His Butler & Maid, Broken

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Vulpes Ilia Desideriis was pacing the main hall, she couldn't wait to actually meet Malphas's lover. It would be a beautiful thing, to have her brother happy. Even more so if such a union were to provide the immortal realms a lasting alliance.

The doors opened and she turned, a grin on her face. Only that grin fell to a look of horror when Malphas, covered in blood, slumped down onto the floor. She screamed, called for Avem, the steward who then squawked like mad. In minutes, Malphas was being tended to by the best apothecary they could find. That apothecary happened to be Lucia Magné.

Lucia looked horrified at the sight and tears filled her eyes. When the demon prince was stable, she whispered to him quietly. "Where is she? Where is Angelica? What happened to my daughter? Please, prince... you must know what happened..." Malphas croaked, his voice hissing as he did.

"She... ambush... lies... all of it..."

Lucia looked appalled, "Angelica would never-" Malphas sneered, his breathing wavered, "I think it is about time for you to leave, Demon Angel. I want nothing more to do with that winged pest whom betrayed me!" He snarled, though it came out more of a pitiful wail, "Leave!"

Lucia stared in shock, but obeyed, walking to the main hall. Ilia caught up to her. "What is the matter with my brother?" She asked, begging almost. Lucia looked over, "It would appear that he lost a love to betrayal." Ilia's eyes widened. "Impossible." She breathed, "Of all the times I saw them together-" Lucia's gaze shot to meet the demoness's. "What?!" Ilia sighed, "Stolas and I might have followed Malphas a couple times. And in all the times I saw them together, I never noticed any deception from her. She seemed so truly in love with him. And he her."

Lucia looked a little relieved, "I am glad to know he felt so passionately of my little dove. Even when not in my presence." Ilia looked confused, "You met before?" Lucia hummed in agreement, "The demon prince escorted my daughter to Hell not long ago. Within in the last century or so." She sighed, "I must find out what has happened..." She looked at Ilia, "The prince will need to rest for many moons. Whatever he says, he is not to leave bedrest for the next seven moons. His body was severely damaged in his fight. He is very lucky to be alive."

Months later, when Malphas became of sound mind and able body, he was viscous. "War!" He snarled, "I am going to go and murder that wretched angel for all she has done!" Ilia looked at him sympathetically, "Malphas... Are you sure it was her? You said she accepted your proposal. And she made your heart beat-" Malphas roared, "Lies! All of it! Twisted, angelic magic! She manipulated me!" He limped over to his sister with the help of some crutches, "Angels are no good pests, Vulpes Ilia! Remember that before you fall in love with one!" Ilia frowned, she could see this was hurting him more than he would like to admit.

Their father, despite having been furious upon the discovery Malphas intended to elope with an angel, was quite proud his son had, in his words, become a full fledged demon at such a young age. In fact, he'd even decided to name Malphas the Lord of Desideriis because of it. Once the demon prince was able to move without the use of crutches, he would be coronated as Lord Desideriis.

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