His Butler & Maid, Voyage & A Blast From The Past

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Aurora frowned, "You can't be serious." Sebastian was busy packing his things, "Aurora- someone needs to stay and watch the cats." Aurora sighed, "And Finnian is more than capable! You saw how he was with Noir! She loves him!" Sebastian shook his head, "I refuse to let you come with. It deals with death and you do not have a good track record when it comes to dealing with death." Aurora suddenly pushed him down onto the bed, laying on his chest as she scolded him gently, "Hey! I'll have you know that you owe me for faking your death! And Ciel already asked me to go with! So you can't exactly do anything against it!" Sebastian chuckled, "My angel, did you forget the night we had together after the funeral?" Aurora blushed, "Of course not, how could I?" Sebastian hummed, running a hand along her arm, "Perhaps I'll make arrangements to have us in a room while we set Snake in another..." Aurora giggled, "Oh Mr. Michaelis! How improper! Doesn't sleeping with your colleague go against that butler aesthetic you speak of so?" Sebastian growled possessively, pulling her close, "I can make an exception." 

They were boarding the ship now, Aurora was on Sebastian's arm, staring up at the Campania. It was quite a sight. She quickly moved away to give Finny and Mey-Rin an extra crash course on feeding the cats, before Sebastian pulled her back, thrusting a bag into her hand roughly, but with a smirk. "Come along Aurora, we're boarding now." She shot the butler a glare, feeling his hand slip down her lower back, "Sebastian, we're in public!" The butler chuckled and wrapped his arm around hers.  "Relax," he teased, "We're meant to be on holiday." Aurora sighed and looked out over the water, she would later admit that she knew something was off about this ship the second she got on it, an uncomfortable feeling pitting itself in her stomach as she had first set foot on the ship. And the feeling of horror and talons raking through her body in bolts of fear as the ship drifted further and further into the Atlantic ocean. 

"Ciel?" Ciel Phantomhive turned to notice Elizabeth and her family standing nearby. He barely had time to register her appearance before she suddenly launched herself into his arms. "You came!" Ciel smiled, "I had hoped to surprise you." He said, linking his arm with that of his fiancé. Lizzie squealed, "You said you couldn't come with us! Oh I'm so happy!" Elizabeth's mother snapped, "Elizabeth! Stop behaving so indecently in public at once!" Aurora stood by Sebastian's side and watched with wide eyes, the tension between Ciel and Elizabeth's brother was clear as Edward Midford snapped at Ciel, refusing to acknowledge him as his future brother in law. Aurora leaned over to Sebastian, "Should we be concerned about them?" Sebastian chuckled, "I don't believe so, the Marquess Midford is quite-" He didn't finish his sentence as Alexis Midford tackled Ciel in a hug, cooing over how much he missed him. Aurora put a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. When the group of them began to leave, Ciel looked over at his three servants, "Why don't you three-" His aunt cut him off, "You three go fix yourselves up and meet us in the first class lounge! Now! Chop, chop!" 

Aurora let Sebastian pull her away to where their rooms were. Snake made to enter what was supposed to his and Sebastian's room, but the butler stopped him at the doorway, "Snake," he said with a smile, "Neither Aurora and I favor snakes, so we've decided to let you have the other room to yourself." Snake looked a little surprised, "That won't be a problem, will it?" Sebastian asked. Snake shook his head, "No. Says Wordsworth." Snake disappeared into the other room, while Sebastian pulled Aurora into what was now their room. They examined the room and  started to unpack. Aurora gaped at the room, it was beautiful, much nicer than her own room or Sebastian's room back at the manor. Sebastian chuckled, "The young lord has given us our own suite, he wanted us nearby in case he had need of something." Aurora giggled sitting on the bed, "Remind me to thank Ciel for this- it's beautiful!" Sebastian laughed, replacing their clothes in the closet, "I'll be sure to inform him the room is to your liking." Aurora relaxed on the bed and then rolled over to look at her demon butler, "You know, it's almost like we're nobility..." Sebastian paused his work and smirked, turning to face the angel and walk over slowly, hands behind his back and a charming smirk on his face. "Truly?" Aurora nodded, smiling as he walked over, "I think so, we're in a first class room, alone..." Sebastian saw the suggestive look in her eyes and bit back a growl. He leaned close to her and smiled, "We'll have all the time in the world tonight, and that of tomorrow night before the meeting." Aurora hummed thoughtfully, "I look forward to it."

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