Guilty Maid, Separated Butler

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Lilli was quiet for once. She didn't know what to say, didn't think her actions would push Malphas this far. "Wh- What?" Sebastian nodded, "I'm done, Lilli. I don't want to do this anymore." His eyes were cold, but there was a faint hint of remorse. "We'll get this wreck of a marriage annulled after my contract comes to an end." He turned around and left, Lilli screaming after him. "You'll regret this Sebastian! I swear it!" 

Aurora was bandaging her arm, wincing in pain as she did. She wasn't healing as quickly as she usually would, considering she had been wounded by a demoness. The door to the room opened and Sebastian entered, his eyes falling on the wound. "Let me, my lady." He moved to sit beside her and helped tend to her wound. Aurora said nothing as he finished patching her up.

"Aurora, what is wrong?" Sebastian said finally after the silence went on. 

"Nothing's wrong, Sebastian. Honest." The blonde murmured. The butler's movements were like lightning as his hand shot forward to grip her by the chin, "Don't lie to me, Aurora," He warned. Aurora bit her lip, "I- I just feel awful, Sebastian. I didn't want to ruin your marriage..." Sebastian stopped his movements, crimson eyes locking onto her silver blue. 

"Angelica, listen to me." He said, "My marriage was already failing. It would have happened anyways. Now please do not blame yourself." He leaned over to brush his lips against hers before leaving to tend to the young master. 

Aurora sat there, silent for the next few minutes. Was Sebastian right? She knew that he never lied, but she couldn't help but feel that he was attempting to spare her feelings. When she finally joined Sebastian and Ciel, the young earl was calmly sipping from a cup of Earl Grey, while his butler stood nearby. 

Aurora took her place beside Sebastian, briefly glancing at the butler in question before turning her silver blue gaze towards a tile in the floor. The entire week after saving Ciel's soul from Claude was spent tutoring him and helping him remember. 

The nights were spent with Sebastian and Aurora silently accompanying the young boy to his bed, staying there until the first light of dawn before wordlessly returning to their respective rooms. However the most recent night had Aurora gazing at the butler and young boy. Sebastian was dozing, not quite asleep but not quite awake either. 

Aurora watched as Ciel shivered, she went to drape an arm around him but a clad black arm beat her to it, wrapping around the child and pulling him close. Aurora smiled, and closed her eyes. It wasn't long before the same arm reached over and pulled her close, sandwiching the young earl between them.

By the time morning came, the three were sound asleep in the bed, Ciel curled in between the angel and demon, while said angel and demon were intertwined in an embrace. When Ciel's eyes opened, he felt a little inferior, this was weakness. 

Showing this kind of affection. He wouldn't dare admit he enjoyed it, but he seemed to have no choice, feeling the comfort of a parent soothed the hatred in his heart. He sighed and curled into the embrace of the maid and butler. He was quite surprised to realize that Sebastian was indeed asleep, hearing the demon's soft snores that sounded a bit like growls. 

Aurora was wrapped around the little lord, her head resting against Sebastian's. Both of them were fast asleep. And Ciel felt like a child again. He closed his eyes, remembering the nights where he would crawl into bed alongside his mother and father, his mother would hold him close and sing to him as he fell asleep, his father would hold them both, a smile on his face as he watched his family. 

Ciel opened his eyes again, he had fallen asleep. Sebastian and Aurora were still beside him, in fact it seemed Sebastian was in the middle, Aurora partially on his chest and Ciel held in the demon's other arm. Ciel watched their breathing. 

Both were rather deep in sleep, Sebastian for once looked to be at peace, and Aurora was more at peace than he had ever seen her. There was a content look on the angel's face as she lay atop the butler, her arms draped over him. Ciel glanced outside, they had slept in. 

And since it was just the three of them in the manor, no one had come to check on them. Ciel closed his eyes again, ready to go back to sleep, but not before curling closer to his butler and maid. 

When Sebastian stirred, he silently cursed. 

They'd slept far too late. 

He was about to sit up when he noticed Aurora laying on his chest and Ciel curled into his side and holding his arm. A confused look spread across the demon's face. How had this happened? How had they slept for so long? He started to move when he suddenly felt a hand on his chest. Aurora's hand pushed him back down.

"Don't." She whispered, nodding to Ciel. "He's been having nightmares, he needs us." 

Sebastian relaxed under her touch, wrapping one arm around her while he kept the other around Ciel. Aurora leaned over him to brush a stray lock of navy blue hair from Ciel's eyes. The boy was clinging to his butler's arm, curled into his side like a pup would to it's mother. Sebastian grimaced, "I am not father material Aurora. Don't get any ideas." 

Aurora blinked, having been swooning over the adorable sight. She rested her head on Sebastian's shoulder, "Are you sure? You are quite fatherly towards Ciel. You always have been."

Sebastian shook his head, "It would be unwise to grow attached to him," he said, "After all, he is going to be supper one day." 

Aurora flinched. She had forgotten about that part. She supposed he was right, Ciel's life would be short. And a blink of an eye to them. They would have all eternity, Ciel only had a few short years. Lucky if he made it past twenty. Aurora secretly hoped things could stay this way forever.

She would give anything. Sebastian, almost seeing the thought forming in her mind, suddenly kissed her and pulled her close, hoping to distract her train of thought. Their moment lasted not too long as Ciel whimpered in his sleep. 

Aurora's attention was instantly on the boy. "Ciel?" She whispered, "Ciel its okay. We're right here." The young earl began thrashing, crying in his sleep. Aurora climbed over Sebastian, laying down on Ciel's other side. She hushed him, pulling him to her chest. "Shhh." She murmured, "I'm here. I'm right here." 

Aurora would be the perfect mother. Sebastian had always thought so. He supposed had he mated to her first, he would have seen that motherly side of her. He couldn't lie, seeing her coddling his master was rather cute. Aurora was shushing the boy now, humming a soft lullaby.

Sebastian tugged them both to his side, offering his young master the comfort he sought. Ciel woke suddenly, still slightly disoriented. "Ciel?" Sebastian and Aurora sat up, both looking slightly concerned for the child. Ciel's vision was blurred by sleep and tears. "Mother? Father?"

He could have sworn he saw his parents, Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive instead of Sebastian Michaelis and Aurora Magne. Aurora shushed him and pulled him to her chest. "Hush Ciel, it's alright. You were just having a nightmare." 

Ciel held tightly onto the white maid, trembling. "I- it hurts...." He whispered. Sebastian sat up, looking him over instantly. "What hurts my lord?" Ciel wrapped his arms around himself and tucked his knees to his chest. "My head... It hurts. I keep having these dreams..." Sebastian soothed him instantly, "That is all they are, my lord. Just dreams." 

Ciel shook his head. "But they feel so real..." Aurora put a hand to the boy's face. "Ciel. They are just dreams. You don't need to worry." Reassured by the angel's words, Ciel nodded and curled back up. "Can I just spend the day resting?" He asked. Before Sebastian could argue, Aurora nodded, "Absolutely Ciel. You rest." 

She kissed him on the forehead and instantly his eyes fluttered shut and he fell back onto the pillows, sleeping soundly. Sebastian frowned, "May I ask what you did to my lord?" Aurora smiled, "A simple spell of sorts. An angel's kiss can grant someone what they need the most. He needed sleep." Sebastian nodded slowly. "I see." He stood then, smoothed out his butler's uniform and gave the angel a charming smirk and held out his hand. "Now my lady, would you like to spend the day together?"

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