His Butler & Maid, Attiring & Sparring

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Aurora gasped, "Blood?! Where?!" She began inspecting the boy alongside her mate despite Ciel's protests. "Hey! Wait!" Aurora grabbed his arm, "Here!" The carriage went quiet as all eyes fell on the needle mark in Ciel's arm. Sebastian growled, "Clearly I've misjudged my ability to sense harm befalling you. Forgive me." He wrapped his trench coat around the boy and took off running, his mate quickly grabbing them both and unsheathing her wings to fly them away.

The angel landed at the residence of Sieglinde Sullivan and the three of them hurried to the door. Aurora sheathed her wings as Sebastian quickly rapped his knuckles on the door. Herr Wolfram answered, with the intention to scold whoever was coming at the late hour, only to find the three standing outside. Ciel was now tucked protectively in Aurora's arms, while Sebastian had his arm around his mate. 

Sieglinde set Ciel onto a chair and had him remove his clothing while Sebastian and Aurora waited just outside of the room. Aurora looked over at her mate, fidgeting a bit. Sebastian hummed, not looking up at her from where he was intently watching Ciel. "Is something the matter, my darling?" Aurora shook her head. "No- I'm fine." Sebastian glanced over, "Then why do you fidget so my dear? Does something trouble you?" Aurora hummed, "Well, I wouldn't say I'm troubled..." Sebastian was about to ask her another question when Ciel came out with Sieglinde. "He's only had blood drawn." Sieglinde explained, "He hasn't been poisoned." Wolfram cut in, "Wood... Gear...." Sebastian sighed, "I cannot understand at all what your saying. Just say it in German." Wolfram nodded an cleared his throat, "He might be anemic because of a blood transfusion," he explained in German. "When I was in the German army they were attempting to perfect the craft of blood transfusion. The success rate was extremely low." Aurora put a hand to her mouth, "So the people are inadvertently paying for a membership of sorts with their blood?" Ciel looked concerned and Sebastian frowned, "Lady Elizabeth and the others under Blavat's spell won't listen to reason." All eyes were on Ciel. "In order to wake them I'll need decisive proof of the crimes." He stood suddenly and started towards the door. "Sebastian, Aurora, come. Let us expose this foul scheme." The couple shared a look before following. 

"Yes, my lord."

They returned to the town home later and Sebastian suggested Aurora head to bed. Aurora frowned, "Why? Why can I not stay with you and Ciel?" Sebastian smiled and pulled her close, "You've had a day. I think you should head to bed. I'll be there shortly my darling." He kissed her before starting into the drawing room. Aurora sighed and obeyed, making her way to her and Sebastian's room. "Lady Aurora?" Aurora turned to see Agni walking over with a smile. She grinned, "Agni! it's been a while, has it not?" She walked over to hug the man and conversed with him. "How are things?" She asked, Agni laughed, "Quite good. How are you and Sebastian?" Aurora smiled happily, "Oh we're doing good." Agni chuckled, "Will we be seeing any little ones soon? I know my prince is quite anxious to be around when you and Sebastian have children." Aurora hummed, "We've given it some thought. But if it happens it happens." They shared a laugh and not long after Sebastian walked down the hall, joining them. He pulled his arm around his wife and kissed her cheek affectionately. "Darling." He glanced up with a small smile, "Agni has been keeping you company?" Aurora nodded, "I hadn't seen him in some time." Sebastian nodded, "Ah yes." Agni bowed his head in a small nod, "Sebastian. I was just asking your wife if we could expect to be seeing little ones or hear the patter of little feet soon." Sebastian looked surprised, "Oh?" He glanced at his wife who smiled and leaned into him, "Aurora, darling, are you-" Aurora shook her head, "No. We were just discussing it. If it happens it happens, right?" Sebastian nodded, "Right." They bid Agni goodnight before retiring to their room. Aurora sighed and laid back on the bed, "So what does tomorrow bring?" She asked. Sebastian smiled, "Finding a way to infiltrate Sphere Music Hall." Aurora hummed, "Would you like me to go in? I can slip in and out easily." Sebastian shook his head, "No. I won't allow you to endanger yourself like that." Aurora nodded and slipped out of the bed to change into her night dress only to have Sebastian stop her, "Not yet, darling." He gently guided her to the en suite bathroom where he had set up a bath. "Oh Malphas..." Aurora murmured, "You didn't have to..." Sebastian smiled, "Oh yes I did, what kind of mate would I be if I couldn't make my angel happy?" 

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