for a few moments. On his ring finger, his black wedding band burned his skin. "Love." He said at last after a few minutes of silence. "You are... beginning to fall in love with Lady Elizabeth, young master." Ciel shook his head, "What?! But how?!" Sebastian looked upset, and right now the boy's curiosity was peaked, but he didn't withdraw from his questioning. Sebastian spoke again and clenched his fist. "I don't know, my lord. It just- it just happens. You can't control how you feel about someone. It just... happens." Ciel stared at his butler. "I've never seen you this emotional, Sebastian." Ciel murmured. Sebastian chuckled, almost sadly. "I apologize, my lord. I'll be sure it doesn't happen again." Ciel shook his head, "It's not that I have a problem with it," he said, "I'm just curious. I thought demons had no emotion." Sebastian hummed, "I thought that once to." Sebastian went to stand only to have Ciel reach out and grab his arm. "Tell me what's bothering you, Sebastian." Ciel said, his voice cold. "That's an order." Sebastian's crimson eyes glowed a bit at his master's order. "Yes, of course my lord." He sat back down on the edge of the bed. "Many years ago when I was younger, about your age, I experienced the same feelings you have for Lady Elizabeth." Ciel's eyes widened. "You fell in love." Sebastian nodded slowly, "I hadn't intended on letting her live after I met her. But there was something about her, something that made my demonic instincts hold back." He chuckled fondly at the memory, "I can remember the years we spent together like it was yesterday."


The young demon looked up at his father as his name was spoken. "Yes, father?" King Asmodeous, the Lord of Lust and Lord of Pride, Lord Desideriis, looked at his son with dark red orange eyes that were like dark embers. "You are hungry. I can sense it. Go find yourself a soul in the human world. Make a contract if you like." Malphas nodded, "Of course. Yes, father." He bowed to his father before leaving for the human world. Upon arriving, nearby a sheltered lake, he spotted her. The angel. Beautiful light blonde hair, silver blue eyes, and perfect cream colored skin. But what struck him most were her white gold wings. Wings of an arch. His eyes widened and took a step back, only to hear the echoing crunch of a stick. The angel's eyes shot in his direction. He stared for a moment before hissing, "What are you doing here?!" The angel looked alarmed. "Oh! I'm sorry! I just wanted to feel my feet in the grass! That's all! Honest!" They stared at each other after that. 

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