His Angel, Acquiring Help - His Butler, On The Mend

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Aurora followed Stolas deeper into the cavern, her eyes wide as they went further inside. The screams that were there shook her, not to her core like they used to- but they still shook her. "Seraphine!" Stolas called. A dark haired demoness stepped out of the shadows and bowed, "Prince Stolas. What do I owe the honor?" Her eyes darkened a bit as she asked the question. Stolas frowned, "Looking for Lilli. Any idea where she is?" Seraphine sighed, "Last cell. Careful though, she's in a bad mood. Just found out her new mate skipped out on her with a demoness who can actually have children." Stolas snickered, "Oh, I'll be sure to send my condolences." He nodded to Aurora, "Come, Angelica. The demoness will be thrilled to see you." Aurora nodded and followed him. They came to the last few cells, where a group of demoness's were gossiping. 

"Lilli... Malphas..."

"She blamed a Prince Of Hell!"

"Well, he did get it on with an angel."

"Lilli infertile, who would have guessed?"

"Prince Malphas dodged a bullet with that one."

Stolas cleared his throat, "Indeed he did." The demonesses jumped. "Prince Stolas!" They squeaked, "What are you doing here?!" Stolas sighed, "I need to speak with Lilli. She has a visitor." Aurora scoffed, "I wouldn't say I'm a visitor. I just need to borrow her." The demonesses looked at her and gaped, "An angel?! What is an angel doing here?!" Aurora narrowed her eyes,  which flashed that demonic fuchsia rimmed by silver. They all gasped, "That's- that's Malphas's angel!" Stolas chuckled, "Yes. He's sent her on an errand. Now, Lilli is?" A dark feminine voice growled,

"Right here."

They turned to see Lilli herself, covered in blood with a whip at hand and wearing nothing but what looked to be a dominatrix style getup. She glared at Aurora. "What are you doing here?" Aurora walked over, grabbed her arm and hissed, "I need you to come back with me right now! I've wasted too much time getting here!" Lilli sighed, "Oh please, did Malphas forget something? Or does he want us to fight a duel over him? A thre-" Aurora snapped, "He was hit with a death scythe! Stabbed right through the chest with one! I don't know how to help him! He's coughing up blood- he won't stop, I've never seen him like this!" Her eyes wet with tears, which she quickly blinked away. "Please- if you ever cared about him, you'll help him!" Lilli stared. Then sighed, "Very well. Come with me, we need to get some things before we go anywhere." 

Lilli brought them (Stolas accompanied them, insisting he wanted to see if his brother was alright) to an apothecary, snapping at Aurora to keep her cloak's hood up and to lower her aura enough so she could go about the Second Circle undetected. Aurora stood beside Stolas, behind Lilli- as the demoness snapped at the apothecary. "I asked you five times, Catuli! Get me the nettle briar mixture and bandages, alongside the herbs I get from you whenever I have to patch someone up!" Catuli narrowed her eyes, "The only time you are patching someone up, Lilli Flos, is when that someone is your mate. And now, you are unmated." Lilli snarled, "I don't have to be mated to get the supplies! Now make it snappy!" Catuli shook her head and Stolas sighed stepping forward, "As a Prince Of Hell I am ordering you, Catuli Leonis, to give us the supplies at once." Catuli, a lioness demon, had her ears showing and her skin was the shade of a lion's along with a bit of fur on her face. "Yes, my lord..." Catuli murmured, her ears pinned back submissively as she wandered back to get the supplies. Aurora frowned, "Why couldn't she just sell you the supplies?" She asked Lilli. Lilli sighed, "Oh you are clueless aren't you? Hell is far from the beauty of Heaven, and both are polar opposites. Here, most females are dominated by their mates. And unmated females are seen as a lower class, I am among the Lilum, powerful, but considering... things... I'm not entirely respected by the other demons." Aurora nodded understanding. Catuli gave them the supplies, and they were on their way. "I can only assume Malphas used the last of his power to send you here," Lilli said, glaring at the Fallen. Aurora glared, "Actually, he just gave me an incantation. I used that." Stolas nodded, "I'll summon us a hell portal." The demon's eyes and face resembled that of his familiar as he spoke in old Latin, summoning a portal. The portal appeared in the form of his contract seal, then glowed the purple of his eyes and then opened, revealing a purple light which the three of them stepped into. They appeared in the woods outside of the manor and Aurora lead them inside, all of them sure to keep quiet. Aurora opened the door to her and Sebastian's guest room, finding the demon in near the same place where she had left him. He wasn't moving. "Malphas?" She whispered, fear and horror gripping her as she moved to his side and turned the light on. Lilli joined her and put a hand to his forehead, then to his neck, checking his pulse. "He's got a fever." She said, "It's Diabolus in febrem. A demon's illness." Aurora looked terrified, "Can it be fixed?" Lilli nodded and began setting things up, "It's a fever. It will pass. Because he's already fighting off the scythe wound his body has gone into hibernation of sorts. It looks like death, but he's just in a deep sleep." Aurora sighed in relief, "So he'll be alright then?" Lilli nodded, "As long as he's treated." Aurora watched as Lilli set to work, making sure to note down everything the demoness did. Stolas sat in a chair by the window, watching them. It wasn't long before Sebastian began breathing again. Lilli stood, then sat in a nearby chair, "All we can do now is wait." She said, "Once he wakes things will become much easier." Aurora nodded sitting on the bed beside the demon, stroking his raven black hair as he slept. "What of the scythe wound? How long will it be until he heals from that?" Lilli sighed, "I've seen him wounded many times. Never this bad." Stolas stood, "I have. When he fought off those angels, he came back wounded like this. It took him months." Aurora shuddered, "We don't have months." Stolas sat back, "If you were mated it would be different." He said. "The blood of a demon's mate is exclusive. When a demon or demoness is wounded, their mate's blood is known to speed along the healing process." He nodded to the ring on her finger, "I see by the human and angel standards he has made the initiative?" Aurora nodded, "Yes." Lilli scoffed, "Doesn't mean he promises you the world. I should know, I was his mate once." Stolas snapped, "Oh hush, Lilli! You wouldn't stop nagging him for years about a child! And then there were the many, many times you cheated on him! I'm surprised he didn't split from you sooner!" Lilli snarled, "He only mated with me so he could forget about that angel!" Aurora looked at her demon, he hadn't stopped thinking about her over the many years they had been separated. Sebastian stirred a bit in his sleep, ceasing all conversation in the room. When his eyes opened wearily, he noticed Aurora sitting on the bed beside him, worry clouding her silver blue eyes. "Malphas?" She murmured, "How are you feeling?" The demon smiled weakly, "Better." He coughed and she and Lilli made to help him sit up. "You idiot!" Lilli snapped, "How many times have I told you not to get yourself caught up in reaper affairs?! There is a reason they dislike you!" Malphas scoffed, "Did it have to be you?" Lilli smacked him in the side, eliciting a hiss of pain from the demon. Stolas jumped to his feet, "You bitch! You just assaulted a Prince Of Hell! You know you could be punished for that?!" Malphas looked up, eyes glowing red when he noticed the other male demon, but relaxing when he realized who it was. "Stolas." He greeted, "It's been some time." Stolas smiled, "It has, brother Corvus. How are you feeling?" Malphas coughed, "I have been better." Aurora put a hand to his forehead, "Your fever's breaking. That's good." Lilli nodded, "All we need to worry about is that death scythe wound." Malphas scoffed, "We? As long as you show Aurora what to do, I'm sure we can manage." Lilli chuckled darkly, "Who says I would show her the right way?" Malphas growled, "I could always order you to show her the right way, and if I died it would be on your head." Lilli chuckled again, "We both know I would be believed over a petty angel." Stolas snickered, "Strong words for a disgraced demoness." Malphas smirked, "Disgraced?" Stolas shared his brother's smirk, eyes flashing purple. "Your former demoness mated not long after you split. Considering her affair with Leviathan's mate failed, and they both died- Lilli mated with another demon. However, he left her upon discovering that Lilli is infertile." Aurora and Malphas gaped. "You told him it was his fault when it was yours?!" Aurora snapped. Malphas snarled, "You made me believe a lie?!" Lilli hissed, "I didn't know about it until after we split!" Malphas growled. Aurora gently pushed him back against the pillows. "Relax," she murmured, "You need your rest." Malphas obeyed and laid back. Stolas looked over, "Lilli and I will return to hell. Vulpes will be back within a day or so, and I'm sure your angel paid attention to Lilli's every move. I'll send Vulpes upon her return." Malphas nodded, "That would be appreciated, Stolas. Thank you." And with that quick goodbye, Stolas and Lilli left.

"You need to rest, Sebastian." Aurora said worriedly, as the demon made to get up upon hearing something. Sebastian growled, "I heard something. The young master-" Aurora cut him off with a passionate kiss. She leaned into him and stared pleadingly into his eyes. "Sebastian please. Ciel is fine. Tanaka and the others are keeping a firm eye on things tonight." Sebastian growled, "They cannot sense the supernatural." Aurora kissed him again. "Everything is fine. Now please, rest." Sebastian hummed pulling her close, "I can't rest if my angel is worried." Aurora sighed and curled close to him, "How can I not worry? You were wounded." Sebastian's hand lifted up the shirt of his she wore and ran over her upper back, where there was a bandage over her shoulder blade to wing sheathe. "As were you," He said, "You expect me to not be concerned for your well being?" Aurora hugged him close, "Of course I don't expect you to not worry! But I'm fine. I wasn't the one who got impaled by the death scythe." They were both quiet for some time. 

"Would you sing for me, angel?" Sebastian murmured, closing his eyes and pulling her to his chest. Aurora smiled, "But of course, my demon."

"My love, my love, my fearless love... I will not say goodbye... Sea may rise, sky may fall, my love will never die..."

The next day, they didn't leave the room. Sebastian had woken around six, insisting he be allowed to tend to the young master, but Aurora managed to coerce him back into the bed with a few suggestive promises that she would carry out once he was feeling a bit more up to it. Sebastian was not thrilled to be doing nothing, but remaining in bed beside his angel made things a bit better. Aurora was wearing a long white lacy nightdress that went down to her ankles, and Sebastian watched as she slipped out of bed to open the door and get the food left by Mey-Rin. Aurora climbed back into bed beside him with a tray of food they had been given. "Oh come on!" Aurora teased, holding a spoonful of soup up to the demon, "Just try it! It can't be that bad!" Sebastian grimaced, "Darling, you know demon's only eat souls." Aurora pouted, "You could pretend to like it..." She tried, batting her lashes, "For me?" Sebastian rolled his eyes and opened his mouth, allowing her to slip the spoon between his lips. "Delicious." He said, "Now, since we're alone, why don't we make the most of it?" He grimaced trying to lean over her. Aurora sighed, "Sebastian, you know I'd love to. But your injured. Now is not a good time." Sebastian growled, "I hate this." He rolled off her and laid on his back, "I'm useless." Aurora sighed, "You are not useless, Sebastian- don't be ridiculous." The demon muttered something unintelligible under his breath. Aurora laid down beside him, resting her head on his shoulder and curling into him. "Rest Sebastian. Give yourself time to heal." Sebastian's arm pulled around her, "As long as your here, my angel, I'll be fine."

A few more days passed, and it was now the middle of the night. Sebastian and Aurora were curled up in the bed, when suddenly the door creaked open. Both demon and angel awoke at once, their two sets of eyes having a demonic glow, one a full reddish purple/pink, and the other a violet rimmed with silver. In the doorway, Ciel Phantomhive stood in the doorway in his nightclothes, looking like a small child. The glowing in the couple's eyes ceased, and Aurora spoke, "Ciel? Is something wrong?" Ciel shifted uncomfortably. 

"I... I had a nightmare...." Aurora waved her hand and beckoned him over, the boy closed the door and crawled into bed alongside the pair. Aurora smiled and let the boy crawl between them, cuddling up alongside them. Sebastian grunted as Ciel burrowed between them, and wrapped and arm around both Ciel and Aurora. The Fallen smiled and sandwiched Ciel between them, the boy drifting off to sleep quickly and with a small smile on his face. Aurora shared a small smile with Sebastian before they both curled close and fell asleep. 

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