White Maid, Troubled Butler, Cheating Demoness

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Sebastian and Aurora had returned with a tired Ciel to Phantomhive Manor. The manor was still quiet, the other servants being in the hospital recovering from the fire in London some time before.

Ciel was sound asleep in Sebastian's arms, his face nestled against the demon's shoulder, and soft snores escaping him. Aurora followed just behind them, right arm in a makeshift sling- that was in fact Sebastian's tie, and her wings unfurled, dragging along behind her like a cloak. She watched from the doorway as Sebastian laid the boy down, tucking him in before pausing to watch for a moment. 

Then, he joined the blonde at the door, putting an arm around her and guiding her into the parlor where an array of medical supplies had been set. "Sit." he said, beckoning her with a hand towards an ottoman. Aurora obeyed, sitting while he took a seat in the chair behind her, his fingers gently taking to hand one of her wounded wings before slowly dabbing at them with an iodine-like substance. 

Aurora grit her teeth, whining a bit in pain. Sebastian shushed her, "It is alright, my angel." Aurora nodded, biting her inner cheek as he cleaned her wounds. He wrapped her wings with a bandage, before pausing, "Would you like help sheathing them?" 

Aurora shook her head, "I think I'll keep them out for now... Thank you." Sebastian kissed her cheek. "Of course." 

He left then, returning to the boy's side for the remainder of the night. Aurora had changed into a night gown, and was in the doorway, watching him. Her fingers gripped the edge of the door, finger pressed against the dark stained wood. Sebastian was stiff as a board, not once moving. 

He doesn't even breath...

She stepped slowly into the room, bare feet against the plush blue carpet. "Hey..." She murmured, "Come on, you can't stay here all night. Come to bed with me." 

Sebastian didn't respond, and she looked at the child in bed.  

Ciel was deep in sleep, and would be resting for days, replacing a soul into a body was no easy task. 

There was always risks that something could go wrong. 

She supposed that was why her lover was so fixated on watching over him. 

She hugged the demon tightly, pressing her body against his, and watching over the sleeping boy in bed.

That was only the first night.

The second, after subtle prompting from Aurora, Sebastian complied to rest. They returned to the butler's room, playing card games and petting Sebastian's tiny black feline, Noire. It was late when Aurora gave a small, squeaky yawn- making the demon smile. "Is my angel tired?" He teased. Aurora sighed, "I believe so..." She went to move, but Sebastian's hand shot out to gently stop her. 

"Sleep here." He insisted, "So I might watch over you."

Aurora shifted uncomfortably. "I can manage on my own." 

Sebastian insisted once more, "Stay here. I can protect you. What happens if Claude or Lilli come? I cannot let them harm you. I could never forgive myself." Noticing her discomfort, he stood. "If it soothes you, I can lay on the floor? Or stand in a corner? Just outside the room if you wish?" 

Aurora sighed, "I do not- Malphas...." She caught his hand, "No. It is fine. Share the bed with me. Please." She smiled sweetly, and offered her hand to him. 

Sebastian smiled, shaking his head, and catching her hand in his, letting her pull him into the bed beside her. They laid facing one another, grinning. Aurora reached out to push a strand of dark hair behind his ear. "Promise me you will at least try to sleep?"

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