Redeemed Angel, Jealous Demon- Concerned Maid, His Butler, Presenting

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By morning, Sebastian hadn't come to see her once. She let it slide for the majority of the day, focusing on her own tasks.

By the late evening, Sebastian still hadn't so much as looked at her. And so as Aurora was finishing her rounds on the manor, checking Ciel as she passed by his room- then making her way down the hall to her own room, she stopped at the butler's office door, giving a gentle little knock before pushing it open. 

"Did I say you could enter?" Sebastian deadpanned, still focused on his work. Aurora frowned, then smiled, "It's just me, love... I didn't think I had need to." She came over to sit across from him. "Are you coming to bed? You've been working all day."

Sebastian hummed, "Not tonight, Angelica. I've too much work to do. Go to bed."

She frowned at his answer. It wasn't more that she was upset he wasn't focused on her, it was the fact he was treating her like one of the other servants. "Have I done something to anger you?" She asked, "You're never like this." 

Sebastian hummed, "Go to bed, Aurora. It's late. You need to be rested for tomorrow."

She frowned, but stood. "Fine." She came over behind the desk, resting a hand on his shoulder, "Go to bed soon. Please? I know you don't tire, but I'd still appreciate it if you took a break."

Sebastian grunted in response. Her face fell, and she went to kiss him on the cheek, only to have him wave her away, "Go to bed." 

Aurora sighed, leaving the room, jumping nearly a foot as it slammed shut behind her. Another door opened and Mey-Rin poked her head out of her room. "Wha-?" Aurora looked over, "I'm sorry, Mey-Rin, did I wake you?"

Mey-Rin rubbed her sleepy eyes, "Miss Aurora? What're you doing up at this late hour?" She sighed, looking at Sebastian's office door. "Nothing, I suppose." She walked down the hall, past Mey-Rin with a small smile, "I'll see you in the morning, Mey. Goodnight."

She shut her bedroom door behind her, alone in the darkness of the bedroom. She racked her brain for a reason he might be mad for the next several hours until dawn, then carried on her chores, still thinking. 

As she washed the dishes, someone spoke, startling her. "How long are you going to wash those dishes?"

Aurora jumped, looking over her shoulder at Sebastian. The demon glaring down at her. She sighed in relief, "You gave me a fright..." Sebastian scoffed, going to leave when she grabbed his arm. "Wait..." She pulled him back, "Why are you angry with me? I don't know what I've done." She put a hand to his face, "Please, talk to me." 

Sebastian was quiet for a moment before he handed her a list of chores. 

"Please ensure everything on the list is completed by afternoon tea, we have a guest coming later." 

He said nothing more to her,  just went about his butler duties for the day. Aurora stared after him, then went to review her list. Almost everything required her to leave the manor and go into town. She was about to get one of the horses to go, when she heard Finnian's loud and obnoxious sobs coming from the general direction of the green house.

"Finny?" She called, opening the door, only to be met by sweltering heat, "what on earth?! Why is it boiling  in here?" Finny was sobbing, before him was an oven. 

"Ms. Aurora! The roses were almost ready to bloom and I thought I could speed it up a bit!" 

Aurora sighed and folded her arms across her chest, elbow propped up as she rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Oh Finnian..."  She fixed her gloves and then began to help the younger boy clear out the green house. 

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