His Butler & Maid, Underwater

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When Aurora had changed and pulled her hair into a half bun,

When Aurora had changed and pulled her hair into a half bun,

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Aurora was finishing putting her hair up when she heard the sudden yelp from Ciel, "Wait! Lizzie, it's not what you-!" He yelped again and Aurora took off running, "Ciel?!" She skidded to a halt outside the study to find Sebastian already there and shielding the boy from Lady Elizabeth who had walked in on a scene of Ciel on top of Sieglinde. Aurora stared in shock for a few moments, then put her hands on her hips, "What on earth is going on in here?!" Sebastian smirked, "You can rest easy darling, the situations been handled. Would you mind preparing the tea?"

Aurora set the tea down in front of the children (including Soma), and moved to stand beside Sebastian. "What on earth happened?" She murmured quietly. Sebastian chuckled, "The young lady didn't like the etiquette lessons I was giving her." Aurora sighed, "Honestly, Sebastian. I wonder what kind of father you would ever be." Sebastian chuckled, "My darling, any child of mine is already perfect." He glanced down at her body, eyes trailing up her new uniform. "I must say, I do like the new uniform." Aurora smirked, "I do as well, it's much more comfortable and accessible." Sebastian shared her smirk, "We shall see if it is as accessible in a bit, my angel."

Later that night they were preparing Ciel for bed when he sat up on the edge of the bed. "I think it goes without saying we need to discuss some things." He said, his cerulean gaze on the floor. Sebastian and Aurora stopped in their movements at once, shared a look before standing up straight across from him, side by side. Ciel cleared his throat and spoke, "I want you both to know that I know you care for me greatly and I'm grateful." Aurora stiffened a bit. Ciel went on, "While I do consider you both as my... surrogate parents, I do expect things to remain professional in public settings. I trust you can both do that?" Sebastian smiled, put his hand over his heart and bowed, "Certainly, my lord. In any professional or public situations we shall be no more than your humble servants. When you wish it, we shall become your parents." Ciel nodded slowly, then looked over at Aurora, "You can abide by these terms as well?" Aurora smiled and nodded, "Of course, Ciel." She knelt down to undo his eyepatch and gently brushed the hair from his marked eye before gently running a hand along the boys face. "We shall be whatever you need us to be."

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