His Butler, Independent & His Maid, Familial Visit

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Aurora had not gone to the music hall, that had been simply to inform her mate that he would be unable to reach her. And possibly buy her more time alone. Instead, she had journeyed back to hell, throwing opener the doors to the main hall of Castle Desideriis violently. Her mother sat upon the throne and flew down. "Angelica? My little dove is something wrong? I do not sense Lord Malphas around." Angelica snarled, "He pissed me off he bloody did! And he's going to suffer!" Lucia Magne stared in shock watching her daughter march off. The heads of other demons of the clan popped out of different rooms, only to cower as the Lady Desideriis made her way through the castle angrily. "And what did Malphas do that angered you so?" Lucia asked with a raised brow. Angelica snarled, "The demon thought it would be a great idea to not only speak to a prostitute, but take her out to dinner! Then have the gall to return to me and Ciel with two on his arms! Two!" She out her head in her hands and groaned. "I just lost it on him. I kicked him out of the room, yelled at him, slapped him across the face, and then made him walk home. And that was all in one night." Lucia stared. "My dove, you are angry because Malphas spoke to two women? Human women?" Angelica whined, "I know it's not something I should be getting worked up over but I was just so angry at him! And then I felt guilty but couldn't apologize because he should be the one apologizing to me! So I came down here for a spell." Lucia chuckled, "Oh my innocent little dove, you know Malphas absolutely adores you. You've nothing to fear. But of course he doesn't get anything until he apologizes for his actions." Lucia stood and took her daughter's hand. "Come, let's go eat dinner. Besides, there's demons who want to get to know their Lady better. Angelica nodded. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to stay for dinner."

Sebastian Michaelis was panicking. He put Ciel to be and then he made his way back towards the Sphere Music Hall. He couldn't sense his mate anywhere. He searched around the entire area, multiple times before disappearing into a hidden alleyway to unsheathe his dark wings and fly up to the gates of Heaven. When he got there, as per usual the angel on duty greeted him. "Has Lady Angelica Desideriis or Angelica Laverne visited recently?" He asked. The angel shook their head. "No. The Lady hasn't been up, Lord Malphas. Is something the matter?" Sebastian snapped, "Everything is fine!" He quickly descended back to the mortal plane at went to the lake. Nothing. He growled. She must have lied. There was no other reason. By now he knew that his mate had probably gone back to hell. He debated briefly on if he should go fetch her or not, and ultimately decided to pop down for a lark. Once in Hell, he crept around staying out of sight. He overheard Angelica and Lucia talking with Stolas and Ilia.

"I just can't believe Malphas would cheat on you." Ilia said. "He whined about you for centuries. It doesn't make sense." Angelica shook her head, "I can't believe it either." Lucia sighed, "You said he only spoke to these women. Nothing else." Angelica snapped, "But I don't know if he was lying or not!" Stolas piped up, "Malphas is no liar. You know that." Angelica's voice cracked. "Do I? Do I know that?" She hiccuped. "He says he loves me constantly- but he doesn't show it. Yes there's moments when we're not around Ciel, yes there's some moments- but he doesn't take the time to do anything with me! And he's got more than enough time! He told me he was going to take me to dinner and dancing- then he takes some prostitute out for dinner?!" There was silence as she tried to force back the sobs. "If he loved me- why would he do something that he knows would hurt me?" Malphas decided to make his presence known. He slipped into one of the other rooms of the castle and began stalking down the hall. Sven squawked. "My lord!" Malphas snarled at him before he threw open the doors to the room his mate was in. All eyes were on him and he let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, your safe." Angelica narrowed her eyes at him and said nothing. Malphas sighed and walked over, kneeling before her, "Angelica. Love, you know I love you don't you?" He saw the flash of hurt in her silver blue eyes and sighed. "I know your upset but this isn't the time for us to be arguing." Stolas hissed. "Things to never say to women brother." Malphas sighed, "What I mean is-" Angelica cut him off. "You can go. You can see that I'm fine, can you not?" Malphas frowned. "Angelica. Listen to me." He took her firmly by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. "If I didn't love you, would I have searched everywhere for you just now? Went everywhere I could think of, just to find you and ensure your safety?" Angelica said nothing. Malphas looked deeply into her eyes. "I am truly sorry that I upset you my mate, I had no intentions to do so. Will you ever forgive me?" His mate said nothing. Malphas moved to kiss her, only to find her lips did not reciprocate his kiss. He pulled away with a small sigh, "Angelica, love- I'm so sorry... You know I would never want to-" Angelica cut him off, "But you did." Malphas sighed, "Can I do anything- anything at all to make it up to you?" Angelica frowned, "I just need some time alone. Okay?" Malphas sighed, and nodded. "Alright. Whatever you want, angel." He kissed her once more before his gaze met hers. "Will you be returning soon?" Angelica nodded. "Of course." Malphas hummed and then kissed her again, "Then I shall eagerly await your return, my love."

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