White Maid Oneshot #15

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Summary; The meeting of Sebastian and Aurora is obviously not told to humans. This is the Romeo and Juliet style story they tell when asked.

Romeo & Juliet

The year was 1861. A pretty light blonde haired French girl with light silver blue eyes was skipping along a stream, collecting flowers. Nearby, on the other property, sat a boy about two winters older than the girl. His dark locks hung in his face as he watched her with burgundy brown hues. He stood on the fence, arms leaning on the wooden fence as he watched the pretty girl on the neighboring property. 

Far away from Paris, in the French countryside, there were two neighboring families. The Magné's and the Michaelis's. Naturally, for this tale to have happened, there was tension of sorts between the families. The husbands' at least. Duke Michael Magné and Lord Samuel Michaelis never agreed on anything. The two were of the Emperor Napoleon's top ranks, and given vast estates. The first born of Michaelis House was a raven haired boy with pale skin named Sebastian. The first born Magné House was a light blonde haired daughter with skin white as the freshly fallen snow. 

The daughter of Magné, was the very epitome of beauty. Her light blonde locks were like soft golden strands of sunlight. Her silver blue eyes shone like the stars in the night. This, was Aurora Magné.

The son of Michaelis was by far a handsome young lad. His posture was always perfect, his hunting perfect, and everything about him was overall perfection. His raven hair and burgundy brown eyes contrasted against his pale skin and made him look fitting the title of a Lord's son. This, was Sebastian Michaelis.

It had been just another day, Aurora Magné was eight, and Sebastian was ten. Sebastian was sitting on the fence, reading a book when he heard the soft humming. He glanced upwards to see the younger girl skipping along the river bank that divided the two properties. He smirked at the sight and shook his head before going back to his book. A few moments later, he heard a splash. He whipped his head around. The Magné daughter was no longer on the bank. He shot up and made a mad dash towards the river. He spotted her instantly and shed himself of his jacket and shoes before he jumped in. He managed to pull his arm around her and swam back to his own side of the river. The younger girl's blonde hair was plastered to her face, the light blue ribbon that had initially tied it back now in disarray. Sebastian wrapped his coat over her shoulders. "Are you okay, Lady Aurora?" Aurora shivered and nodded sheepishly. "Oui, Monsieur. I am alright." She met the older boy's eyes and her breath hitched a bit. His burgundy brown eyes watched her with concern. "My Lady?" Aurora coughed a bit and nodded. "I'm fine, Lord Sebastian! Honest!" Sebastian smiled, "You don't need to address me by a title. Sebastian will do just fine." Aurora grinned, "Then Aurora shall do just fine as well! None of that 'my lady' stuff!" Sebastian chuckled and offered her his hand. "Yes, of course, Aurora."

Not much time passed, and a few weeks later, Aurora turned nine. When her parents took her into town to shop for her birthday presents. She was poking about a toy store when she spotted a familiar dark haired boy across the street, talking with a couple of other boys his age. She felt a strange feeling in her chest. She wouldn't know it until years later, but her heart skipped a beat and she had begun to develop her first crush. 

After that, Aurora would go out of her way to go near the river bank and hop over the stones to see Sebastian who was usually on the fence, reading a book. "Hi, Sebastian!" She'd chirp. Sebastian would return her smile and set his book aside. "Hello, Aurora. How are you today?" He'd hop off the fence and together they'd walk along the river bank, talking about whatever. It was when Aurora reached thirteen did she become giddy with excitement. She met Sebastian by the river as per usual. He was waiting and smiled brightly at her. He was almost fifteen now. "So, you'll be getting a fiancé soon." Sebastian said as they walked, "Must be exciting." Aurora looked a little confused, "A fiancé?" Sebastian nodded, "I am surprised your father hasn't affianced you already if I am being wholly honest." Aurora scoffed, "A fiancé. Honestly, Sebastian? Why would I marry someone I hardly know?" Sebastian shrugged, "It's how things work, Aurora. We have no say." He sighed, "I'd much rather get rid of my own fiancé. I don't like her one bit." Aurora's heart shattered and she stopped. "Y-your f... your fiancé?" She murmured. Sebastian nodded, "I'm supposed to marry her when I turn nineteen or twenty." Aurora had stopped in her footsteps, her head bowed and her blonde locks hanging in her face. "Marry... her..." Aurora's voice was a soft whisper, and her voice cracked a bit. Sebastian paused and turned to look at her, "Aurora? Is everything alright?" Aurora bit her lip and shifted uncomfortably. "I- I... Yes. I'm fine." Sebastian gave her a small smile and walked back over to her, cupping her face in his hand, "Come now, my dear, I know quite well when something bothers you. After all if I couldn't know when your feelings are hurt, well- what kind of friend would I be?" Aurora sniffled. "I- Sebastian... I-" She cut herself off and bit down on her lip. She couldn't confess to him. He was engaged. The older boy tilted her chin up, "Yes?" She held her breath and opened her mouth. "Sebastian, I-" There was a sudden yell from her property. "Aurora! Aurora! Come along!" Sebastian sighed and stepped away, "I suppose I'll see you tomorrow then. Au revoir, my lady." 

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