White Maid One Shot #23 (Phantom & Ghost Special)

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Summary; Ciel takes the Phantomhive Staff with him on a trip to Brighton where he is sent on a case to deal with the matter of ghosts at an estate.

Set; just after Murder Arc

A/N; I wanted Aurora to have her memory for this, so for that reasoning is why the timing was moved as opposed to original.

Phantom & Ghost

In the days following the murders at the Phantomhive Manor, Aurora needed a break. Sebastian could clearly see that. Anytime his angel was away from his side had become a problem. He found his nights to be long, he would hear what had become the all too familiar heartbroken scream followed by cries. He would then stop whatever task he was doing and make his way to the angel's bedroom where he would find her sobbing into her pillows, clinging to one tightly and shaking. He frowned at this every night. Every night, he would hear her heartbroken screams, her cries, feel her angelic soul brimming with despair, and have to watch her cry out for him in her sleep. His own demonic soul would churn, making him nauseous at the sight. He couldn't bare watching her in pain. Her cries now made him shake her awake. "Angelica. Angelica! Wake up! You're dreaming, mon cherie!" His angel thrashed, not waking. Tears ran down her face, and there were frantic, pained whispers escaping her lips. "Malphas... Malphas, no..." She began thrashing wildly then, her voice getting louder until she was screaming. "No... Mon amour... non... non ne... ne me quitte pas... Tu ne peux pas... mon démon ne le fais pas... non ! Non! Non! Malphas!" (T: My love... no... no do not... do not leave me... You can't... my demon do not.... no! No! No! Malphas!)  She woke with a loud scream, and Sebastian was by her side in an instant, his hand on hers. "Angelica! It's alright! I'm here! See?!" The angel was breathing heavily, her hands gripping his forearms and her silver blue eyes wide and frantic. Sebastian shushed her, reaching up to caress her face. "I'm here. Darling, it's okay. I'm not going to leave you." Aurora hiccupped a sob, her nails digging into his arms. "Malphas! I- I- I was so frightened!" Sebastian immediately pulled her to his chest, and climbed onto the bed with her. "Hush mon ange," he murmured, "It is alright. I am here. You need not fear, I will be here when you wake." Aurora whimpered and buried herself further into his arms, letting sleep take her. 

This had been the routine the past few nights, and the other servants were beginning to complain.

"It's hard ta sleep with Aurora screamin' all night long! And not in a good way..." Bardroy muttered, Mey-Rin shot him a look, "I'll have to agree, yes I will! I haven't slept much at all!" Finny joined them outside, yawning as he joined them. "You two didn't get much sleep either?" He murmured. The two shook their heads. Bard sighed, "Since that whole mess with the murders and Sebastian nearly dyin' Aurora's been having those damn nightmares." They heard footsteps and Sebastian emerged onto the terrace followed by Aurora who dashed forward and was sick over the edge. Sebastian frowned, "Are you feeling alright?" Aurora nodded wearily. "I just... I just haven't felt all that well." Sebastian nodded, "Perhaps you should rest?" Aurora shook her head. "No... No, I'm fine." Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "Aurora, you haven't been sleeping well. Why don't you-" He was cut off as he glanced back inside. Aurora looked over, "Hmm?" Sebastian sighed, "Forgive me, the young master is calling." He walked over and kissed her cheek, "Please do rest a bit. I would rather you remain healthy." Aurora smirked, "Are you certain you're not just worried about me?" Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "Worried?" He repeated, "Don't be ridiculous Aurora, you know I am incapable of such emotion." Aurora pouted, "Does that mean you don't care if I do this?" She climbed up onto the edge of the terrace and made to jump off it into the fountain below- more than expecting the demon to rush to her rescue, only to have herself fall into the fountain with a loud splash. Sebastian chuckled, humour glittering in his crimson irises as he walked over to help her out of the mess she found herself in. "Perhaps you should take into consideration mon cherie, that I am not prince charming and am not here to sweep you off your feet." Aurora pouted, "But-" Sebastian leaned down, bowing at the waist with one hand behind his back and the other extended to the blonde in the fountain, a part of his butler persona. "And also keep in mind that I am aware you can fly and would not need me to rescue you if you were falling." Aurora glared and stuck her tongue out at him, "You're no fun anymore, Sebastian." Sebastian chuckled, helping her out of the fountain and taking off his tailcoat to drape over her shoulders. "I am plenty fun, my dear. Now please, go change into some dry clothes before you catch a chill." Aurora shivered and he smiled pulling an arm around her, leading her inside.

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